How Have You Changed?

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How Have You Changed?

Post by Bren »

How have you changed since you were a kid?
  • I wear a crew cut now (never did like my hair with a part because it was a pain)
  • I've got glasses
  • I perfer button down shirts more these days
  • I don't work outdoors as much as I used to.
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Post by Skylerbuck »

I'm still 14, so not much as changed except I'm on the computer more :)
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Post by Anna><> »

I go to university and study engineering. When I was a kid I wanted to be a librarian.
I make tacos out of actual shells and not just leaves.
I have side bangs instead of straight across bangs.

Seriously though, I'm almost the same as when I was a kid...
I still like to play SimCity and all the Tycoon games I owned.
I still like reading mystery novels.
I still like biking and swimming.
I'm a lifeguard, and when I was a kid I always wanted to be a lifeguard.
I still wear t-shirts and jeans a lot.
I'm still more of a tomboy than a girly girl.
Purple is my favourite colour and owls are my favourite animals still.
I am still good at drawing dolphins.
I still like to paint in the summer and building things.

My life went from doing all those things as a kid, to making stupid choices as a teenager and not doing those things, to realizing I was a dumb teenager and starting to re-enjoy the things I used to do.
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Post by Laurie »

My hair is shorter now than when I was a kid and I still have straight across bangs. Don't see myself changing that.

Sadly I think I'm heavier now than I was then. My own fault

I had glasses when I was a kid and I have them now. There was a time when I did not need them but that changed in 1996.

I still love to read like I did then and I probably read more now than I did then.
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Post by Kait »

I was:
A fundamental Christian.
Wore skirts and had long, undyed hair.
Had little interest in a career or college.
Was very into photography and art.
Ate lots of food.

I am:
A non-religious liberal feminist.
Love playing with different hairstyles: right now, it's platinum blonde.
Wear whatever I want without any arbitrary hangups of modesty.
Am graduating college next year and plan on pursuing a full-time career.
I'm less into photography and art only because I don't have much time for it. Writing is my thing nowadays.
I still eat lots of food, but I'm also a pescatarian and gluten-free.
I have a husband and a child. Definitely didn't have that when I was 14 :P

Those are the biggest changes from when I was 14-16 years old and now (22 years old).
Last edited by Kait on Sun May 26, 2013 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Metal15 »

I grew my hair out massively and started listening to metal music, and started playing guitar.
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Post by DanP740 »

I can't think of much that's changed, except that I'm finally exercising, and four years ago finally started playing guitar, but the biggest thing that's changed is how easily I talk to other people. Even in just the last six months I've noticed a big change.
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Post by Samantha14 »

I don't know that I've really changed much. I'm not completely as shy as I was. I'm definitely taller, thinner, and my hair is much darker. I've made a ton of friends! \:D/ ...Even if they are all online... :anxious: Hmm.

Not much can happen in 14 years, you know. ;)
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Post by American Eagle »

  • I have braces.
  • I comb my hair over and flair it a little (like a controlled version of Harry Styles :grineyes: ).
  • I shower every day.
  • I do a lot less manual labor and a lot more thinking.
  • I'm not quite as judgemental or jerkish as I used to be. \:D/
he/him | attorney | spartan | christian | bleeding heart type

Note: My past posts do not necessarily reflect my values. Many of them were made when I was young and (in retrospect) misguided. If you identify a post that expresses misinformation, prejudice, or anything harmful, please let me know.
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Post by jelly »

Kait's post is the only acceptable post in this whole thread.
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Post by Shennifer »

Jelly: I'm inclined to agree with you, but I'm not discounting all the rest

I used to:
-be way more shy
-think that getting a tattoo was wrong
-not have the best fashion sense
-play games like Frogger 2 and Rollercoaster Tycoon
-hide all of my problems and not deal with them
-Only listen to Christian music
-wear dresses or skirts to church
-have never dyed my long hair

-I can still be shy, but I'm more outgoing now
-I don't think tattoos are sinful
-Listen to anything I like
-I wear jeans and t-shirts to church (and the occasional dress)
-Spend a lot more time on the internet
-I have opened up about my struggles and I try to not hide them anymore
-I dyed my hair red
-My fashion sense has definitely improved
-and I have shorter hair

There's more I could elaborate on, but I don't want to bore anyone.

