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Jennifer's 2014 Travel Playlist

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:33 am
by jennifertwt
After 6 years in Sweden, we are finally going back to visit Texas (the US)! AS I do not sleep on airplanes (8-10 hour flight and 18-30 hour total journey), I am creating new playlist to transfer to my Samsung Galaxy S5 media device (not phone). I refuse to buy Another I device. (so far anyway). It is a mix of action adventure and Airport/airplane eps.

So far:

Aloha Oy 1-3
Waylaid in the windy City 1-2 (we have a layover in Chicago)
The Search for Whit 1-3
Home, Sweet Home (love the lost luggage scene)
Love is in the Air 1-2
The Right Choice ?
The Labrynth
The Pilot
Prisoners of Fear
The Top Floor
Home Again?
The Cross of Cortes (I am from San Antonio, TX, this Always makes me homesick)

I will also be making a thanksgiving and chrismtas playlist since we will be there over thanksgiving.

any more suggestions? I was originally limiting it to 12 eps, then realized with mp3's it really doesn't matter!

Re: Jennifer's 2014 Travel Playlist

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:51 am
by Leonard Meltsner
Gone, perhaps? It has a significant portion take place at Odyssey Airport.

Re: Jennifer's 2014 Travel Playlist

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 12:34 pm
by jennifertwt
I did have that on the previous Airport playlist. followed by But Not Forgotten.

Re: Jennifer's 2014 Travel Playlist

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:59 pm
by H Tide
Three-parters are always great for long trips. :) In that case, I'd suggest A Perfect Witness 1-3 and A Name Not a Number 1-2, as those are also action/adventure.

Re: Jennifer's 2014 Travel Playlist

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:18 am
by jennifertwt
now that could be something. a long-play list of 3 parters. :-)

-- 18 Aug 2014 10:19 am --

After listening to Love is in the Air for thousands of times I FINALLY "got it" when Jason says "I guess our loves really are in the Air...." Duh...........that is the great thing about Odyssey, you can hear something a million times and someday something new strikes you.

Re: Jennifer's 2014 Travel Playlist

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 3:04 pm
by aragtaghooligan
I'm not sure if you ever did a play list of long three part ones which would be good for travelling but I found all the ones with three parts.
1. Back to Bethlehem
2. Aloha Oy!
3. The Perfect Witness
4. The Search for Wit
5. For Whom The Wedding Bells Toll
6. A Message from Malachi
7. Here today gone tomorrow
8. Prisoners of fear
9. The Top Floor
10. The Other Side of the Glass
11. A New Era
12. The Jubilee Singers
13. The Labyrinth
14. Life Expectancy
15. The Cure

There is also Sergeant York which is four parts. The Dr. Blackgaard and Novacom Sagas also are multiple episode adventures and recently The Green Ring Conspiracy and The Ties That Bind are album long adventures.

Re: Jennifer's 2014 Travel Playlist

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:44 am
by jennifertwt
oh thank you for the leg work on that one! saving that to a word doc so I don't lose it.