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Baseball Caps

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:04 pm
by Bren
Do you ever wear baseball caps? Image I have a few that I like to wear. Especially if I'm having a bad hair day. However, my dad thinks they make me look stupid and hates when I wear hats.

Re: Baseball Caps

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:25 pm
by bookworm
My dad was almost always wearing a baseball cap whenever outside, he had a ton of them. I'm the complete opposite, I never wore a hat of any kind in my whole life until just a couple years ago when I was actually going to a baseball game and thought I should have one to keep the sun out of my eyes. I've gone to more games since and have usually continued to wear one there, but I have not started wearing it when just out and about, and I don't expect to start doing so.

Re: Baseball Caps

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:34 pm
by KODY 105
I have had several hat phases in my life. I have two baseball caps in rotation right now. Sometimes I wear them when out, and sometimes not. One is the sturdiest and best-constructed ballcap I've ever had, but has a rather silly logo on it. The other is flimsier but a more on-brand logo that I'm willing to identify with.

The problem with hats is that they cause hat hair, so now you have to keep wearing the hat. It's a vicious cycle. Once you pop a cap, you just can't stop for the rest of the day or until you get home.

Re: Baseball Caps

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:57 pm
by Bob
I won't say I never wear hats, of any kind, but it happens infrequently enough that someone might colloquially say I 'never' do. I'm rarely outside for any length of time, so there aren't many occasions where it would be useful anyway.

I don't think baseball caps make people look stupid in general (although I admit a bias against the 'backwards' cap), but I do think it wouldn't work well for me. I could do it when I was a little kid, but now I feel it conflicts with my persona. Maybe it's a pride issue and I need to get over it; I don't know.

Re: Baseball Caps

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 10:55 pm
by Laura Ingalls
I would always wear a baseball cap when I mowed the yard. These days, I don't mow, so I don't wear caps. I have a couple of cute straw hats I occasionally wear if needed to keep the sun off.

Re: Baseball Caps

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:52 am
by EK
I don’t think I go a day without wearing a hat. I’m not bald or even close to it… but it’s just a thing I do. Throughout the winter it was all carhartt beanies, those things are sick when it comes to keeping warm, but it’s starting to warm up now so I can sport my new Braves and UGA championship hats. \:D/

Re: Baseball Caps

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:02 pm
by ByeByeBrownie
I work in sports and entertainment, so I have a small collection of various baseball caps that I've accumulated over the years from various events and such. I don’t wear them often, mostly just for outdoor activities in the summer when I feel inclined. I would probably wear them more often, but I usually wear my hair down instead of in a ponytail, and wearing a ball cap with my hair down makes it stick out strangely around my ears.

Another random thing is that I'll often discover random hats I'd forgotten I had while cleaning my room and then just wear one around the house because I feel like it.

Re: Baseball Caps

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 8:35 pm
by Catspaw
I rarely wear hats of any kind. I don't like how it messes up my hair, as a few other posters have referenced, and it also feels unsanitary to me. I realize that this is strange and that tons of people wear hats every day, but it always makes me want to wash my hair, and I'm not going to shower twice a day just to wear a hat. ;)

When I do wear a baseball cap, it's probably for a specific activity, like a sunny day at the zoo, or, appropriately enough, at a baseball game. \:D/ A few summers ago my family (parents, siblings, niece) went to a baseball game and it was such a hot, bright day. Of course, I forgot my hat! Luckily there are easy ways to remedy that at a ballpark and I now have a nice white hat with the baseball team logo that I have to wear on the few days I do deem worthy of hat usage. ;)

Re: Baseball Caps

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:34 am
by Steve
i wish i could be a hat guy. the dad hat trend was one of my favorite fashion trends of the last few years. unfortunately, god chose to curse me with a giant melon head, so hats look really stupid on me. i can pull off beanies if they're large enough, but i also have really long, thick hair, so my big, dumb head doesn't fit many of them.