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Post by Blitz »

Wow you guys changed alot.
Okay lets see.
I stopped thinking that every contemporary song was evil.
I have recently become more outgoing.
I have started dressing a little bit better.
I eat more foods.
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Post by Aeva »

I don't think I've changed very much with regards to my personality. I'm a little bolder and more carefree, if anything. I have a tattoo and plans to get more ink.... But that's about it lol.
Last edited by Aeva on Mon May 27, 2013 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Hmmm, I haven't changed a TON, but I have hopefully matured and grown as a Christian. :)

To be honest, I've actually become more conservative in some things over the years. \:D/ These days, I basically always wear skirts, although I do own one pair of old work jeans. I used to wear jeans and shorts most of the time other than to church.
My hair is long now, unlike when I was a kid - it was a boy cut, and some people used to think I was a boy. EVEN WHEN I HAD ON A PINK SKIRT!!! :mad: Hated that.
Still wear glasses. Still live at home right now. Still love to bake. Still love to read, although I don't have as much time to do so as I would like.
My granny lives with us now, as well as my great aunt a few years ago before she died. That has been a good experience to be able to help them and have them here with my family daily. :D
My family has gone through some hard things over the past 10 years, and they have definitely helped draw us closer together as we hurt and pray through them.

I didn't use to have a business, but now I do. \:D/
I didn't use to have any gray hairs, but NOW I DO! :shock:
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I change my pants every couple weeks.
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Post by Sherlock »

I've probably changed a lot since I first joined the AIO community/world in '99. Maybe not as much as the rest of you crazy, liberal hippie types, but still.... ;)

I'm not on the computer in my spare time. When I get home I generally want to knit or read or go outside.
I have to consciously make an effort to exercise since the days of uninhibited all-day playtime are over and my job is about as sedentary as you can get.
I'm not on the ToO as much!
I'm not as crafty anymore.
I don't eat the same things I did when I was younger/I'm more conscious about diet.
I can't sit on my hair anymore.
I occasionally wear jeans and skirts above the knee (:shock:)
I've shifted from a far-right Conservative to more of a "do whatever you want" lasse-faire Libertarian.
Religiously, I'm mostly the same but my views have become tempered by experience and making enough mistakes on my own to realize that the Christian life is more of a practical daily struggle than an academic exercise in adhering to moral norms.
I try not to judge others anymore - I don't know where they are on their journey or what they've experienced.
I am less concerned about whether my friends' beliefs line up with mine. Today, my friends now come from a broader range of backgrounds than they did when I was younger.

I still ride my bike a lot
I still enjoy a lot of the same music, but have branched out from the purely Classical/Folk genre to some other stuff. Sometimes I listen to crummy Europop, and triphop/dubstep, but I'm a hipster, so my tastes are NOT MAINSTREAM. >_>
My sense of humor is largely unchanged
Still a Sherlock Holmes fan despite the better efforts of Hollywood
Still enjoy reading, learning new things, fish, the color green.....

...meh, now I'm boring myself. That's about it. ;)
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Post by TigerintheShadows »


I'm less socially awkward.
I'm even snarkier than I used to be.
I have friends.
I've learned to embrace my femininity.
I know more about politics and economics.
I'm a Christian.
I'm learning about the Bible in a spiritual sense, not just in an academic sense.
I get along much better with my parents and brother.
Saying that I dress myself is no longer an embarrassment.
My art has gone leaps and bounds; it's embarrassing to even look at the stuff I did at age thirteen.
My singing voice has improved vastly even over the last year, never mind from when I was a kid.
I can apply makeup without looking like a clown.
If my hair's not straightened perfectly for a day at school, the world really ought to be wary.
Disney Princess movies rock.
Harry Potter is the greatest book series ever.
"Death's got an Invisibility Cloak?" "So he can sneak up on people. Sometimes he gets bored of running at them, flapping his arms and shrieking..."
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Post by Kait »

Jelly wrote:Kait's post is the only acceptable post in this whole thread.
*like* \:D/
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