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Favorite Mr. Whittaker

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 2:00 pm
by Bren
Who do you see as the real Mr. Whittaker? Growing up, I had no clue that Hal Smith had passed away 2 years after I was born. But we'd had Hal as Whit for about 7 years when he passed, so when I got into Odyssey around age 5-6, Hal episodes are what dominated the airwaves. Hal brought such a warmth to the character that you can't just duplicate. He did have quite the grandfatherly feel to him. However, even to this day, I can listen to episodes like The Search For Whit and Home, Sweet Home and still get chills down my spine to hear Paul Herlinger address Eugene and Connie for the first time. At first I thought Andre would really struggle to fit into the role but he's starting to shape Whit in his own way to where even episodes like Life Expectancy just feel right.

Re: Favorite Mr. Whittaker

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 4:08 pm
by Countess
Hmm, this is a tough question, because undoubtedly Hal Smith really formed the character of Mr. Whittaker. But I guess I always connected more with Paul Herlinger. Perhaps cause he was around for my favorite period in Odyssey time, and his journey with Eugene and Connie and the rest of Odysseians really covered a lot of experiences.

Re: Favorite Mr. Whittaker

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 7:48 pm
by Ingress Neverwhere
Countess wrote:Hmm, this is a tough question, because undoubtedly Hal Smith really formed the character of Mr. Whittaker. But I guess I always connected more with Paul Herlinger. Perhaps cause he was around for my favorite period in Odyssey time, and his journey with Eugene and Connie and the rest of Odysseians really covered a lot of experiences.
I agree; I've always felt more of a connection with Paul's Whit than with Hal or Andre.

Re: Favorite Mr. Whittaker

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 8:06 pm
by Catspaw
I started listening during the Hal Smith era and always loved his warmth and laughter and all that he brought to the character. Paul Herlinger did an amazing job and I have nothing to say against his portrayal (just the opposite, really) but I still have to go with Hal Smith if I have to choose.

Re: Favorite Mr. Whittaker

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:39 pm
by snubs
Hal and Paul are a tie for me! But I went with Hal Smith because he was the original and initially made the character what he is.

Re: Favorite Mr. Whittaker

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 11:33 am
by The Top Crusader
There is always going to be bias that gives extra points to the first one a person heard, and to the original regardless of if they were the first one a person heard or not, so my vote goes to Hal Smith. \:D/

Paul was a *very* close match for Hal's voice, but he never had quite the warmth and chuckle and curious old man "Ohh?" that Hal had. Very good job and a remarkable soundalike, but just not *quite* there. A little more tired sounding, too, maybe? If I'm not mistaken (and I could be because I'm not taking the time to look it up), Paul Herlinger had done voice work previously, but primarily as a narrator, not as an actor--so maybe that explains it to some extent.

Andre took a while to grow on me, but I like him now. He brings back some of the warmth from Hal, but doesn't quite have the voice in the same way Paul did.

Re: Favorite Mr. Whittaker

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:09 pm
by WatchaCall
Hal Smith, who also was a mighty fine "Otis" back in the day.

Re: Favorite Mr. Whittaker

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:45 am
by GJ
Oh goodness I feel young. :lol:

Paul was almost my grandfather since he was the Whit I grew up on, the fact is I didn't listen to many of Hal's episodes until I was older.

His voice might not have seemed as warm, though it was more life-like in my opinion. Even though he had faults before, it was during his emotional moments when he became very real to me. Hal and Andre are great actors, or were. I suppose I latched on to Paul's humour mostly, and the way he handled the spiritual battles during the Novacom saga.
Maybe it is the adventures he found himself on...when I listen to any episode with Andre or Hal though, it's not the same. I'm not thrown into Nostalgia or ushered into a small town soda shop. When I listen to episodes with them it's wonderful, and I love it. There's an obvious difference though and I don't think anyone would expect I would become as attached as I did to Paul's Whit. I apologise for ranting.

Also, it seems that Andre and Townsend sound similar sometimes...has anyone else noticed this?