Jared and Amadeo's Complaints

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Jared and Amadeo's Complaints

Post by Eugene Blackgaard »

Once again, I find disappointment. Once again, I find no satisfaction. Once again, I find that The ToO's underlings have shared the rostrum with petulant, larcenous ignoramuses at recent symposia. Let me get to the crux of the matter: If I want to develop a subconscious death wish, that should be my prerogative. I don't need The ToO forcing me to. The ToO will direct social activity toward philanthropic flimflam rather than toward the elimination of the basic deficiencies in the organization of our economic and cultural life because it possesses a hatred that defies all logic and understanding, that cannot be quantified or reasoned away, and that savagely possesses disorderly self-proclaimed arbiters of taste and standards with baleful and uncontrollable rage. My love for people necessitates that I challenge The ToO's foul, irrational assumptions about merit. Yes, I face opposition from The ToO. However, this is not a reason to quit but to strive harder.

Next time, The ToO may want to check it's facts correctly. I can't help but wonder: Why does everyone hate The ToO? Is it because of its business practices, exclusivity, disloyalty, disrespect, or because The ToO keeps trying to encourage individuals to disregard other people, to become fully self-absorbed? You know the answer, don't you? You probably also know that while we do nothing, those who cause people to betray one another and hate one another are gloating and smirking. And they will keep on gloating and smirking until we shatter the adage that revisionism is a be-all, end-all system that should be forcefully imposed upon us. Anyway, I hope I've made my point, which is that to forestall The ToO's subversive publications, it would be immensely helpful to have more people understand that when one succeeds in eking out a kernel of content from The ToO's linguistic games and complex exegeses, it usually turns out to be either banal or blatantly false.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I am writing this post purely in the spirit of uplifting and sharing, as corny and dated as those sentiments may sound in the fast-moving and ever-evolving modern techno-plastic times in which we live. Primarily, I want to share with you my view that stereotyping and victim-blaming is not more respectable when it is performed by a member of the group being demeaned. Let's get down to brass tacks: If you've never seen Trent DeWhite develop mind-control technology, you're either incredibly unobservant or are concealing the truth from yourself. If you've read any of the impetuous slop that he has concocted, you'll indeed recall his description of his plan to excoriate attempts to bring questions of lexiphanicism into the (essentially apolitical) realm of pedagogy in language and writing. If you haven't read any of it, well, all you really need to know is that if Trent DeWhite truly believes that the sky is falling, then maybe he should enroll in Introduction to Reality 101. He never stops boasting about his generous contributions to charitable causes. As far as I can tell, however, Trent DeWhite's claimed magnanimousness is totally chimerical and, furthermore, he is doing everything in his power to make me lose my temper. The only reason I haven't yet is that I believe in the four P's: patience, prayer, positive thinking, and perseverance. Perhaps it sounds like stating the obvious to say that now that I've been exposed to Trent DeWhite's assertions, I must admit that I don't completely understand them. Perhaps I need to get out more. Or perhaps Trent DeWhite's philosophies are based on hate. Hate, antinomianism, and an intolerance of another viewpoint, another way of life. I'm willing to accept that by opting for the easy, short-term, feel-good path, Trent DeWhite will discourage us from expressing our precepts in whatever way we darn well please sometime soon. I'm even willing to accept that there is something patently materialistic in the notion that the best way to make a point is with foaming-at-the-mouth rhetoric and letters filled primarily with exclamation points. But far too many people tolerate his activities as long as they're presented in small, seemingly harmless doses. What these people fail to realize, however, is that if the human race is to survive on this planet, we will have to encourage open, civic engagement.

Trent DeWhite's hatchet jobs should be labeled like a pack of cigarettes. I'm thinking of something along the lines of, "Warning: It has been determined that Trent DeWhite's vaporings are intended to use both overt and covert deceptions to etiolate Trent DeWhite's enemies." Be honest; can you in any way believe Trent DeWhite's claim that laws are meant to be broken? I cannot, mainly because I indisputably hope you're not being misled by the "new Trent DeWhite". Only his methods and tactics have changed. Trent DeWhite's goal is still the same: to infiltrate the media with the express purpose of disseminating macabre information. That's why I'm telling you that Trent DeWhite's dissertations were never about tolerance and equality. That was just window dressing for the "innocents". Rather, even primitive sluggards are ashamed of being associated with Trent DeWhite's contemptuous reasoning and apolaustic agendas. Trent DeWhite may mean well but purists may object to my failure to present specific examples of his lawless diatribes. Fortunately, I do have an explanation for this omission. The explanation demands an understanding of how Trent DeWhite either is or elects to be ignorant of scientific principles and methods. He even intentionally misuses scientific terminology to batten on the credulity of the ignorant.

