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Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:16 am
by Fang-wa
Doctor Who first aired in 1963, with William Hartnell as the Doctor. Since then there has been a great cast of subsequent Doctors. And now, this year, Peter Capaldi was announced as the Twelfth Doctor.

I know some on Peter Capaldi was/is discussed in the Doctor Who Series Preview topic, but I wanted to make this topic for a more specialized discussion of Peter Capaldi and the other "Doctors."

So what do you think of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor? What do you think of the Doctor's character over all these years, from what you've seen of the show? Who's your favorite Doctor, if you can narrow it down to one, and why? And, spoiler for The Name of the Doctor...
...what do you think of John Hurt as the Doctor?
Remember to use spoilers when necessary!

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:04 am
by Musical Shutterbug
Ah, another Doctor Who Thread. Brilliant!

I actually have not seen all twelve Doctors in action :( I have watched Classic Doctor Who and enjoyed it, but I've never found the time to go through all of the episodes. I have watched two or three full episodes of William Hartnell (first), bits and clips of Patrick Troughton (second), Peter Davison (fifth), Colin Baker (sixth), Sylvester McCoy (seventh), and many full episodes of Tom Baker (fourth). And, of course, I have seen all of New Who--Christopher Eccleston (ninth), David Tennant (tenth), and Matt Smith (eleventh).

One of my favorite parts of Doctor Who is watching the evolution of the Doctor's character throughout the years. Each actor brings his own unique spin, and I think that's a large part of what keeps the show so fresh and entertaining.

I'm honestly glad that Matty is leaving us...I think that it's his time. I have absolutely loved these past few years with him, but the role of the Doctor doesn't last forever. And yes, there really is such a thing as outstaying your welcome :p Not that Matt has done that yet, but I think that he was edging towards it. As a random side note, I reeeeally hope that his final line on the show will be one of the following: "Who da man?", "Bowties are cool", or "Geronimo!"

My favorite Doctor will always be David Tennant :inlove: And not because he is one of the most gorgeous men to ever walk on the planet (although that is true, too). David Tennant, as an actor, brought quirkiness, humor, and intensity to the role of the Doctor. I really don't even know how to describe how much I adore his character. His signature lines, black-rimmed glasses, trench coat, and Converse will always define him. He showed that it is entirely possible to be handsome, hilarious, and serious, all at the same time. It should also be mentioned that the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler's romance is one of the most beloved in British television. (I'm sure that is probably an exaggeration, but never mind.) David Tennant redefined the role of the Doctor in a way that is both brilliant and beautiful.

When I have more time, I'll come back and talk about Matty, John Hurt, and Capaldi...since I think that they are supposed to be the primary subjects of this discussion :p

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:05 am
by Shennifer
Musical Shutterbug wrote:
My favorite Doctor will always be David Tennant :inlove: And not because he is one of the most gorgeous men to ever walk on the planet (although that is true, too). David Tennant, as an actor, brought quirkiness, humor, and intensity to the role of the Doctor. I really don't even know how to describe how much I adore his character. His signature lines, black-rimmed glasses, trench coat, and Converse will always define him. He showed that it is entirely possible to be handsome, hilarious, and serious, all at the same time. It should also be mentioned that the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler's romance is one of the most beloved in British television. (I'm sure that is probably an exaggeration, but never mind.) David Tennant redefined the role of the Doctor in a way that is both brilliant and beautiful.

When I have more time, I'll come back and talk about Matty, John Hurt, and Capaldi...since I think that they are supposed to be the primary subjects of this discussion :p
Can I just bottle this post so I can have it always? Because you took the words right out of my mouth about Tennant. I would also add that I appreciate both the humor and the heavier, sadder moments because it all adds up to how beautiful and wonderful (and yes even damaged) he is. Honestly it makes sense for Ten to be like he was.
And though I might not love the hopeless feeling at the end of Journey's End, I'm grateful for the episodes that came after it, to give more closure.

