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A Message from Doctor Song 2.0

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:47 pm
by Woody
Dear citizens of the Town of Odyssey,

First of all, we both want to thank you so much for electing us to this term. It means a lot to be trusted with the duty of administrating the board.

Secondly, we’d like to extend a big thank you to the wonderful companions that have helped us out this term. Knight Fisher, Penguin, Wakko, and snubs, who was gracious enough to come on board for Christmas. We’re grateful for your service, this term wouldn’t have been possible without you. We may be planning a bit of a surprise for you. ;)

Finally, we want to issue an apology to all of you. Unfortunately, some personal issues came up, and both of us have been very busy. As you’ve probably all noticed, a lot of the events we promised haven’t happened. We’re very sorry that these didn’t work out, we were looking forward to them too.

However, we do want to finish this term right. We’d like to do one more event before we take our bow and the next team steps in. And we’d like you to choose which one! We’ve put all of our undone events in a poll above. Vote for your favorite, and the one that receives the most votes will happen!

Again, we’re so sorry for the lack of events this term, and we hope you’ll enjoy this final one.

Woody and Belle

Re: A Message from Doctor Song 2.0

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:08 pm
by Countess
Could it be explained again which each one of those events is?

Re: A Message from Doctor Song 2.0

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:33 pm
by Woody
Most assuredly! Here they are, as they appeared on our platform:

This Time There’s Three:
“There's still a billion billion Daleks up there attacking us.”
“Yes, there is! There is!”
“But there's something those billion billion Daleks don't know.”
“'Cause if they did, they'd probably send for reinforcements.”
“What? What don't they know?”
“This time there's three of us.”

A blue box appears in Gower’s Field. A mysterious man stalks Whit’s End. Monsters attack City Hall. A strange robotic voice screams threats on Odyssey 105. And the newest patient at HIllingdale Haven claims he is the only one who can save us all... Prepare for a whirlwind of fun and excitement in this special Doctor Who themed story arc!


Greetings From the TARDIS
“Anywhere in Time and Space, anything that ever happened or ever will... Where do you wanna start?”

The Doctor has been sending postcards to the ToO, but no one can figure out where they were sent from. Using various clues and your intellect, your job in this event is to figure out the Doctor’s vacation location, to win!


A Murder, a Mystery, and Agatha Christie:
“Agatha Christie! I was just talking about you the other day! I said 'I bet she's brilliant!”

A vicious murderer is on the loose, and it’s up to the citizens of Odyssey to find evidence, investigate clues, crack the case, and stop the murderer in this roleplaying Christie-style murder mystery!