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War Room

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 3:54 pm
by The Kings Daughter

I haven't seen it and probably won't until it comes out on DVD, but what did you all think of it?

Most of the reviews I've seen are from non-Christians, so they were less than enthusiastic. (Why they went to see it at all I'm not sure, but I guess it's not a bad thing! :- )

Re: War Room

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:17 pm
by Pengwin
Looks pretty good! :) I probably won't see it in theaters either, but I would like to see it.

Re: War Room

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 1:01 pm
by Blitz
I saw a Christian's review, and she said it was awesome.

Re: War Room

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:32 pm
by Jesus' Princess
We saw it in theaters on opening weekend. Technically speaking, everything was right on. The set design, costumes etc. were really great (better than Courageous, definitely). The acting was pretty good too. No cheesy lines stood out to me or anything :P

Story-wise it was good, but I felt like the script was less involved, than Courageous (as in, less sub-plots, less interconnected storylines - just generally more predictable). There was definitely some Kendrick humor thrown in, which was a hit with my family, and definitely some quotable lines that I keep hearing around here.

So yes, if you get the chance, give it a watch. I don't think you'll regret it :)

Re: War Room

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:00 pm
by Christian A.
I liked it enough that I've already seen it twice. And my parents haven't even seen it yet. xD Oh, the freedom of being a young adult.

I understand why others may not like it, but I really loved it. More so than any of the previous ones, probably. And, yes, the humor is spot on. There are a couple of times the jokes aren't terribly funny (actually, all of said jokes are delivered by the comedian actor in the film, ironically enough), but there were so many times that the whole audience laughed out loud both times I watched it.

And I think the message of this one is more powerful, prominent, and provocative than in their other ones. It makes you leave wanting to make changes in your own life and thinking about how you might enact those changes. I haven't experience precisely that feeling after a movie before, and I've already heard from multiple other people who had the same reaction.

It's definitely worth seeing and supporting in theaters, if you can do that.

Re: War Room

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:13 am
by Dredge
It was the best movie made since Night of the Hunter....
Great quote: "God done kicked your behind AGAIN, Satan!"

Re: War Room

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:18 am
by The Top Crusader
Is this a sequel to War Games? Did Matthew Broderick hack into something again?

Re: War Room

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:16 pm
by Dredge
The Top Crusader wrote:Is this a sequel to War Games? Did Matthew Broderick hack into something again?
NO! It has absolutely nothing to do with that! Different setting, different people, different race, different everything!

Re: War Room

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:48 pm
by The Top Crusader
SimplyDredge wrote:
The Top Crusader wrote:Is this a sequel to War Games? Did Matthew Broderick hack into something again?
NO! It has absolutely nothing to do with that! Different setting, different people, different race, different everything!
For some reason that makes me LOL.

My mom said it was good, which usually means it isn't, so I'm apprehensive.

Probably out of theaters here now regardless. :(

Re: War Room

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:41 pm
by Christian A.
It's actually probably not out of theaters where you are. It's been surprisingly resilient over the last few weeks. It's going to pass God's Not Dead for overall gross soon, which I don't think anyone expected.

Re: War Room

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:02 pm
by The Top Crusader
Yeah, someone told me it wasn't, but I checked and it actually still is. :shock:

Re: War Room

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:01 pm
by Dredge
The Top Crusader wrote:Yeah, someone told me it wasn't, but I checked and it actually still is. :shock:
Anyone remember TS3? I have a hard time remembering when it wasn't in theatres. Ah, good times...