On rare occasions, in order to preserve their liberties, sometimes people must suppress all news that portrays Trent DeWhite in a bad light. Trent DeWhite does that even when his liberties aren't being threatened. To state it in a more sophisticated manner, I am not fooled by his inarticulate and eristic rhetoric. I therefore gladly accept the responsibility of notifying others that Trent DeWhite's mottos will have consequences -- very serious consequences. And we ought to begin doing something about that. What I had wanted for this letter was to write an analysis of Trent DeWhite's lamentations. Not an exhortation or a shrill denunciation, but an analysis. I hope I have succeeded at that.
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Post by Trent DeWhite »

I think my brain just imploded. :(
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Post by Eugene Blackgaard »

I've seen a number of addlepated and vainglorious things over the years, but Shadowpaw's sentiments really take the cake. There are a number of reasons Shadowpaw isn't telling us as to why he wants to subvert time-tested societal norms. In this post, I will expose those reasons one-by-one, on the principle that he is thoroughly mistaken if he believes that women are spare parts in the social repertoire -- mere optional extras. I don't know which are worse, right-wing tyrants or left-wing tyrants. But I do know that this is not the first time I've wanted to reinforce what is best in people. But it is the first time I realized that you may be wondering why incomprehensible lotharios latch onto his dissertations. It's because people of that nature need to have rhetoric and dogma to recite during times of stress in order to cope.

That's also why it's really a tragedy that Shadowpaw's goal in life is apparently to erode constitutional principles that have shaped our society and remain at the core of our freedom and liberty. Here, I use the word "tragedy" as the philosopher Whitehead used it. Whitehead stated that "the essence of dramatic tragedy is not unhappiness. It resides in the solemnity of the remorseless working of things," which I interpret as saying that when a mistake is made, the smart thing to do is to admit it and reverse course. That takes real courage. The way that Shadowpaw stubbornly refuses to own up to his mistakes serves only to convince me that he wants to be the one who determines what information we have access to. Yet Shadowpaw is also a big proponent of a particularly psychotic form of antidisestablishmentarianism.

Do you see something wrong with that picture? What I see is that he occasionally shows what appears to be warmth, joy, love, or compassion. You should realize, however, that these positive expressions are more feigned than experienced and invariably serve an ulterior motive, such as to thrust all of us into scenarios rife with personal animosities and petty resentments. When I was younger, I wanted to initiate meaningful change. I still want to do that, but now I realize that every time he utters or writes a statement that supports anti-intellectualism -- even indirectly -- it sends a message that he acts in the public interest. I sincerely feel we mustn't let him make such statements, partly because Comstockism is a crime, an outrage, and a delusion, but primarily because the reason he wants to remake the world to suit his own invidious needs is that he's utterly postmodernist. If you believe you have another explanation for his contemptible behavior, then please write and tell me about it. Shadowpaw's stratagems represent a backward step of hundreds of years, a backward step into a chasm with no bottom save the endless darkness of death. The implications of peevish Bonapartism may seem theoretical, but they have concrete meaning for thousands of people.

If Shadowpaw gets his way, none of us will be able to build a sane and healthy society free of his destructive influences while remaining true to those beliefs, ideals, and aspirations we hold most dear. Therefore, we must not let Shadowpaw trample into the mud all that is fine and noble and beautiful. Just wait until someone gets hurt as a result of his activities. Then, more people will agree that I want to see all of us working together to follow knowledge like a sinking star beyond the utmost bound of human thought.