About Classic Who, I've seen one episode with Tom Baker (Genesis of the Daleks) and one with Sylvester McCoy (Curse of Fenric). I liked both so far.
I, like MS, have seen all of the New Who and do in fact love Tennant the best, but I do appreciate Nine in all his understated glory and Matt in his fun quirky-ness. Even if it took me a while to warm up to him. (I was emotionally compromised after Tennant left, okay?)
about John Hurt, I think the fandom has accurately called this one, about him being the regeneration of the Doctor that we haven't seen before, the one that was involved in the Time War.
Peter Capaldi seems like a good guy, but I'm undecided until I see him as the Doctor. Inevitably, it will take getting used to but from what I've seen he's getting a fairly positive vibe at the moment.
did ya'll know he played a character in The Fires of Pompeii? coincidentally Karen Gillan was also in that episode

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:26 pm
by Fang-wa
Musical Shutterbug wrote:Ah, another Doctor Who Thread. Brilliant!

I actually have not seen all twelve Doctors in action :( I have watched Classic Doctor Who and enjoyed it, but I've never found the time to go through all of the episodes. I have watched two or three full episodes of William Hartnell (first), bits and clips of Patrick Troughton (second), Peter Davison (fifth), Colin Baker (sixth), Sylvester McCoy (seventh), and many full episodes of Tom Baker (fourth). And, of course, I have seen all of New Who--Christopher Eccleston (ninth), David Tennant (tenth), and Matt Smith (eleventh).

One of my favorite parts of Doctor Who is watching the evolution of the Doctor's character throughout the years. Each actor brings his own unique spin, and I think that's a large part of what keeps the show so fresh and entertaining.
lol Yes, the most Doctor Who I've seen in order are the Fifth and Seventh Doctors, respectively (and the Eighth Doctor movie, if you count that, since the movie's all he had). All I've seen of the Second Doctor is The Three Doctors and The Five Doctors, I believe, but I'd like to see more of him.

Yes! I love that, how the different actors have the different takes on the Doctor. No doubt some of it is also the writing, but the acting, the quirks and mannerisms, the manner of speaking and just interacting in general... \:D/
Musical Shutterbug wrote:I'm honestly glad that Matty is leaving us...I think that it's his time. I have absolutely loved these past few years with him, but the role of the Doctor doesn't last forever. And yes, there really is such a thing as outstaying your welcome :p Not that Matt has done that yet, but I think that he was edging towards it. As a random side note, I reeeeally hope that his final line on the show will be one of the following: "Who da man?", "Bowties are cool", or "Geronimo!"
I'm not commenting about his wearing out his welcome because I'm not sure (I haven't seen all of the new Doctor Who or in order, so..), but I agree that he should leave before he does wear out his welcome, while people still like him. :)
Those would be great "last words," per se! \:D/But even if his last line is something else, I think they'll make a great regeneration for him. :cool:
Musical Shutterbug wrote:My favorite Doctor will always be David Tennant :inlove: And not because he is one of the most gorgeous men to ever walk on the planet (although that is true, too). David Tennant, as an actor, brought quirkiness, humor, and intensity to the role of the Doctor. I really don't even know how to describe how much I adore his character. His signature lines, black-rimmed glasses, trench coat, and Converse will always define him. He showed that it is entirely possible to be handsome, hilarious, and serious, all at the same time. It should also be mentioned that the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler's romance is one of the most beloved in British television. (I'm sure that is probably an exaggeration, but never mind.) David Tennant redefined the role of the Doctor in a way that is both brilliant and beautiful.
Shennifer wrote:Can I just bottle this post so I can have it always? Because you took the words right out of my mouth about Tennant. I would also add that I appreciate both the humor and the heavier, sadder moments because it all adds up to how beautiful and wonderful (and yes even damaged) he is. Honestly it makes sense for Ten to be like he was.
And though I might not love the hopeless feeling at the end of Journey's End, I'm grateful for the episodes that came after it, to give more closure.
David Tennant did do a brilliant job as the Doctor. I love what Matt Smith's done too, and what Christopher Eccleston did as the Doctor (from what of all these I've seen, mind you). Yesss. If I just had to name a favorite Doctor it'd probably be Eleven, but Ten and...really, I don't think I've seen a Doctor I categorically didn't like. I don't love Eight, but a lot of that is just the modern and gothic style of his movie that I didn't care for. I haven't seen much of the First Doctor, but expect to like him once I "get to know him" more, so to speak.
Musical Shutterbug wrote:When I have more time, I'll come back and talk about Matty, John Hurt, and Capaldi...since I think that they are supposed to be the primary subjects of this discussion :p
Really I just meant this topic for talking about the Doctor in general. The three you mention are prominent in the role of the Doctor at the present, but...whatever! ^_^
Shennifer wrote:
about John Hurt, I think the fandom has accurately called this one, about him being the regeneration of the Doctor that we haven't seen before, the one that was involved in the Time War.
Peter Capaldi seems like a good guy, but I'm undecided until I see him as the Doctor. Inevitably, it will take getting used to but from what I've seen he's getting a fairly positive vibe at the moment.
did ya'll know he played a character in The Fires of Pompeii? coincidentally Karen Gillan was also in that episode
I hope what you said about John Hurt is correct. I'd like to see that. :mrgreen:

