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Thank you: ToO, SS, and CC.

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:03 pm
by Samantha14
First off, I'd like to personally thank each and everyone of you guys. For your membership, your leadership, your support, and your loyalty. To ToO, SS, and CC. It's meant a lot to me, as well as several others I know for sure. Through our ups and downs you've stuck with us until the end. And you've made all three boards bright, cheery, and unique places that are just absolutely amazing. Again, I thank you.

And to show you guys that, I have something for you. Nothing much, at all. I'm sorry... But, anyways..
It isn't much, but I just thought I would show my appreciation to you somehow. And this was the only way I could think of how to do it online. ;)

To Our Admins:

To Catspaw: You've been on this board for ages, taking care of things and keeping the peace. You're wise and thoughtful decisions have kept us from going down many times. Thank you for everything you've done, and continue to do each day. It means the world to us. =)
To AE: You've brought laughter and fun to this board for many years. Not only in adminship, but in general. You know how to make a person smile, and are always there for your friends. Thank you for everything you've done, and continue to do. =)
To God's Girl: Wise and loving leadership, you've been there for us through the ups and the downs. You know how to make a person smile, and just what to say. You also always have fantastically fun ideas for us all. Thank you for everything. =)
To Snubs: Just as God's Girl, you rule fairly. You have great ideas, and know how to make them happen. And you've always been there for anyone. Thank you so much for what you do. =)
To Bren: You've been there for ToO, SS, and CC all three for so many years. I know for fact if you hadn't been around at least CC would have crashed from my many, many, many, many.... Um, several mistakes. :P ;) Thank you for being there for us, and for me. =)
To RyanCummings: From leadership to friendship, you constantly are of great help. In the action, or out, you've always been there for your friends. Thank you for it, and more. =)
To Renae: You always know how to cheer a person up, and how to keep the peace. Thank you for bringing your smiley personality to the boards, and letting it spread into all of us. =)
To JesusFreak97: Just as Renae, you always know just what to say. You bring happiness and help to the boards, and to your friends. Thank you for it. =)
To Underseasie: Just as JesusFreak97 and Renae, you always know how to cheer a person up. Your good ideas and willingness to work and help has kept us going many a time. thank you for everything. =)
To Marvin W.: Your will power and strong sense of leadership has been of great help to us many times. You have great ideas and know how to get them done. Thank you for it. =)
To Our Mods:

To Aftershocker: Just as Woody and Anemone, you too know how to bring joy to others. You're always there for your friends, and always willing to help out. Thank you so very much. =)
To Anemone: You know how to make a person smile from your bright personality, to your talents and willingness to help and be there for anyone and everyone. thank you so very much for everything you do. =)
To Joy: You always know how to help bring a smile to your friends faces. Always willing to lend a helping hand, you've more than proved your heart in these boards. Thank you for everything. =)
To Woody: Just as Anemone, you always know how to make a person smile. You're always there for everyone. Your willingness and talents have helped everyone so very much, and I thank you for that. =)
To Termite: You're always one to bring cheer to the boards, whether it be from bright ideas or good jokes. thank you for being such a big help. =)
To Joanne: Always there to bring a smile, or just be of big help. Thank you for being so willing over the past few years you've been here. It's most appreciated. =)
To Taps: Whether it be a fun post, or a funny set, you know how to make a person smile. Thank you for being of such help, and being so willing to do so. =)
To Arkán Dreamwalker: When it comes to trouble or decisions, you always know how to keep your cool. Your willingness to help and keep things under control has helped many times, and will continue to do so. Thank you. =)
To Nelson S.: You've been a big help for a while now, and just as T.S., have more than earned your title. Thank you for being of such big help and having such willingness to do so. =)
To The Old Judge: You've helped many with your kind words and wise decisions. I know from personal experience that you're always willing to listen and try to help people with their problems. Thank you for everything. =)
To T.S.(Myself): Just as TOJ, you're kind words and wise decisions have helped in more ways than can be said. You always know just what to say, and how to make a person smile. Thank you for everything. =)
To Aaron Wiley: You've helped from member to admin and everything in between. Thank you so very much for being of such a large helping, and being there for everyone. It's truly appreciated. =)
To Our Chat Mods:

