Vote for an AIO character for mayor

"Welcome to our humble commode!" This is where Bart keeps a collection of truly zany posts. They aren't worth sellin', but Bart doesn't have the heart to throw them away. Take a look around and add your own zany thoughts - Just don't touch his pork rinds!!
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The Mysterious
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Vote for an AIO character for mayor

Post by The Mysterious »

Choose a character and vote for him or her.
Vote: Dr. Regis Blackgaard
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Justine Baker
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Posts: 62
Joined: July 2023

Post by Justine Baker »

Vote: Wooton Basset (take that Odyssey law! Context: In the episode Not What I Expected mentioned left-handed people couldn’t be Mayor and apparently Connie, Penny and Wooton are all left-handed)
The biggest Buck Meltsner + Madison (check out For a Song) ship fan ever! Ship name: Budi (instead of buddy 😜)

Bring Richard Maxwell back!

We need to petition for AIO to come out with a Novacom soundtrack.
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