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The Amazing Race: Discussion

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:59 pm
by Woody
Hello, Town of Odyssey,

This is the starting line for The Amazing Race, a race around the internet. 11 teams of one have been chosen to compete. Along the way, they will encounter various tasks, most exercising their minds. The tasks will be difficult, and the teams may struggle to complete them. But the team that crosses the finish line first, will win a prize of $25 Amazon dollars.

The teams are:

Team snubs:
I'm snubs. I like crafty things and figuring stuff out. People call me a legend.. and well, we'll just keep letting them think I am. I'm also apparently not dumb but actually very smart. SO YEAH. This is my first time participating in the Amazing Race, so I hope I can keep up with the experienced players.
Team Marvin:
I am Marvin. Technically, I'm Josh. If you don't know who I am, then you're clearly out-of-date. A lot. I'm a dilettante chef, voracious reader, aspiring author. Also, snobbish. And more awesome than you. It's all right, though. I won't rub it in. Much. Did I mention I'm sarcastic?
Team Blitzzara:
My bio is well pretty simply. I am a contestant that hopes to win. I have a addiction for books and this mullah would be amazing. \:D/ Anyway I am an MK so I should have no problem crushing all the other peeps. Don't ask why.
Team Jehoshaphat:
Hello my name is Jehoshaphat and I have been a ToO member for 2 years. I have 10 siblings and 10 wonderful nieces and nephews. I enjoy playing the guitar and reading. Also I love to play board games and I am very competitive and hope to win this amazing race. I am glad for the opportunity to play and hope to win.
Team Brad:
Brad (also known as B-rad) joined the ToO before a lot of the other competitors did. However, he has not been active for about 7 years. As such, this is his first time participating in The Amazing Race. Will he be able to overcome the disadvantages ahead of him? Will he be able to overcome the disadvantages of being inactive the past 6-7 years? B-rad thinks he can and is looking forward to taking home the big prize!
Mr. Green's Dream Team:
Hello, I am ~JCGJ~, and this is my partner Mr. Green: :mrgreen:

He shall accompany me on my quest to win this Incredibly Amazing Race!

You may wonder (as many do) what those four letters represent... Well, they are simply initials (yes, I have four names). Many people call me JJ, and that is how I initially registered to the ToO. However, everybody thought I was a joke account made by AE, who (apparently) was the original JJ 'round these parts, so I requested to change my username to ~JCGJ~, and the rest is simply history. :mrgreen:
Code Blue:
Name: Amy Funkhouser
Things I am good at: Singing, writing, taking care of people and taking over the world with awesomeness!!!
Job: I am a Nanny, I clean house, cook, teach, patch up boo-boos and play kid games. I have been puked on at least 50 times and pooped on about 15 times. Yet, I still love kids.
Things I do in my free time: Draw, sew, make jewelry and run.
What I want to be one day: A wife, mother, fashion designer, singer/song writer and working in ministry.
Team bookworm:
I like reading and working with computers. I dislike poetry and writing bios.
Team Limerick:
Hey all, my name is Limerick, one time former Admin with my wonderful co admin Belle, Lady of the Seven Isles, Most Beautiful of All, etc, etc *hides* And yes, we still have plans to release Take A Bow, our part is done, our editor indicates they are almost done for a while now..., well, people get busy :p I spend more time in the chat than on the forums, but I would love to get the chance to know you all better in this Amazing Race!
Team Wakko:
Hello, I'm Wakko! I have been a member on here for about a year, but I've been reading posts on here for about three. =P I'm currently co-leader along with Eugene on the CC. I've been a fan of AIO for about seven years. I enjoy reading, watching movies, bike riding, and listening to music and podcasts.
Team Genius:
I'm E II and I book smart. Unfortunately this won't really help me much , so I will have to rely on luck and intuition.
Teams, you should now have received your first clue via PM. It is time now for you to set off on your race around the internet...

The internet is waiting for you... GO!!!
This is the end. The beginning. This is now.

Follow the yellow and red flags to the finish line. A flag lies in each of 7 different topics, each with a question or clue that will lead you to a number. Each flag will also have a clue to the next. You will have to send in the numbers in order to cross the finish line.

To start, find Blackgaard’s first post

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:15 pm
by snubs
Well, I officially don't know what I'm doing..

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:17 pm
by ~JCGJ~
Yeah... I got the clue, but what the heck are we supposed to do with it?

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:20 pm
by E II
No idea what the clue means. But I received it

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:23 pm
by Woody
If no one has figured it out by 1:00 PM PST, December 22nd, I will explain more.

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:24 pm
by Knight Fisher
I got what it means. :shrugs:

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:26 pm
by bookworm
I know what it means, but not what to do with it apparently. I have no idea how this is supposed to work, I've never seen the show. :P

-- 22 Dec 2014 12:28 pm --

Never mind, I think I have something :mad:

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:44 pm
by E II
All I'm getting out of it is a word scramble, that I don't think is right.

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:11 pm
by ~JCGJ~
Woody wrote:If no one has figured it out by 1:00 PM PST, December 22nd, I will explain more.
I'm guessing someone figured it out... :-s

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:13 pm
by bookworm
I did! Trust me though, the rest of you should be in no hurry to. I have a headache. >_>

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:22 pm
by ~JCGJ~
Is bribery prohibited? :-

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:23 pm
by snubs
Yeah.. I don't even know. So.. I'll probably lose. (This is exactly why I didn't want to sign up for this in the first place. *glares at Woody*)

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:43 pm
by Amy Funkhouser
It's okay Snubs... I have no idea either.... :~/

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:46 pm
by Marvin D.
If bookworm got a headache from doing it, then the rest of us mortals should give up.

*waits impatiently*

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:57 pm
by E II
Well in the real show people as 're allowed to help other teams so bookworms are you feeling generous?

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:09 pm
by bookworm
Marvin D. wrote:If bookworm got a headache from doing it, then the rest of us mortals should give up.
To be clear, solving the first clue was relatively simple. The headache is from what it leads you to. Beware.
E II wrote:bookworms are you feeling generous?
What do I get out of it? At this point helping you get to the next part does nothing for me because I'm still stuck there myself.

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:42 pm
by Jehoshaphat
I have no idea what Im supposed to do with this clue.

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:45 pm
by bookworm
My gosh, that was brutal! :explode:

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:51 pm
by Limerick
I agree, the result is a bit of a headache. How far are you on it bookworm? Have you worked long on the task?

Re: The Amazing Race: Leg 1

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:52 pm
by bookworm
I'm done, finally. Took way too long.