To Dan: Even though it's not apart of the boards themselves, your helping keep things in order in the chatroom does more than you might think. Thank you for your willingness to do so, even when things get repetitive or outright annoying. Heh heh. =)
To Tim: Thank you so much for your helping keep the chat up and running, as well as helping keep order within. A lot of good memories have been created in this chat, and it wouldn't have happened without your help. Thank you. =)
To Skid: Thank you very very much for helping keep everything in order around here. Your willingness to help, and wise decisions, have helped during many times of trouble. Thank you again. =)
To Kaida: Thank you so much for being so willing to help out, even when things get hectic. You always know how to help, and you're always there for everyone. Thank you. =)
To Our Tech Team:

To Darcie: You've always been there for everyone, and your knowledge and intelligence has saved us more times than probably countable. Thank you for everything you've done, do, and continue to do every day. =)
To Sko: The same goes to you. You're always there for your friends, and you know just what to say and when to say it. Thank you for everything. =)
To Eugene: Just as Sko and Darcie, you are always there for your friends. Whether it be a general life problem, or an HTML crisis. :P You always know just what to do. Thank you for everything. =)
To NarniaQA Guy: Same goes for you, Narnia. You are always there for your friends, and always willing to help out whenever needed. Thank you for everything. =)
To Our Founders:

Bren, Jacob Isom, and Shadowpaw, thank you so very much for everything you've ever done. For the boards, and for us. So many memories and friendships have been formed over the years, all because of one amazing idea from three amazing people each. Thank you for your willingness to not give up on us. To keep your websites running and allowing us to continue making the most of them all. =)

To Our Previous Mods/Admins:

Thank you to our previous mods and admins, who stuck with us and helped out during times of need. Thank you to those who have left, but left behind legends history within the ToO making. We couldn't have done it without you guys. =)
To Our Birthday Committee:

To Sunny: Always bright and cheery, and always there for anyone. You know how to bring joy to others. Thank you for everything, from just being there and listening, to willingly accepting a role of help. =)
To Musical Shutterbug: Just as Sunny, you're always there for everyone. And you always know how to bring joy and cheer to the boards. Thank you so much for everything. =)
To Jesus' Princess: Just as Sunny and Musical, you are always there for anyone and everyone. You know just how to bring happiness to everyone, and help in times of need. Thank you for everything you do. =)
To Our Members

Lastly, to our members. Thank you for your posts, your cheer, your loyalty, your love, and your amazing lives that you live on within our boards. Even when times get tough, you stick with us til the end. We wouldn't be what we are, or where we are today without you guys. =)


Thank you everyone! I can't say that enough! ^_^

Note: Some members that should be in certain places too, but are only in others, is because they have multiple roles on the multiple boards and I didn't feel like doing duplicates. :P

Re: Thank you: ToO, SS, and CC.

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:26 pm
by ~JCGJ~
Samantha14 wrote:
To Bren: You've been there for ToO, SS, and CC all three for so many years. I know for fact if you hadn't been around at least CC would have crashed from my many, many, many, many.... Um, several mistakes. :P ;) Thank you for being there for us, and for me. =)
Without Bren, CC wouldn't even exist. :mrgreen:

Re: Thank you: ToO, SS, and CC.

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:21 am
by Marvin D.
Impressive work \:D/

Re: Thank you: ToO, SS, and CC.

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:09 pm
by snubs
Sammy is great. \:D/

Re: Thank you: ToO, SS, and CC.

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:59 pm
by American Eagle
I'm still a little dumbfounded by your post, Sam. That must've taken an insane amount of time. :anxious: But it was amazing. Thanks.

Re: Thank you: ToO, SS, and CC.

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:29 pm
by Catspaw
What a post! Thanks for taking the time to do this, Samantha. :) I appreciate your kind words.

Re: Thank you: ToO, SS, and CC.

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:37 pm
by Taps
You're the best Sam!!