Yes, this is an idealistic approach to actualizing our restorative goals. Nevertheless, you should realize that Shadowpaw's lynch mob appears to be growing in number. I pray that this is analogous to the flare-up of a candle just before extinction yet I keep reminding myself that Shadowpaw says that university professors must conform their theses and conclusions to his piteous prejudices if they want to publish papers and advance their careers. You know, I don't think I have heard a less factually based statement in my entire life.

No matter what else we do, our first move must be to educate everyone about how Shadowpaw cannot be reformed. That's the first step: education. Education alone is not enough, of course. We must also protect the interests of the general public against the greed and unreason of stubborn, feral unsympathetic-types. Maybe it's not fair to call his confreres "chauvinistic" just because they shrink the so-called marketplace of ideas down to convenience-store size, but remember that our national media is controlled by capricious bureaucrats. That's why you probably haven't heard that Shadowpaw's loyalists are merely ciphers. Shadowpaw is the one who decides whether or not to cheat on taxes. Shadowpaw is the one who gives out the orders to criticize other people's beliefs, fashion sense, and lifestyle. And Shadowpaw is the one trying to conceal how if I didn't sincerely believe that cannibalism is an inherently oppressive ideology, then I wouldn't be writing this letter. Even with the increasing number of birdbrained voluptuaries, Shadowpaw's understrappers contend that "two wrongs make a right." First off, that's a lousy sentence. If they had written that Shadowpaw can push me only so far and no farther, then that quote would have had more validity. As it stands, if Shadowpaw feels ridiculed by all the attention my letters are bringing him, then that's just too darn bad. His arrogance has brought this upon himself. Summa summarum, Shadowpaw is attracted to oligarchism like a moth to a candle.
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Post by Clodius Albinus »

"Etiolate"? "Lexiphanicism"? Let's speak English, people. And what's with these long posts? I don't know about you, but for me, if it's longer than a paragraph or two, forget it. You're lucky if I skim through the rest. Where I come from, we have a word for this affected language you employ: highfalutin. Or supererogatory opuscule interpolation. Take your pick, you lexiphanic specimen.

UPDATE: Oh, and reading "The Tragedy of the Commons," are we? For that is where I believe I first encountered the use of word tragedy as formulated by Whitehead.
Last edited by Clodius Albinus on Sun May 14, 2006 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by EK »

Zedekiah wrote:"Etiolate"? "Lexiphanicism"? Let's speak English, people. And what's with these long posts? I don't know about you, but for me, if it's longer than a paragraph or two, forget it. You're lucky if I skim through the rest. Where I come from, we have a word for this affected language you employ: highfalutin. Or supererogatory opuscule interpolation. Take your pick, you lexiphanic specimen.

UPDATE: Oh, and reading "The Tragedy of the Commons," are we? For that is where I believe I first encountered the use of word tragedy as formulated by Whitehead.
...So "Zedekiah" you never even read half of your posts at the TH? ;)
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Post by Jennifer Doyle »

Amadeo's a woman.
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Post by Aram »

And foreign too apparently...;)
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Post by Eugene Blackgaard »

May I be cynical for a bit? I hope you don't mind, but with Pepper Doyle's latest barrage of disrespectful ravings, I can't resist the urge to make a few cynical comments. First and foremost, we've tolerated Pepper Doyle's backwards, brutish Ponzi schemes long enough. It's time to lose our patience and chill our kindness. It's time to go placidly amid the noise and haste. It's time to shout to the world that if one could get a Ph.D. in Cannibalism, she would be the first in line to have one.

Pepper Doyle keeps telling everyone within earshot that anyone who disagrees with her is ultimately pugnacious. I'm guessing that Pepper Doyle read that on some web site of dubious validity. More reliable sources generally indicate that she wants to present a false image to the world by hiding unpleasant but vitally important realities about her long-term goals. Faugh.

Her beliefs are controverted, however, by the weight of the evidence indicating that Pepper Doyle is right about one thing, namely that fear is what motivates us. Fear of what it means when brainless, insidious moral weaklings rewrite and reword much of humanity's formative works to favor revanchism. Fear of what it says about our society when we teach our children that the ideas of "freedom" and "imperialism" are Siamese twins. And fear of materialistic knuckle-draggers like Pepper Doyle who defend totalitarianism, Maoism, and notions of racial superiority. Those who believe that she has the mandate of Heaven to harm others, or even instill the fear of harm, are either naive or deliberately misled.

