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American Idol

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:54 pm
by poWerbOy
The 5th season of American Idol starts this Tuesday. Are any of you planning to watch this season?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 5:21 pm
by Trent DeWhite
Probably. It'll be interesting to see if a male can finally win this thing. :-k

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 6:01 pm
by Mandy Straussberg
Oh, bore. I find the first episode(s) of American Idol a complete assault to my ears.

And the rest just doesn't really interest me.


Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 7:51 am
by poWerbOy
Trent DeWhite wrote:Probably. It'll be interesting to see if a male can finally win this thing. :-k
Yes I would like to see a guy win this year. Clay should have won second season.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:29 am
by Blipadouzi
Oh yes...let's all gather around the tv and idolise a simple man/woman.

I there anything at all with this show that as Christians we should be supporting and viewing?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 9:50 am
I, too, was going to post a huge "AMERICAN IDOL IS STUPID"!!! :angry:

...or possibly something a bit more intelligent....

but this is a thread for those who like it to discuss it and I'm sure they would not welcome a debate...


Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 9:57 am
by Blipadouzi
STRYPER wrote:I, too, was going to post a huge "AMERICAN IDOL IS STUPID"!!! :angry:

...or possibly something a bit more intelligent....

but this is a thread for those who like it to discuss it and I'm sure they would not welcome a debate...

Yes I suppose you are right.....I apologise to those who do enjoy the show for whatever reason you have, it's not my business. :-

I was not trying to imply you were doing anything wrong by watching it...I just don't understand why anyone would want to...

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 9:59 am
by The Top Crusader
blipadouzi wrote:Oh yes...let's all gather around the tv and idolise a simple man/woman.

I there anything at all with this show that as Christians we should be supporting and viewing?
Well God invented humor and it's pretty funny watching people make a fool of themselves... :anxious:

Though personally I've never watched the show and don't intend to.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:37 pm
by Jennifer Doyle
I don't see anything wrong with the show. Half of the entertainment is watching people who can't sing but think they can embarass themselves.

I honestly believe most of them do it on purpose to get their 15 seconds of fame, so I don't see anything wrong with "enjoying" their performance, a.e. laughing at them.

The later parts of the show are hopefully watching talented singers perform, so I do know why some people watch it.

That said, I don't usually watch it because I have to prioritize which shows I want to watch and I usually try to juggle too much TV anyway. I watch the auditions if I can though.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 3:16 pm
by poWerbOy
STRYPER wrote:I, too, was going to post a huge "AMERICAN IDOL IS STUPID"!!! :angry:

...or possibly something a bit more intelligent....

but this is a thread for those who like it to discuss it and I'm sure they would not welcome a debate...

It's okay I don't mind, I agree that sometimes it does seem like the people are a little idolized. But I just enjoy watching them perform, it's good entertainment. I don't watch TV alot anyways, i don't have that much time, and there's not much worth watching. But I do like that show, except for the frequently obnoxious commercial breaks.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:06 pm
by Jennifer Doyle
poWerbOy wrote:
It's okay I don't mind, I agree that sometimes it does seem like the people are a little idolized.
I think that's a problem with ALL TV and music stars though.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:15 am
I have seen a couple of episodes, but I don't really like the show. The best part is seeing people make a fool of themselves and then I usually watch something better that is on TV.


Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:22 pm
by Jennifer Doyle
I'm watching it right now. The cutest guy with a really great smooth [not boybandish ] voice just got accepted to Hollywood.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 5:25 am
by poWerbOy
Jennifer Doyle wrote:I'm watching it right now. The cutest guy with a really great smooth [not boybandish ] voice just got accepted to Hollywood.
I liked the boy with the Frank Sinatra voice! :D

And I liked both sets of twins and the sisters that all got accepted.

The girl with way too much i was like "is she for real?"

and Simon disgusted me last night. :mad2:

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:27 pm
by Lizzy
I just love watching the first few shows of the season where all of the tantrums are thrown and people make complete idiots of themselves in front of millions of viewers. After that I don't bother watching it much.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:29 pm
by Sarah
poWerbOy wrote:
Jennifer Doyle wrote:I'm watching it right now. The cutest guy with a really great smooth [not boybandish ] voice just got accepted to Hollywood.
I liked the boy with the Frank Sinatra voice! :D
You and me both! ;)

Is it just me, or is simon extra mean this season?


Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:44 pm
by poWerbOy
Sarah wrote:
poWerbOy wrote:
Jennifer Doyle wrote:I'm watching it right now. The cutest guy with a really great smooth [not boybandish ] voice just got accepted to Hollywood.
I liked the boy with the Frank Sinatra voice! :D
You and me both! ;)

Is it just me, or is simon extra mean this season?


I don't know but he was just downright rude and disgusting in my opinion. Yet he threw out a few surprises by saying yes to "mediocre" singers. I think it's all drama to make the show more interesting which is really sad and pathetic but that's the way hollywood producers are. It's just a business to them, they don't care too much about people. That's the worst thing about the show.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:36 pm
by AIO Psyche
'American Idol' is one of my favorite shows on TV. It is completely hilarious. And, the good singers are really talented.

(in Simon's defense) I like Simon. I enjoy and respect his honesty and his ability to voice his opinions. Even if they are a bit harsh at times.........

Most people in this country need a dose of reality, and Simon does that wonderfully. When somebody comes in the can't song, but thinks that they are the next big thing, *cough*Blonde tan girl*cough*, he is honest with them, and tells them the way it is.

And I agree with everyone; Simon does seem a bit meaner and grumbier than usual. But thatmakes him all the more a guilty pleasure to watch. :D

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:16 pm
by pianokitty
I normally start watching it after its been narrowed to down to Top 10 or something..

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:14 am
by Joni_Slade
I shouldn't watch. I know it's a waste of time. But I'm sort of watching anyway.

I've never met anyone who idolizes the American Idol--it's more common to find people who criticize them. I like the end of the season, once the top twelve have been chosen and all the performances are decentish. The bad auditions at the beginning get a little old. Very old. Very fast.

But, oh, goodness. The cowboy kid from Wyoming? Who sings to the turkey? Was the most adorable human being I have ever seen. "I know it's kinda a silly dream, but I've just always wanted to fly in an airplane." !! And his reaction to being accepted? !! There are no words for how cute that was.

Nobody's singing has made me go wow yet, though. I did like both sets of twins.

Simon has definitely turned into a gimmick this year, at least for the early episodes. His nastiness is so over-the-top that it's got to be an act. I find that disappointing--he's no longer "the honest judge who everyone really agrees with but is too polite to say so". Now he's just randomly vitriolic. Maybe he'll tone it down once they're not listening to so many awful auditions.