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The Bible miniseries

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:32 pm
by EvangelineWalker
Has anyone seen this? Just in time for Easter (I think they may have done that intentionally ;)

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:32 pm
by Wooton Z. Bassett
I wanna see it, but have heard that it has some unstable theology, a bunch of added stuff, some very important stuff left out, and is more for entertainment since they do not present the gospel.

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:05 pm
by EvangelineWalker
Do you know what the unstable theology was?
You can't help but lose something in translation when condensing something that big into a different medium. It is mainly for entertainment, but if it inspires people to read the Bible, all the better. As long as ppl look at the Bible as final authority, and this just as someone's interpretation.

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:09 pm
by Wooton Z. Bassett
Nope, I don't know exactly what the unstable theology was, I just heard that it doesn't present the gospel and that there are parts in it that are very inaccurate. Just for example. When Jesus was recruiting the 12 disciples or whatever, in the miniseries he turned to the one and said, "Follow me and we will change the world" or something similar to that. First of all, Jesus didn't come to "change the world". He came to take the sacrifice we deserved. Anyway, I still am interested in seeing it.

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:21 pm
by Termite
That... changed the world. O.o

You know, this show is for the unsaved. It's to catch their attention and draw them in... is it the best? No. Could it be better? Yes. Are they trying to spread the Gospel? Yes. Does that fulfill the Great Commission? I would say yes... at least they're doing SOMETHING as opposed to just sitting around. *shrug*

I don't particularly like it that much, because it is condensed and they do add some theatrical details, but it's been cool to get a visual of stuff, like the ark. \:D/ I've only watched the first two episodes, however.

Saul wasn't handsome. :(

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:26 pm
by Jonathan

Halfway through paragraph 9 is a great example of questionable presentation of theology.

And in response to whatever was said about it being imperfect and drawing people in: Fair points. It's Hollywood, and Hollywood will never get it exactly right. But with so many messes in the American church, a bad presentation could lead people to the wrong teachers, and so one can't help but be disappointed with what was probably a botched opportunity.

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:26 pm
by TigerintheShadows
I'm not surprised at the inaccuracies; this is, after all, a History Channel documentary--that doesn't make it acceptable, but as far as THC is concerned, theatrics as opposed to accuracy is par for the course in anything that isn't also presented in standard American history textbooks.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of the violence (even though yes, I'm aware that the Bible did get violent in spots ;) ), but I also keep in mind that, again, this is the History Channel and gratuitous violence is to be expected. ;)

Also, the actor who played David reminds me of David Phelps.

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:53 pm
by Aeva
Well, I loved it. \:D/

Yes, it was inaccurate sometimes. Yes, it was theatrical. Yes, the omission of a few things disappointed me. But overall, I enjoyed this interpretation. The characters were extremely human, and I loved that because I think it's easy for us to forget that the disciples and the Old Testament patriarchs were, in fact, humans just like us. They experienced emotions, dreams, and daily life just like we do, and it was wonderful to see the interaction between them as humans.

I also loved this interpretation of Jesus, and not because the actor was good-looking, before any of you accuse me of being one of these "Hot Jesus" fangirls. :p He was so approachable; I felt like I could jump into the tv screen, hug Him, and tell Him about my life over a cup of coffee. And His eyes were enchanting, for lack of a better word. I've always imagined that Jesus had an inexplicable charisma when He walked this earth, and I think this actor portrayed Him brilliantly.

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:47 pm
by Wooton Z. Bassett
Jonathan wrote:

Halfway through paragraph 9 is a great example of questionable presentation of theology.

And in response to whatever was said about it being imperfect and drawing people in: Fair points. It's Hollywood, and Hollywood will never get it exactly right. But with so many messes in the American church, a bad presentation could lead people to the wrong teachers, and so one can't help but be disappointed with what was probably a botched opportunity.
Ha ha lol just the other day Todd Friel read this review on wretched radio.

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:57 pm
by Jonathan
Ah, well, good for Todd :)

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:13 pm
by Peachey Keen
I'm excited to see it on DVD! \:D/

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:52 pm
by jelly
Termite wrote:You know, this show is for the unsaved. It's to catch their attention and draw them in... is it the best? No. Could it be better? Yes. Are they trying to spread the Gospel? Yes. Does that fulfill the Great Commission? I would say yes... at least they're doing SOMETHING as opposed to just sitting around. *shrug*
Not quite. ;) This show was produced because it drew 13 million viewers for the premiere. It was produced because Hollywood has realized that protestant evangelicals make up a sizable percentage of their audience. It's not for the unsaved.. it's to make money from the people who already buy into a literal interpretation of the Bible and are excited to see it getting the Hollywood treatment they think it deserves.

I've only watched the first two episodes, and I doubt I'll bother to watch any more. Part of me gets really excited when artists and filmmakers ambitiously attack an epic of Biblical proportions.. the rest of me is tired of seeing the same thing over and over again. :( The Bible mini series plays it safe because it has to, and as a result we get the same thing we've seen countless times before, layered with formulaic Hollywood melodrama and common misinterpretations and misunderstandings. It's not really based on the Bible.. it's based on a popular Western idea of the Bible.

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:17 pm
by Jesus' Princess
All I know about this show is that I have a friend who looks exactly (I mean exactly ) like the Mary Magdalene actress. I saw a picture, and I almost asked her if it was her, then I saw the name.

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:39 pm
by The Top Crusader
I'm glad it was at least somewhat decent, since generally when something "biblical" is on the History Channel, its trying to explain various miracles in the Bible with really stupid things, like Lot's wife fell in a hole and he saw a big white rock there and thus assumed she turned into a pillar of salt. They had a show that literally said that once. >_>

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:35 pm
by Jesus' Princess
Costco has the DVD's out, so we got them and started watching last night. There's some things I would have done differently, but for the most part it's pretty good :) One thing I did is followed along in the Bible, just to kind of see how accurate it was. I'm enjoying it so far though :)

Re: The Bible miniseries

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 6:02 pm
by jelly
I was in Walmart awhile ago and I saw their Bible-turned-novel sitting on the pile of bestselling books. It even had "Based on the hit TV miniseries!" and everything. LOL marketing opportunity.