But it goes further than that; I have absolutely no idea why she makes such a big fuss over feudalism. There are far more pressing issues that present themselves and that should be discussed, debated, and solved -- issues such as war, famine, poverty, and homelessness. There is also the lesser issue that jealous libertines serve as the priests in Pepper Doyle's cult of unbridled autism. These "priests" spend their days basking in Pepper Doyle's reflected glory, pausing only when Pepper Doyle instructs them to use our weaknesses to her advantage. What could be more inconsiderate? She doesn't want you to know the answer to that question; she wants to ensure you don't bring her to justice. In order to understand the motivation behind Pepper Doyle's bons mots, it is important first to snap Pepper Doyle's loyalists out of their trance.

This is no laughing matter, don't you think? Pepper Doyle subordinates rationality in decision making. There's really no other conclusion you can reach. Even by Pepper Doyle's own account, if we look beyond her delusions of grandeur, we see that if Pepper Doyle is victorious in her quest to fill our children's minds with unsympathetic and debasing superstitions, then her crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity. It is easy for the public at large to dismiss the most treacherous casuists you'll ever see as bestial malcontents. All in all, I realize that this post has seemed incredibly bleak. However, expecting the worst from Pepper Doyle means we will never be disappointed. If we're wrong and she does not try to open the floodgates of irreligionism, we'll be relieved. If we're right and she does, we'll be prepared
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Post by Aram »

livin4messiah wrote:And foreign too apparently...;)
edit- oo there's a potty word... :anxious:
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Eugene Kendall wrote:
Zedekiah wrote:"Etiolate"? "Lexiphanicism"? Let's speak English, people. And what's with these long posts? I don't know about you, but for me, if it's longer than a paragraph or two, forget it. You're lucky if I skim through the rest. Where I come from, we have a word for this affected language you employ: highfalutin. Or supererogatory opuscule interpolation. Take your pick, you lexiphanic specimen.

UPDATE: Oh, and reading "The Tragedy of the Commons," are we? For that is where I believe I first encountered the use of word tragedy as formulated by Whitehead.
...So "Zedekiah" you never even read half of your posts at the TH? ;)
Forget the TH, what about here? ;)

Click on the image, you know you want to! \:D/
"I was placed in jail during the reign of Regis for double posting and spamming. :( I felt very naughty." -Danae Doyle

"This is the ToO...Not Wikipedia."-COT "I had some really good replies to that, but they were too rude, so I deleted them. Nice going, CoT. You made me be nice for once." :( -CA
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Post by Sonuna »

Yay for the automated complaint generator.
"Sonuna" Taranimak ("Sonuna" Sharkquill) has been content lately. She admired own very fine Bed recently. She talked with a parent recently. She talked with a friend recently. She had a good meal recently. She admired a fine tastefully-arranged Desk recently.
She is a citizen of The United States of America. She is a member of The State of Minnesota. She is a member of The Town of Odyssey.
"Sonuna" Taranimak likes Bauxite, Copper, Green jade, the color navy, cloaks, ballistas, cats for their aloofness and hydras for their seven heads. When possible, she prefers to consume Dr Pepper and ramen.
She lives at a relaxed pace. She tends to avoid crowds. She has a fertile imagination. She is completely disorganized. She is very distant and reserved. She tends not to openly express emotions. She needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Post by Rachael Blackgaard »

Pepper Doyle wrote:Amadeo's a woman.
I wonder if CA knows that? :anxious:
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Post by totustuus »

Zedekiah wrote:"Etiolate"? "Lexiphanicism"? Let's speak English, people. And what's with these long posts? I don't know about you, but for me, if it's longer than a paragraph or two, forget it. You're lucky if I skim through the rest. Where I come from, we have a word for this affected language you employ: highfalutin. Or supererogatory opuscule interpolation. Take your pick, you lexiphanic specimen.

UPDATE: Oh, and reading "The Tragedy of the Commons," are we? For that is where I believe I first encountered the use of word tragedy as formulated by Whitehead.
That's exactly how I feel! I very rarely read really long posts
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Rachael wrote:
Pepper Doyle wrote:Amadeo's a woman.
I wonder if CA knows that? :anxious:
The role of Amadeo was once played by a woman, but the character is a male.

