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super snubs!

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:50 pm
by Pianoman

This is your retirement party/huge thank you! \:D/

Working with you in the Town Council has shown me how much you do around here, snubs. You do and have done so much to keep our precious ToO an active and fun place for all of us. It is incredible all you do, and I'm rather surprised you're only "worn out" now. 0__0 Honestly, you are amazing.

We... don't deserve you. And I'm not just saying that. I sent out a message to most of the ToO asking for small thank you notes to give to you. And two. Two. TWO. People replied. You deserve a place where you are recognized for your amazingness. Not us ungrateful ToOers.

Sooo, to begin our Thank You, I have a video for you! I hope you enjoy. :D
Now, I would like if us "lazy" ToOers could now thank snubs in person, on this thread. The two people that messaged me their thank you notes can post their own. Come on guys, snubs deserves our thanks... \:D/

Dear snubs,
My thank you was mostly the above video. But one thing I didn't mention was all the graphics you make. You are really talented in finding photos and putting sigs and other images together. I looooove my cow set you made for me. Thank you for everything you've done on the ToO, it has not gone unnoticed by me, and I am so impressed and thankful for it all. Enjoy your retirement, and keep being super snubs! -Isaiah the Ox

Re: super snubs!

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:52 pm
by Dredge
We wish you the best in the future!

Re: super snubs!

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 8:12 pm
by snubs
OX!! Image YOU ARE AMAZING. :hug: I saw this thread and had to do a double take because I didn't post it. =p

I like to call myself "super snubs" but I don't always feel that way, but you sure have made me feel SUPER today! What a special gift. I'm so touched I don't know what to do with my emotions right now. Never in my life can I recall getting such a heart felt thank you or note (on the ToO or off), so this is very special. I certainly don't feel like I deserve such gratitude and attention, but it's a very nice feeling to feel appreciated. :hug:
And can I just say I LOVED your piano score! I think that was my favorite part. =] Especially your upbeat rendition of the AIO theme, that was so fun to listen to. Image

@SimplyDredge (and to everyone else): You are all so welcome! I have loved doing things around here and seeing you guys have fun and enjoy the games and events I've hosted. I wouldn't have done it if I did not enjoy it. The Town of Odyssey is a very special place with close-nit special people and I love that I can say I'm a part of this community.

Re: super snubs!

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 8:57 pm
by Countess
Hey snubs,

I was one of the 2 who didn't forget, but I'm afraid my note to you wasn't very thought out either. = /

Thanks again for helping me, a unpopular newbie, get involved with helping with this place. I especially enjoyed working with the newspaper. =D I wish you the best as you go through life and just a reminder that you have amazing talents and skills and you will go far. =)

Re: super snubs!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:35 am
by Connie G.

I'm so sorry to hear that you're leaving. *sniff* You will be greatly missed. I want to say "No! you can't leave, stay here!" but I respect your decision, and it's understandable to need a break.

You're unbelievable. It has always amazed me how you not only manage to throw these huge, fun, awesome, unbelievable events, contests, and (AIO listening) parties that EVERYBODY LOVED, but you're also a godly example of kindness and compassion on a personal level. You've helped me, too, like MF, to feel special and welcomed, been my friend and mentor in a way, and I'm very grateful to you for that. You're amazing. I'm sorry you're going, but we wish you the very best. You are my hero, super snubs (or spud, But that's beside the point). Thanks for all you do/did, we love you :hug: !!!!


PS: I didn't get a message :x I had no idea :cry:

Re: super snubs!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:19 pm
by bookworm
I take offense to being lumped into 'ungrateful ToOers' as I was never asked to give a commemoration. I certainly would have.

Re: super snubs!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:40 pm
by Connie G.
This would be the time and place, bookworm.

Re: super snubs!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:54 pm
by bookworm
I did it in her thread.

Re: super snubs!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:10 pm
by Peachey Keen
Thanks, snubs! We love you! Thanks for everything you've done. I really believe you helped bring back the fun to the ToO we had several years ago. The past couple of years have been slow. I haven't done much on the ToO, but I'm doing more stuff here now in part because of you.

Again, thanks!

Re: super snubs!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:45 pm
by snubs
Thank you all for the compliments! <3 I learned so much by doing the things I did here.

@Countess: You are totally fine. I already know the sentiments you have toward me by how much you've helped out, and you certainly did help me tons! :hug:

@Connie G: :hug: You're so cool, Connie. And such a valuable member of the ToO. And you're welcome. =] But I must clarify, I never said I was leaving or leaving completely, I said I may be leaving, and that would only be do to being busy/occupied with other things.

@Peachy Keen: Thanks! The ToO has missed you, so it's nice to see you posting around town again!