Basically, I agree about Peter Capaldi. I like him so far, but it's hard to imagine him as the Doctor without having seen him as the Doctor. And I did hear that, what you said in the spoiler!
I've also heard that Peter Capaldi, in the movie World War Z, played a W.H.O. Doctor. :cool:

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:55 am
by Termite
Again, as I said in the other thread, Freema Ageyman was also in Who before becoming a companion. None of these roles had anything to do with the other, aside from passing Freema's first character off as a cousin to explain that one away, considering it was present day. His being in Pompeii has nothing to do with him being on the show now.

That being said, I AM excited for Capaldi. I was sold on his first official video announcing himself as 'The new Doctor'. Just the way he said it with the face... oh man, I'm lost. Matty is forever my Doctor, but I'm going to be slightly less heart-broken considering the man coming in to take his place... I'm sort of working on reconciling myself to this fact.

And I have Sherlock to fall back on, of course. Heh.


I've watched the majority of William Hartnell's first season as the Doctor, and as I heard in one of BBC's new mini-series about Doctor Who, I've come to realize one thing: the show originally wasn't about the Doctor himself. He was a supporting role to the companions; Ian being the lead and Barbara following close behind. That being said, I do so enjoy One. He's such a grump and 'oh, fiddlesticks!' kind of guy and really gives the Doctor his starting point as a crotchety old man.

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:16 pm
by Shennifer
Termite, I know those earlier roles don't have a connection to now, but I shall have fun anyway speculating about paradoxes \:D/

I tell myself I'll be less heartbroken than last time, but once the Christmas Special actually airs I'll probably be a bit of a mess. I did end up liking Matt, but I'm excited about this new guy.

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:12 pm
by Fang-wa
That video is great! \:D/
Termite wrote:I've watched the majority of William Hartnell's first season as the Doctor, and as I heard in one of BBC's new mini-series about Doctor Who, I've come to realize one thing: the show originally wasn't about the Doctor himself. He was a supporting role to the companions; Ian being the lead and Barbara following close behind. That being said, I do so enjoy One. He's such a grump and 'oh, fiddlesticks!' kind of guy and really gives the Doctor his starting point as a crotchety old man.
Oh really? I didn't know that, about the Doctor being a supporting role. Huh. That's interesting. :-k

I should watch more of One sometime...

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:31 pm
by Termite
Shennifer wrote:Termite, I know those earlier roles don't have a connection to now, but I shall have fun anyway speculating about paradoxes \:D/

I tell myself I'll be less heartbroken than last time, but once the Christmas Special actually airs I'll probably be a bit of a mess. I did end up liking Matt, but I'm excited about this new guy.
....I feel like we had this conversation once already. :-k Heh.

I will cry, guys. :(

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:53 pm
by Shennifer
Termite wrote:
Shennifer wrote:Termite, I know those earlier roles don't have a connection to now, but I shall have fun anyway speculating about paradoxes \:D/

I tell myself I'll be less heartbroken than last time, but once the Christmas Special actually airs I'll probably be a bit of a mess. I did end up liking Matt, but I'm excited about this new guy.
....I feel like we had this conversation once already. :-k Heh.

I will cry, guys. :(
we probably did in some form or another

make sure you have a shock blanket and a teddy bear

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:37 am
by Musical Shutterbug
Termite wrote:I will cry, guys. :(
No shame. I'll be crying as well :(

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:20 pm
by Fang-wa
Shennifer wrote:make sure you have a shock blanket and a teddy bear
I imagined a blanket that shocks you before I finally realized/remembered what a shock blanket is. :-

What if people watched some old Doctor Who and saw some other Doctors? Would that help them feel better? \:D/ [/plug for old Doctor Who]

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:36 pm
by Shennifer
Fang-wa wrote:
Shennifer wrote:make sure you have a shock blanket and a teddy bear
I imagined a blanket that shocks you before I finally realized/remembered what a shock blanket is. :-

What if people watched some old Doctor Who and saw some other Doctors? Would that help them feel better? \:D/ [/plug for old Doctor Who]
well if getting electrocuted and possibly going into cardiac arrest helps you cope with Eleven leaving then by all means :-

I support this post \:D/ what little I have seen of Classic Who was good stuff

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:46 pm
by Knight Fisher
Meh, one of the first episodes of One I saw was The Aztecs. It was educational. :hmph:

I like Five and Two though. Six was... okay. Three and Four really haven't stood out much in the little I've seen of them.