Much like Dame Judi Dench playing M in the Bond movies...
Last edited by The Top Crusader on Mon May 15, 2006 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NatetheGreat »

My complaint about Mr. Jared

When I began writing this letter, I had the notion that I would write about something positive and optimistic instead of going on about how stinking Mr. Jared is. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything particularly positive to write about. So, instead, I'll just tell you that Jared is swinging pretty hard on some slender evidence. The following text regards my complaints of recent days against Jared and his subtle but churlish attempts to encumber the religious idea with too many things of a purely earthly nature and thus bring religion into a totally unnecessary conflict with science. The first lies that he told us were relatively benign. Still, they have been progressing. And they will continue to progress until there is no more truth; Jared's lies will grow until they blot out the sun. This is yet to be comprehended by most stubborn primates. Let me try to explain what I mean by that in a single sentence: There is a problem here. A very large, stroppy, duplicitous problem.

It's easy for armchair philosophers to theorize about Jared and about hypothetical solutions to our Jared problem. It's an entirely more difficult matter, however, when one considers that he says that the laws of nature don't apply to him. That is the most despicable lie I have ever heard in my entire life. I guess I can't blame him for wanting to replace discourse and open dialogue with demented activities and blatant ugliness. After all, this is not the first time I've wanted to put to rest the animosities that have kept various groups of people from enjoying anything other than superficial unity. But it is the first time I realized that if we are powerless to supply the missing ingredient that could stop the worldwide slide into fascism, it is because we have allowed Jared to harm others, or even instill the fear of harm. All I'm trying to do here is indicate in a rough and approximate way the heinous tendencies that make him want to defile the air and water in the name of profit. To most people, the list of Jared's bumptious theories reads like a comic strip, but his ramblings are actually taken seriously by his comrades. Another piece of supporting evidence is that this whole discussion has turned into a war of words between a few people, pure and simple.

Continue to appease Jared, and he will clearly cast the world into nuclear holocaust. It saddens me that the key to his soul is his longing for the effortless, irresponsible, automatic consciousness of an animal. Jared dreads the necessity, the risk, and the responsibility of rational cognition. As a result, we can all have daydreams about Happy Fuzzy Purple Bunny Land, where everyone is caring, loving, and nice. Not only will those daydreams not come true, but it seems clear that he possesses an extraordinary ability to make incompetence seem philosophical and stupidity seem profound. But we ought to look at the matter in a broader framework before we draw final conclusions on the subject: We see that it's definitely a tragedy that Jared's goal in life is apparently to force people to act in ways far removed from the natural patterns of human behavior. Here, I use the word "tragedy" as the philosopher Whitehead used it. Whitehead stated that "the essence of dramatic tragedy is not unhappiness. It resides in the solemnity of the remorseless working of things," which I interpret as saying that thanks to Jared, the epidemic of metagrobolism is spreading rapidly. That's self-evident, and even Jared would probably agree with me on that. Even so, his nostrums are based on two fundamental errors. They assume that people prefer "cultural integrity" and "multicultural sensitivity" to health, food, safety, and the opportunity to choose their own course through life. And they promote the mistaken idea that "the norm" shouldn't have to worry about how the exceptions feel. There is not much demand for independent thinkers in Jared's coalition. It is no more complicated than that. Even if dirty flakes join Jared's band with the best of intentions, they will still advocate Jared's announcements amid a hue and cry as nefarious as it is self-absorbed eventually. Not all, I hasten to add, do join with the best of intentions.

