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Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:53 pm
by KODY 105
You know who I mean: Jared DeWhite. If Jared DeWhite met you, how would he interpret your personality and interests into something that sounds ominous, scary, over-the-top, and clandestine?


Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 12:45 pm
by Whitty Whit
"Ooh, you play video games to all hours of the night! You're just a puppet used by the big bad government, fulfilling your purpose of being a mindless drone with no thoughts of your own!"

...I'd imagine it be something like that.


Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 8:00 pm
by Patterson
"You forced yourself to become dependent on big pharma! Type 1 diabetes isn't real! Good thing you drive a car from before the 80's, the government put a kill switch inside all cars with modern electronics. I mean a literal kill switch-the car can explode at any time. Of course, you're not really safe either, your 8 track tapes in your 70's car contain enough enough subtle messaging to brainwash you into investing money into big Disco mind control schemes. Did you know C.W. McCall was actually the lead commune leader of Manheim Steamroller? His Southern accent was totally fake. Just like yours. Wait a minute- you're in league with him! All the signs point to it. Your distant cousin Bud McCall was the longtime county commissioner and he intentionally gave your dirt road potholes everytime it was plowed in order to contact alien life forms through an unholy combination of braille and morse code! Bud and C.W. are working together! Their alien leader JFK told you to play the banjo to raise distrust in their rival governments! You act more like a hillbilly than you actually are, I'm not falling for that whole "too lazy to spend more time practicing the banjo" schtick. You're smart and know that they're always listening, so you're pretty quiet most of the time, but you don't have me fooled, not for one minute!"

Something like that probably. I think Jared's assumptions would be loosely grounded in truth. I am a type 1 diabetic. A slight southern style accent slips into my voice once in awhile when I'm excited or upset despite me living in a northwestern state. I do own a banjo, but I can only play like one song due to my lack of practice. I do drive a 70's car and listen to 8 tracks. C.W. McCall's southern accent was actually fake too.