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Birthday Suggestions

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:57 pm
by Samantha14
My birthday is in a month and 17 days, and I am looking for ideas about what to do for it. I... Don't exactly have friends to have a party with or anything. :P But, still.

These suggestions must be affordable, and not include atomic bombs. Understand?! :x

Good. O:)

Now then, let the helping begin. \:D/

.....Please. *Cough*

Re: Birthday Suggestions

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:51 pm
by Christian A.
Tell all of us where you live and see if anyone comes to celebrate with you! :evillaugh:

Re: Birthday Suggestions

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:25 pm
by Samantha14
YES. NO. Wait, what?! Do you know how hard I would get murdered by my parents if I did that?! Well... Maybe not murder murdered, but definitely killed! :x

Though I want to see you guys... :(

Re: Birthday Suggestions

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:21 pm
by American Eagle
I have friends and yet, honestly, my birthday was lame. I hung around the house while my family napped in between church services. Don't feel bad if birthdays aren't a party. :/

Idea #1: Movies
Personally, I loved my 14th birthday. My mom let me rent King Kong and the Lord of the Rings movies, because I hadn't been allowed to watch then before that age. \:D/

Idea #2: Do you have a Facebook? If so, post something to Facebook that is sure to get likes. Likes are as precious as gifts.
This is what I posted this year. I received 59 gifts.
If you don't have a Facebook, maybe your parents will let you have one as a birthday present? :o

Idea #3: Give yourself a makeover and post a picture here for us to see. ;)

Idea #4: Volunteer
So, I felt pretty selfish on my birthday last month because I thought of it as 'my day', and that left me feeling empty. Perhaps you could do something special for someone else, like give your time to a neighbor, food pantry, or your church.

Ehh, that's all the ideas I have. \:D/

Re: Birthday Suggestions

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:07 am
by Jesus' Princess
American Eagle wrote: post something to Facebook that is sure to get likes. Likes are as precious as gifts.
You mean I'm not the only one who thinks like that? :P

Sam: Birthdays can still be super fun without spending tons of money, or having tons of friends :)

1) In my family the birthday girl (or boy) gets to pick what they want for breakfast and supper, and a dessert. Ask your mom if she can make your favorite meal, it's not super hard usually, but if it's not something you eat every week, it makes it kind of special and fun. (it does help to pick the meal in advance though, so the ingredients are on hand! :) )

2)For my birthday, which was just a couple of days ago, I didn't have a big party or anything, I slept in, which is always fun! My siblings kindly took over most of my chores for the day, and I talked to some long distance friends on the phone for a while. Then my mom and I went shopping for a bit, we didn't buy anything, just looked around and talked mostly.
Maybe you and your mom could go somewhere and just hang out for a few hours. It doesn't have to be expensive, it's just special.

3) Like AE said, get a movie from the library that you've wanted to see for a while, and make it a point to watch on your birthday. Movie nights are always fun!

Re: Birthday Suggestions

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:42 am
by Monty
Go to San Antonio with a group of your friends. Best birthday ever!

EDIT: But seriously, your library has tons of amazing stuff you can take advantage of. My library recently released a new service whereby each patron can download three songs per week. It's legal too!

Re: Birthday Suggestions

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:32 pm
by bookworm
Why is this in HH?

Re: Birthday Suggestions

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:20 pm
by Shennifer
Have a Doctor Who themed party \:D/

...if you're a fan, that is.

Re: Birthday Suggestions

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:37 pm
by ~JCGJ~
Have a dance party on Skype!!! :mrgreen:

Re: Birthday Suggestions

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:32 am
by KODY 105
I love a good LAN party. Do you like computer games? Maybe set aside an afternoon to play some favorite computer/video game.

Some people like theme parks. Get one or two people to go with you (your parents) and go ride rides, eat overpriced food, and enjoy yourself!

Re: Birthday Suggestions

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:07 am
by Blitz
Blow a hole in the roof, break and fix your back, be a pain.