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833: The Secret of the Writer's Ruse

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 2:22 pm
by KODY 105
Episode summary
After a long dry spell of cases, the Jones and Parker Detective Agency is back with what could be their biggest yet: an investigation into a manuscript that could be famous writer Mary Malloway’s long-lost final mystery.
My thoughts
The kids go on an adventure to investigate a mystery of some major misprints of a book jacket! All of this was conjure
d up to give Emily and Matthew something to do. Yay, it was a story about the kids! Too much Penny and Wooton in a kid
s' show just gets old.
Whit has some vibes about Morrie's dishonesty. I guess this means Morrie wasn't just "giving them something to do." I
guess he was evaluating their abilities. If only he were a recruiter for Pinkerton's....
Eh, apparently a whole host of people were involved in making a fun mystery. It's good to have the whole town revolve
around you.
Meh, this wasn't terrible, but it had basically nothing noteworthy about it. 2/5