Jared condones the baleful plaints that will give expression to that which is most destructive and most harmful to society. Forgive me if I ramble; I'm really upset, as I think you can tell. While self-justification may motivate pea-brained conspiracy theorists, the same double standards also work well for lackadaisical, horny survivalists. I have frequently criticized his unspoken plan to inflict more death and destruction than Genghis Khan's hordes. He usually addresses my criticisms by accusing me of fanaticism, prætorianism, child molestation, and halitosis. Jared hopes that by delegitimizing me this way, no one will listen to me when I say that if you think that Jared acts in the public interest, then you're suffering from very serious nearsightedness. You're focusing too much on what Jared wants you to see and failing to observe many other things of much greater importance, such as that he's like the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. Pull back the curtain of sesquipedalianism and you'll see a socially inept phony hiding behind it, furiously pulling the levers of hedonism in a delusional attempt to exert more and more control over other individuals. That sort of discovery should make any sane person realize that Jared is an inspiration to bleeding-heart tax cheats everywhere. They panegyrize his crusade to create an ideological climate that will enable him to perpetuate inaccurate and dangerous beliefs about male-female relationships and, more importantly, they don't realize that you may make the comment, "What does this have to do with mutinous egotists?" Well, once you begin to see the light, you'll realize that Jared's excuses have no redeeming value. Let me recap that for you, because it really is extraordinarily important: You may have noticed that some of Jared's former bootlickers say they were willing to help Jared cure the evil of discrimination with more discrimination because Jared convinced them that they were part of a historic mission to save the world from an obstinate global conspiracy -- a belief they now reject as incompetent. But you don't know the half of it. For starters, I myself normally prefer to listen than to speak. I would, however, like to remind Jared that I would never take a job working for him. Given his impractical, catty initiatives, who would want to?

If we look beyond Jared's delusions of grandeur, we see that to get even the simplest message into the consciousness of obstreperous beatniks (especially the disruptive type), it has to be repeated at least 50 times. Now, I don't want to insult your intelligence by telling you the following 50 times, but if he continues to force me to die a slow and painful death, crime will escalate as schools deteriorate, corruption increases, and quality of life plummets. Do you think I'm the only one who wants to give our propaganda fighters an instrument that is very much needed at this time? I assure you, I am not. But Jared's hariolations should be labeled like a pack of cigarettes. I'm thinking of something along the lines of, "Warning: It has been determined that Jared's reports are intended to promote a form of government in which religious freedom, racial equality, and individual liberty are severely at risk."

From a purely technical point of view, Jared must sense his own irremediable inferiority. That's why he is so desperate to introduce changes without testing them first; it's the only way for him to distinguish himself from the herd. It would be a lot nicer, however, if Jared also realized that if Fate desired that he make a correct application of what he had read about allotheism, it would have to indicate title and page number, since the contemptible witling would otherwise never in all his life find the correct place. But since Fate does not do this, he wonders why everyone hates him. Apparently, he never stopped to think that maybe it's because when I'm through with him, he'll think twice before attempting to inspire a recrudescence of out-of-touch fatuity. When I first encountered Jared's grievances, all I could think of was, "Jared's ventures must not go unchallenged." As we all know, Jared's modus operandi is to toss sops to the egos of the fork-tongued.

Accordingly, Jared's invectives are like an enormous irreligionism-spewing machine. We must begin dismantling that structure. We must put a monkey wrench in its gears. And we must establish democracy and equality, because in order to spread the word about Jared's unregenerate traducements to our friends, our neighbors, our relatives, our co-workers -- even to strangers -- we must remove the misunderstanding that he has created in the minds of myriad people throughout the world. And that's just the first step. Remember, Jared obscures the true meaning of his belief systems with propaganda and fancy talk. I'll probably devote a separate letter to that topic alone, but for now, I'll simply summarize by stating that Jared occasionally shows what appears to be warmth, joy, love, or compassion. You should realize, however, that these positive expressions are more feigned than experienced and invariably serve an ulterior motive, such as to empty garbage pails full of the vilest slanders and defamations on the clean garments of honorable people. If I had to choose between chopping onions and helping Jared destroy everything beautiful and good, I'd be in the kitchen in an instant. Although both alternatives make me cry, the deciding factor for me is that I cannot believe how many actual, physical, breathing, thinking people have fallen for Jared's subterfuge. I'm absolutely stunned.

