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An interesting conversation...

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 7:25 pm
by Trillspots
An Interesting Conversation wrote:Friend: What's up?
Trillspots: I have a hypothetical situation
I belive, that becoming overwhelmed, and running away because of it, makes you a coward
but, are you a coward if you run away to go TO something?
like, if you are perfectly safe
and have money, etc.
if you're not running away because you don't want to face your problems, but because you're going to face your problems?
does that still make you a coward?
Friend: As in, running away from your home?
Trillspots: yes
I suppose
Friend: Because there are many ways of running away from problems..
Trillspots: or, what about running away from somewhere that you've been placed, to somewhere where you'll really feel at home?
Friend: There is no black and white answer to that.
Trillspots: there has to be
there's no grey area
Friend: Sure there isNathaniel:
Trillspots: God says what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong
I thought
of course there's a grey area in society
Friend: For instance, God placed me here in my home, and to run away would be wrong
Trillspots: right
but what if you were running away to help someone?
Friend: but if the stupid Government put me in a home where I get beaten near to death every evening when the drunk comes home, then I can run away
Trillspots: right
Friend: Running away to help someone would be sinning in one area and justifying it by saying you were helping someone - the ends justify the means
Trillspots: huh?
but what if you were literally the only one that could help someone?
Friend: No, I'm not saying the ends justify the means
I meant that would be the logic being used...
Trillspots: what?
I have no clue what you're saying
never mind
it was just a hypothetical question
Friend: Are you sure?
Trillspots: I was debating it with a Friend
when am I ever sure? :P
Friend: lol
Trillspots: lol
Friend: Yeah.
So, In a situation like the one above, would it be okay to run away? Is it ever okay to run away?


Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:43 pm
by Mandy Straussberg
I thought you're friend had a good answer with the ends justify the means logic thing.

I think running away to help someone would be a wrong right--the wrong thing for the right reason. Though a noble act, an uncorrect one.


Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 11:11 am
by poWerbOy
yes this also reminds me of a discussion we recently had in Bible class about stuff like "is it ever wrong to steal to save someone from starving?" or if you had to lie to save someone's life would it be right?" like Mandy said i think that it is a good intention but still a wrong act because sin is sin. in these cases and the case of running away to help someone, i think that you would be taking the sitution into your own hands, and not trusting God. maybe you think you are the only one to help the person, but you have to remember that you are not ultimately in control or responsible, except to obey the commands He established.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:43 am
by Trillspots
Yeah...heh, like I said, it's merely a hypothetical situation. And, unlike in AIO, or on TV, it really is merely a hypothetical situation. No underlying meaning.

But, I agree that it would be doing the wrong thing for the right reason.
