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So I need your guys's help!

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:33 pm
by Taps
So as some of you ToOer's may know I am Homeschooled. But I also take Band and Choir at the High School in our city. And as I've been going there, I've really noticed that not many people are on fire for Jesus or even know who he is, and a lot of kids at my High School are hurting and need Christ. So I started talking to a few friends of mine about what we could do, so we started a prayer group, and praying is great and stuff, but I really feel like God is calling us to spread his word around at the School. So I was wondering if you guys have any ideas about the best way to spread the Gospel in our High School- and ideas are much appreciated, and I would be willing to do anything (within the law of course :P ) To spread the Jesus Fever! So if you guys could post some ideas that would be sweet guys, or if you could just keep me in your prayers that would be awesome to- because prayer really matters as well! So thanks, and please comment if you have any ideas! -Taps

Re: So I need your guys's help!

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:11 pm
by The Kings Daughter
That's awesome, Taps! :) I'll be praying for sure. :) The more I personally have tried to evangelize, the more I have been made aware of how little I'm in control of it. I can try all sorts of methods, but God doesn't need me. But He delights and desires to use me. So something to keep in mind is to definitely pray before ideas are tried (You may already do that, I found that out the hard way, so..:)). I have some resources that have encouraged me that I can compile a short list of, if you would like. Keep seeking Him!::D

Re: So I need your guys's help!

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:24 pm
by Humby
Never forget to study the word of God as well. Look to the Bible for answers. Perhaps you could turn your prayer group into a Bible study as well. Perhaps you could invite people you see who are in need. There are a lot of great studies out there that you can just play off the internet. Mark Driscoll, Matt Chandler, Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley... They all teach get stuff. You never know what small groups can be turned into.

Re: So I need your guys's help!

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:54 pm
by Taps
Thanks TKD and Humby you guy's are awesome :) And TKD I would LOVE for you to compile a list :)

Re: So I need your guys's help!

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:15 pm
by Jesus' Princess
I think the biggest thing, in my opinion anyways, is to remember that no matter how hard we work, or how badly we want people to be converted, it's not in our hands. Yes, we should absolutely do our part in sharing Jesus with others, but at the same time remember that ultimately, we can't make others love Jesus.

It's awesome that you want to share Christ with kids at your high school! I'll keep you in my prayers. :)