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ToO Flag Competition! VOTE NOW

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 2:47 pm
by Jehoshaphat
After a couple of weeks it is time to reveal the choices for our town flag. You will be allowed two votes. The top three flags will go on to a second round of voting. The Town Council will also choose their favorite. The winner of the popular vote will receive $500! Winner of the Council vote will also receive $500! All those who entered a flag will receive $50. The flag that receives the most votes will be the Official Town Flag!

Voting will end on Friday, May 13th.

Here are the flags! All of the flags creators shall be kept anonymous until after voting is ended.
Flag #1
Eugene, because that's the favicon for the site. It also represents AIO because that's what this board was inspired from.
Flag #2
The houses symbolize the Town and the blue symbolizes hyperlinks. The blue is also sampled from BlueToO
Flag #3
The otters have a bank, they should get the flag also. The triangles just look nifty.
Flag #4
The O represents Odyssey, the paws represent Catspaw and Shadowpaw, the swoop represents the growth hoped for.
Flag #5
A compass. An odyssey is an epic journey. A compass would be nice to have on that journey..
Flag #6
Mountains. Something that comes to mind when I think of a journey.
Flag #7
The flag is in the traditional colors of the site, orange and purple. The image is of a clocktower, the prominent landmark of Odyssey, stylized with Shadowpaw's old pawprint avatar. The clock face reads 4:01 to symbolize April 1st, the ToO's birthday.
Flag #8
Because what's better than "ToO"? The only thing I couldn't decide on was the color though. We probably need a vote on color scheme. :p

Re: ToO Flag Competition! VOTE NOW

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 12:09 pm
by snubs
There are so many good was hard to choose.

@bookworm: The poll didn't reset that other thread was a double post and was supposed to be in the deleted board.... don't really know what happened.