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Jeopardy Question Suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:03 pm
by Frank
My dear sweet mother is preparing a Jeopardy game for a Bible class (for the junior high age)...she has three biblical categories, but she also needs three not-Bible categories...I was thinking, that since all of you here are very in-the-know, you could suggest some. My dear sweet mother thanks you in advance!

Questions (in Jeopardy format) in the following categories: (unless you can think of better ones.)

- Recent Movies (I know nothing about this one...maybe quotes, or characters, or something...think junior high age level.)
- Four letter words (as in...nice words with four letters that can be guessed.)

I look forward to your imput. \:D/

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:20 pm
by Sarah
Movie Questions:

Q - What movie was recently released, about the writer of a famous play? HINT: One of the main carachters of the play was usually played by a female.
A - What is Finding Neverland?

(gah, that was not my best... I was just thinking about that movie, so I decided to write one about that XP)

Q - These two thespians recently have "called it quits" after a relationship since 2003. Who are they?
A - Who is Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth?

(that may not be appropriate... I'm just pulling things out of my head!)

Q - In the movie "Napoleon Dynamite" who was Pedro Sanchez running against for the role of Student Body President?
A - Who is "Summer Wheatly" ?

I'm going to go think of some four letter words, I'll edit when I have ;)


Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:14 am
by Padme Solo
Q. What four letter word describes small object?

A. What is 'tiny'?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 3:19 am
by Fenix
I think you shold change the game to these questions.

Q: What are the 4 gospels?
A: Mathew Mark Luke and John

Q: Which is the first Gospel in the New Testiment?
A: Mathew

Q:What is the last book in the New Testitment?
A: Revelations

Q:What movie made the most money this weekend at the box office?
A: Sahara

Q: How old was Bill Gates when he made Microsoft?
A: 20

Q: Name a big yellow bird that can't fly?
A: Bigbird

Q: Who won the first Survivor?
A: Richard Hatch

Q: Who is the vice President of the United States
A: Dick Chaney

Q: Who is the prime minister of Canada
A: Paul Martin

Q: Whats a 4 letter word for green

Q: What are better Macs or PCs?
A: Macs

Q: Which car company has the most market share?
A: Toyota

Q: Name one US State that has only one-syllabol in its name.
A: Maine

Q: What county has the most pirated software in the world
A: Vietnam

Q: Which country was first invaded by the Nazis during WWII?
A: Poland

Q: Who is known as the Desert Fox amoung the WWII Generals?
A: General Romel

Q: What country was Pope John Paul II born in?
A: Poland

Q: Who was assisinated to start WWI?
A: Arch Duke Ferdinand

Q: What is the Atomic Number of Hydogen?
A: 1

Q: Give one reason why coupling is bad in programing?
A: Lacks changability

Q: Which actress won best Leading Female in a movie at the latest Oscar awards?
A: Hilary Swank

Q: What Country was invaded to begin the Gulf War?
A: Kuwaitt

Q: Who Invented Gravity?
A: God

hope those help