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Faction for rent!

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:00 pm
by bookworm
As you may know, I recently acquired a plot of land from The Ill Gotten Deed competition. It currently sits vacant while I determine what to use the property for. I feel guilty letting it remain unoccupied in the interim, so I devised the following idea. A first of its kind arrangement to match the first of its kind event that led to this.

I will allow interested parties to rent the Faction! They will be made leaders and can set whatever topic theme they wish in it. It will be just like they had purchased their own.

I think this is a pretty great idea, if I say so myself, because Factions tend to die out after the initial discussions have said what there is to say. This is a perfect way to form a Faction and see if it’s actually viable.
Lots of people have ideas for Factions they’d like to make, but don’t want to risk the high cost on something that might not last. This way, you can try out your theme idea for a fraction of the cost, and if it’s popular you can either renew the rent and continue on a longer yet still temporary arrangement in case it eventually fizzles, or if it seems to be working out for a long run you may decide to go ahead with forming a permanent group.

The current asking price is $200 and the initial renting period will be for two months. That should be a decent amount of time to get a pretty good picture of the level of interest in the theme. If you think it’s worth continuing past that period we can work out a pay/time scale that is reasonable.

Oh, and don’t let the name concern you. The Indians were just joking, it’s really prime real estate.


Terms of rent:
Any rental arrangements are subject to preliminary discussion and agreement to finalize the deal between the landlord and renter. Only payment transferred after such discussion shall be considered valid claim to the property. Premature transfer of payment occurring before a rental agreement has been formally accepted shall not constitute entitlement of Faction ownership.

Upon transfer of first rent payment to the landlord, occurring after formal agreement acceptance, the agreement shall be considered final and binding. Neither party may prematurely break the rental agreement before it has reached the date of conclusion, with the exception of either a mutually arranged early conclusion or in the event of a severe grievance by one party against the other. If such a grievance arises the matter shall be adjudicated by Catspaw after she has heard testimony from both parties in question and the resolution of the grievance will be determined by her either solely or if she deems necessary, either for insurance against a conflict of interest or for other reasons of her discretion, by a joint decision with members of the administrative team currently in office.

The conditions of rent shall be as follows. For the period of time agreed upon and paid for the renter shall assume full leadership of the Faction. They shall be made a coleader with the landlord and be given full authority to undertake any action concerning Faction matters with only two exceptions. One, that they may not dismiss the landlord from Faction membership. Two, that they may not delete Faction contents without the landlord’s approval.

At the conclusion of the agreed upon and paid for rental time period the landlord shall resume sole leadership of the Faction, even in the event of ongoing discussion of rental extension. Should an extension be agreed upon and paid for, the renter shall subsequently be reinstated as a Faction leader under the previous terms and conditions. Should an extension not be obtained, either through disagreement concerning negotiations or lack of interest by the renter, full authority over the Faction reverts to the landlord and all business arrangements shall be considered concluded. A rental extension shall be considered a separate agreement from the first rental period and is subject to new negotiation and agreement between the landlord and renter. The event of previous agreements shall hold no bearing on the possibility of an extension and the landlord reserves the right to decline an extension, not being under any obligation from such previous rental agreements to grant one.

Upon expiration of the rental period the Faction contents shall be considered abandoned property and control of such contents shall be transferred to the landlord for handling in a manner deemed appropriate by his discretion.
PM me if you are interested in renting. Offers will be considered in the order they are received. A waiting list may be established if necessary.

Re: Faction for rent!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:20 am
by Agent 86
Will one person rent it? Or will 5 people have to be interested in it? And will the person who asks be come leader? And will the leader be able to elect a (some) co-leader(s).

Re: Faction for rent!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:50 am
by bookworm
All good questions. I didn’t mention any of that because the details would be worked out in individual negotiations, but since you brought it up I’ll give my thoughts.

This can absolutely be a one person deal. If a single member has the funds and desire, it’s all theirs.

If multiple people want to join up for raising the money, as they do with a regular Faction, that’s fine, but only one of them, whoever transfers the total fee to me, will be made the Faction leader. Once in charge they may, if they really want to, appoint coleaders under the terms of rent, but that would seem unnecessary to me. There’s no practical reason more than one person needs to lead the Faction, all they do it accept members that request to join.

Re: Faction for rent!

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:22 pm
by Doll
This faction has been rented out by A-ty6 and I to make a Get Smart themed faction. Please be sure to join us! :D

Re: Faction for rent!

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:02 pm
by Tea Ess
As soon as I saw the thread title, I thought that this was a great idea. This was very creative of you, bookworm.

Re: Faction for rent!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 5:16 pm
by Sherlock
Will a credit check and preliminary criminal background screening be required?

Re: Faction for rent!

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:08 am
by Agent 86
I didn't think we did that... What do you think 99?

Re: Faction for rent!

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:41 pm
by bookworm
Sherlock wrote:Will a credit check and preliminary criminal background screening be required?
A credit check will be conducted; I have to be sure you can pay. A general background check may be done on certain parties, but nothing extremely extensive unless otherwise warranted.