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What's A Daily Routine?

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:11 pm
by Bren
If you needed to come up with a daily routine and also get you sleeping schedule on track, how would you do it? Maybe explaining your routine would help too.

Re: What's A Daily Routine?

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:27 pm
by DanP740
I have a well fixed routine because it's barely changed at all my whole life.

Re: What's A Daily Routine?

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:54 pm
by Christian A.
Usually, if I want to start getting up at a certain time or falling asleep at a certain time, what I usually do is start getting up at the time that I want to be getting up. By doing that, I make my body need to fall asleep earlier at night. And then it gradually becomes easier to wake up early in the mornings.

Currently, I've been getting up at 5:15 on weekdays. I started out by forcing myself to get up at 5:15 with a very loud and annoying alarm, placing the alarm on the other side of the room so I have to get out of bed to turn it off. After turning the alarm off, I immediately get in the shower to wake myself up completely. Then, usually by about 10:15, I'm falling asleep because my body tends to need exactly 7 hours. So if you make it a habit to go to bed and get about 7 hours of sleep before the time you need to be up, it's not that difficult to get a schedule going. You just have to stay committed for the first week or so.

Re: What's A Daily Routine?

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:42 pm
This is my morning routine: go to bed at midnight or later, get at 7 am, sit down on the couch and then some how end up laying on the couch, and go back to sleep until about noon.

Re: What's A Daily Routine?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:23 pm
by Cbriggs45
my daily routine has eliminated my need to find things.

i put my hat keys wallet and phone case in the same spot my alarms all go off that the same time.

monday wednesday and fridays are gym days tuesdays mid week church. saturday is a free day unless i have to work. so by free meaning i can pack more things people ask me to do in it.

thursday i close a local bookstore.

sunday church from 845 - 1:00ish then back at church at 530. i help close the building up on sunday nights.

monday through friday im at work by 730. home by 430. i have very little down time.

i plan a lot of these days before i go to bed. plus ive been at my job for almost 11 years.. so its kind of second hat to me.

some value from these others do not. it is how much you are willing to stay true your goal. maybe you dont need a routine. maybe you do. try some. it will take time to find what works for you.

Re: What's A Daily Routine?

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:52 pm
by ~JCGJ~
Bren wrote:If you needed to come up with a daily routine and also get you sleeping schedule on track, how would you do it? Maybe explaining your routine would help too.
My question to you, oh Brenden, is this:

What's a bed, and what is sleep?


But seriously, one thing I've been doing to keep myself on a good sleep schedule is eating regularly.

I try to start with a nice hearty breakfast at 8:00 AM, a medium sized lunch at about 1:30 PM, and a small supper at 6:00 PM.

Also, making a set time to get up and go to bed each day helps as well.

Re: What's A Daily Routine?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:43 am
by American Eagle
In just the past week, I've stayed up all night doing homework, gone to bed before midnight, fell asleep at various odd hours in between, and took a dozen catnaps. I've slept in til noon and been up at 7am several times. Regardless, I seem to stay on top of life and get straight As. \:D/ I want a solid schedule, but my responsibilities don't allow it. >_>

Don't ask me for advice on the matter.