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Who's Who on the ToO: Connie G.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 1:26 pm
by snubs
2016 Edition: 10
Connie G. became a citizen of the ToO June of 2015 and has since been one of the coolest and funniest "newbies" around. \:D/ She frequents the chatroom often and is usually one of, if not the, top chatter in the chat stats. I personally think she is a member who is under appreciated and not well known, therefore making her a prime candidate for a Who's Who interview! So lets get started, shall we? :)

Q: Do you go by any other usernames?
Connie G: I go by Connie or Peggy in the chatroom.

Q: What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Or rather, what are your hobbies?
Connie G: In my free time (what there is of it :P) I like to spend outside if it's nice, sometimes my siblings and I play baseball with our (Okie's) dog, but really nothing beats a good conversation in the ToO chat room \:D/ :D (I'd spend more time there except that my time is limited ;))

Q: Do you have any siblings? How many? Are they members of the ToO?
Connie G: I have two older sisters, both of who are on the ToO: Lizzy88 and Okie; I also have two younger brothers not on the ToO.

Q: What is the thickest book you’ve ever read? Did you love it? Hate it? Would you read it again?
Connie G: Thickest book I have read is The Chronicles of Narnia, but I honestly don't read a lot of books... :anxious:

Q: What is your favorite thing to do on the ToO?
Connie G: (Aside from the ToO chat) SCATTERGORIES. That was totally the most fun thing I've done on here in a long time (Thank you snubs!!). I've also really enjoyed the Spring Social.

Q: Do you play any instruments? Or what is your favorite musical instrument?
Connie G: I used to play piano, but I wasn't really very interested, so I kinda dropped it a year or so ago. I'd like to learn how to play the guitar, or perhaps the ukulele O:)

Q: What are your 5 favorite smileys on here and why?
Connie G: Besides the common ones ( :), :(, :D, etc.), :shock: O:) :bounce: :panic: are all good ones because of the extreme emotion that they convey :P. They have good uses!! :mrgreen:

Q: What is the coolest place you’ve ever visited/traveled to?
Connie G: The moon! Man, that was awesome, I was there just last Saturday, and it's so much cooler up close. It was a long trip, though, and I lost my cheetoes :-#

Q: How would you describe yourself?
Connie G: This is a tough one. I would say that around people my own age (at my church) I'm more than less socially awkward, but I enjoy hanging out with kids younger than me; I also am good friends with some of the Sunday school teachers. When I'm with people I'm comfortable with, I have a cheerful, energetic, funny personality, and am generally a happy person.

Q: What would you do if you were stranded on an island? And who would you want from the ToO to be stranded with you?
Connie G: Build a sandcastle \:D/ . After searching for sufficient shelter and food, of course.
Just one?? :panic: Kaida. Cause she's a WHALE! :lol: (ba-dum tss)


Past Who's Who features: Belle | Leonard Meltsner | Knight Fisher| Countess | T. S. (myself) | Shennifer | Woody | Kaida | snubs

Re: Who's Who on the ToO: Connie G.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 3:27 pm
by Kaida
I'm not sure if it's a good thing to be chosen to stranded on an island with... BUT YES I AM A WHALE.

Oooh the moon sounds like so much fun.

Connie you're one of my favorite people on the chat. Stay cool

Re: Who's Who on the ToO: Connie G.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 3:38 pm
by Connie G.

Yes, it' was great-- we all had a blast :D

:mad: *feels special* :mrgreen:

Re: Who's Who on the ToO: Connie G.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 6:00 pm
by Catspaw
Connie, that was a brilliant answer to the island question! I was thinking, "Who would come in handy on an island?" and then I saw your answer and it was perfect! :yes: