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The Post Milestones Game!

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 7:24 am
by NatetheGreat
Are you approaching an important post count milestone? Make that magical post in this thread to earn points and move up the scoreboard! \:D/


1. In order to earn points, the post you make to this thread must be the post that reaches the milestone. No noticing you already reached a milestone and then posting here after the fact. :shame:
2. Include your post count as of your post in your post's body.
3. Copy the complete scoreboard into your post, incrementing your own entry by the appropriate number of points. \:D/
4. Follow the scoring rules. Always include the reasoning behind the points you're giving yourself.
5. Moderators, other users with a higher score than you, and I can overrule the points you've given yourself. :noway:


Generally, a milestone occurs when you reach the next item in a sequence. Examples of sequences include:

- Powers of 10 (1, 10, 100, 1000, etc)
- Powers of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc)
- Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc)
- Runs (1, 12, 123, 1234, etc)

Excluded sequences are any sequences where the distance between items does not generally go up from one item to the next. So, simple multiples of a number are out:

- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
- 7, 14, 21, 28...
- etc.

To score a sequence milestone, use the following equation:


So, if you reached 1000 posts, and were scoring based on the Powers of 10 sequence, the equation would look like this:

SCORE = (1000 - 100) / 4 = 225


NatetheGreat: 0

Happy scoring!! \:D/ =D>

-- 09 Sep 2019 07:15 am --

First milestone reached!

Post #:

9-gonal numbers (This site is almost cheating :-$ )

a(n) = n*(7*n-5)/2

Matching entry:
a(36) = 36*(7*36-5)/2 = 4446

Matching entry - 1:
a(35) = 35*(7*35-5)/2 = 4200

(4446 - 4200) / 36 = 246 \:D/

NatetheGreat: 246