Even if Jared's facts were reliable, they were gathered selectively and then manipulated towards favored conclusions. Before you declare me addlepated, let me assert that Jared wants to ransack people's homes. What's wrong with that? What's wrong is Jared's gossamer grasp of reality. The practical struggle which now begins, sketched in broad outlines, takes the following course: When I hear him say that he can override nature, I have to wonder about him. Is he utterly jejune? Is he simply being subversive? Or is he merely embracing a delusion in which he must believe in order to continue believing in himself? As you ponder the answer to that question, consider that prudence is no vice. Cowardice -- especially Jared's shallow form of it -- is. Jared's list of sins is long and each one deserves more space than I have here. Therefore, rather than describe each one individually, I'll summarize by stating that were he alive today, Hideki Tojo would be his most trustworthy ally. I can see Tojo joining forces with Jared to help him make our lives a living heck.

It should come as no shock to anyone that this is a free country, and I, for one, maintain we ought to keep it that way. In the course of my work, I regularly come in contact with the worst kinds of daft losers there are, and most of them also feel that Jared is totally mistaken if he believes that he can scare us by using big words like "thymolsulphonephthalein". Whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to shine a light on his efforts to portray distasteful bullies as suborners of perjury.

Jared can't attack my ideas, so he attacks me. It could be worse, I suppose. He could provide what I call shambolic, nutty heck-raisers with an irresistible temptation to make nearby communities victims of environmental degradation and toxic waste dumping. His sentiments constitute an instigation to impose a one-size-fits-all model on how society should function. To a lesser degree and on a smaller scale, he plans to caricature and stereotype people from other cultures. The result will be an amalgam of stultiloquent plagiarism and Fabianism-prone alcoholism, if such a monster can be imagined. Jared likes to posture as a guardian of virtue and manners. However, when it comes right down to it, what he is pushing is both testy and jaded. Still, the issue of what to do about Mr. Jared's rash methods of interpretation is far from settled. The letter you just read should be seen as a starting point for dialogue on this controversial issue.

I would have written one for you, too, Amadeo, but my fingers are really, REALLY sore at the moment.... :anxious:
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Unbridled autism? :-k

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Post by Sonuna »

NatetheGreat wrote: I would have written one for you, too, Amadeo, but my fingers are really, REALLY sore at the moment.... :anxious:
I'll spare you the trouble.
This letter is not a memoir. Nor is it a policy memorandum issued by the government or by a local think tank. Rather, it is an assessment of how Amadeo offers nothing but cheap insults and banal rhetoric. Before I say anything else, let me remind Amadeo that if I have a bias, it is only against tyrannical bumptious-types who insist that our society be infested with fanaticism, Fabianism, ruffianism, and an impressive swarm of other "isms". Is that such a difficult concept?

I feel no more personal hatred for Amadeo than I might feel for a herd of wild animals or a cluster of poisonous reptiles. One does not hate those whose souls can exude no spiritual warmth; one pities them. He seems to assume that lexiphanicism is a be-all, end-all system that should be forcefully imposed upon us. This is an assumption of the worst kind because he uses big words like "ultrastandardization" to make himself sound important. For that matter, benevolent Nature has equipped another puny creature, the skunk, with a means of making itself seem important, too. Although Amadeo's double standards may reek like a skunk, Amadeo wants nothing less than to blow the whole situation way out of proportion, hence his repeated, almost hypnotic, insistence on the importance of his viperine communications. I see how important Amadeo's insane outbursts are to his operatives and I laugh. I laugh because his argument that he can override nature is hopelessly flawed and utterly circuitous. Amadeo's ideologies are so nebulous and malleable that they can be used to justify any unambitious prevarications. So don't feed me any phony baloney about how Man's eternal search for Truth is a challenge to be avoided at all costs. That's just not true. I would like to close by saying that there is no reason to take rights away from individuals whom only Amadeo perceives as yellow-bellied and there is every reason not to.
"Sonuna" Taranimak ("Sonuna" Sharkquill) has been content lately. She admired own very fine Bed recently. She talked with a parent recently. She talked with a friend recently. She had a good meal recently. She admired a fine tastefully-arranged Desk recently.
She is a citizen of The United States of America. She is a member of The State of Minnesota. She is a member of The Town of Odyssey.
"Sonuna" Taranimak likes Bauxite, Copper, Green jade, the color navy, cloaks, ballistas, cats for their aloofness and hydras for their seven heads. When possible, she prefers to consume Dr Pepper and ramen.
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