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:29 pm
by Astronomer
Knight Fisher, I would watch some of 4's middle stuff. Pyramids of Mars, The Ribos Operation, The Pirate Planet, any of those are pretty good. In fact, most of the Key to Time series (Season 16) is really good.
As for 2, most of his episodes are all based off one theme: base under siege. And most of his episodes (like 1's) are lost. Still, The Tomb of the Cybermen is good. The War Games is pivotal to the story-line, but kind of slow.
Also, what about 3? No one seems to remember him, but he's got some great episodes (I liked The Mutants and The Carnival of Monsters).

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:23 pm
by Fang-wa
Shennifer wrote:well if getting electrocuted and possibly going into cardiac arrest helps you cope with Eleven leaving then by all means :-

I support this post \:D/ what little I have seen of Classic Who was good stuff
Heh. I as well think this is a bad idea. xD

Knight Fisher wrote:Meh, one of the first episodes of One I saw was The Aztecs. It was educational. :hmph:

I like Five and Two though. Six was... okay. Three and Four really haven't stood out much in the little I've seen of them.
The horror! NO LEARNING! :x

It seems to me like Four would stand out more than some others, say Three and Five. But maybe that's just me--or perhaps the episodes we've both watched. :shrugs:
Astronomer wrote:Knight Fisher, I would watch some of 4's middle stuff. Pyramids of Mars, The Ribos Operation, The Pirate Planet, any of those are pretty good. In fact, most of the Key to Time series (Season 16) is really good.
As for 2, most of his episodes are all based off one theme: base under siege. And most of his episodes (like 1's) are lost. Still, The Tomb of the Cybermen is good. The War Games is pivotal to the story-line, but kind of slow.
Also, what about 3? No one seems to remember him, but he's got some great episodes (I liked The Mutants and The Carnival of Monsters).
I've been watching some of Three! I like him. He's kind of like Five where he's more subtle and reserved (than, say, Four or Eleven), but he's definitely the Doctor. xD

^I think that's the Doctor saying "Hello" with his eyebrows in an alien language.

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:12 pm
by Caswin
I read a goodly number of transcripts of One and Two until I got to "Evil of the Daleks". From what I've seen, I certainly like both of their performances... to which Jon Pertwee and, oddly, Tom Baker left me kind of cold.

Tennant's awesome. Smith's cool. Not sure what to say about Eccleston.

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:07 pm
by Astronomer
I think there is a conspiracy against me enjoying any 6th doctor episodes. Netflix has none on instant, and Big Finish has a free audiodrama available with Colin Baker, but it is only him on the phone, and I could hardly distinguish his voice from Peter Davison. to which Jon Pertwee and, oddly, Tom Baker left me kind of cold.
Tom Baker seems to have stronger plots than characters, it's true. But his character is different than either 1st or 2nd doctor. The first doctor is kind of grumpy and forgetful while the second doctor is goofy and somewhat dark. Tom Baker really jumped into the thriller/horror genre (except the special effects make it look more like comedy) while the third doctor was serious almost to the point of being over the top, which, with him being a comedian, was possibly the point.

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:19 pm
by Fang-wa
Caswin wrote:I read a goodly number of transcripts of One and Two until I got to "Evil of the Daleks". From what I've seen, I certainly like both of their performances... to which Jon Pertwee and, oddly, Tom Baker left me kind of cold.

Tennant's awesome. Smith's cool. Not sure what to say about Eccleston.
How did you read transcripts? Are they free online, or...?

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:48 pm
by Caswin
Fang-wa wrote:How did you read transcripts? Are they free online, or...?
The ones I used. (Maybe your imagination will fill it in better than I did.)

Re: Doctor Who: The First Twelve Doctors

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:59 pm
by Whitty Whit
I don't approve of Matt Smith leaving, nor do I approve or disapprove of Capaldi's joining. I am definitely interested to see how this show will progress. :)