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FOTF supporting same-sex couples?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:07 am
by Elf of Rivendell
We were pleasantly surprised last week when Focus on the Family expressed its support for state legislation that would provide expanded legal benefits for same-sex couples and other non-traditional households.

Tell me this isn't real. :(

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:44 am
by The Top Crusader
It makes sense from a legal standpoint, if I heard Dr. Dobson correctly...

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:08 am
by Elf of Rivendell
How so?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:21 am
by Catspaw
Hmm, this is interesting. This link from provides a bit more info.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:16 am
marriage is between a man and a woman... period. That's the way it has been in law for centuries, and is in the Bible.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:29 am
by Jonathan
I believe we are all in agreement there. We're trying to discern what on earth this story (the one linked too in the first post of this thread) is about, and if it's even true.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:23 pm
well, it doesn't surprise me, I think it's true that FOTF is supporting same-sex legislation :sick:

I never have been a fan of FOTF anyways, they do not have all their doctrines correct, and now this tells me they are for sure not following God. God never designed for families to be made of two men, or two women, and children.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:41 pm
by Jonathan
WINDSHEAR wrote:well, it doesn't surprise me, I think it's true that FOTF is supporting same-sex legislation :sick:
If it's true, that would surprise me. FOTF and Dr. Dobson have been the most outspoken against same-sex legislation and marriage and what-not.
WINDSHEAR wrote:I never have been a fan of FOTF anyways, they do not have all their doctrines correct, and now this tells me they are for sure not following God. God never designed for families to be made of two men, or two women, and children.
I'm curious; why have you never liked FOTF?

edit-Been doing some research. ... d=2/8/2006 ... =2/16/2006

I haven't listened to both yet (only started the first one), but this should answer questions.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:54 pm
by Carrie Ingalls
Dr. Dobson addressed that on his broadcast about a week or so ago. So, you can probably find it in the archives at oneplace.


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:56 pm
by Jonathan
Heh, beat me to it. Look up^

edit- ... ss-sb-166/

edit2-I really do like Google. The bill in question: ... 166_01.pdf

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:37 pm
arrg #-o lol... I like listening to FOTF sometimes... I've heard some things I don't agree with, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are bad. However, I haven't listened to them recently, nor heard their stance on same-sex partners. The reason I wouldn't be surprised, is because so many churches are following down the same path supporting "gay rights"

I haven't read those links, but if they are not supporting it, that's great. :)

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:35 pm
by gimp80995
I haven't heard the brodcasts yet (probably will when I get home from school tonight), but I don't think the first article is true. I can't possibly immagine FOTF or Dr. Dobson supporting same-sex marriage in any way.

Peace Out


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:36 pm
by Jonathan
I listened to them, and it doesn't sound like they are (which doesn't surprise me in the least).

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:39 pm
by Clodius Albinus
I'm in a hurry, as always, and haven't read any of the articles linked above. However, this came to my attention a few days ago when National Journal's Hotline broke the story, and since then, there's been somewhat of a feud between FOTF and the Family Research Council.

I admit that my knowledge of the issue is limited, so I'm very open to being corrected if I'm missing some facts or my interpretation is incorrect, but as I understand it, Dobson is backing a bill that allows two or more private individuals to enter into advanced contractual arrangements. It's sheer lunacy to call it marriage, as the bill is specifically designed to benefit such diverse categories of relationships as elderly parent and son/daughter, siblings living together, roommates (with nothing else implied), etc., as well as same-sex couples (or, for that matter, cohabiting heterosexuals, I suppose).

It is not the legal equivalent of marriage. That name is not conferred, that status is not recognized and employers would not be under any obligation to recognize one's partner for benefits or anything else.

What the bill actually does is make allowance for what I think constitutes basic decency. I may not agree with homosexuality, but I still think it's cruel to deny a partner the privilege of hospital visits. And what possible justification is there for saying that property can't be owned jointly? As Focus explains, this bill is meant to help a lot of people in many situations. Inasmuch as it helps homosexuals, it is a matter of common decency, as far as I'm concerned.

Can any of you honestly say that it deeply offends you that someone's same sex partner would be given the right to see them in the hospital? And if so, do you really think that's a Christian response?

I don't always agree with FOTF, but they're absolutely right on this one. And incidentally, if you don't want gay marriage introduced, then perhaps the wisest recourse is to respond to the legitimate grievances homosexuals have. I support this on principle, but I could easily argue it as a prudential and pragmatic solution as well.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:26 pm
by Jennifer Doyle
Given what Jared/Zed said about it, I don't have a problem with it either. <This outlines the Focus on the Family's ideas about homosexuality, doesn't it?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:22 pm
I was surprised when I read the header...

Then I read the topic and agree with Jared.


Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:53 pm
by map
I haven't had time to listen to any of the links, but it would TOTALLY surprise me if FOTF was supporting same-sex marriages. Dr. Dobson wrote a book on the subject about marriage in crisis and in that book he is against same sex marriages and that it is against the bible. He also writes about the effects same sex marriages will have on insurance and other issues as well. I caught part of his program the other week and he was addressing the fact that he wasn't for same-sex marriage and that he is being attacked for his beliefs and outspokenness about same-sex marriages as being wrong.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:25 pm
by Arwen
I didn't even know anything about it until I was in the car with my mom, listening to the broadcast that explained why there was all this worry about FOTF supporting gay couples. There's nothing to worry about; they do not at all.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:49 am
by xiao
FOTF = Brokeback Mountain?