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Hello Again,

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 2:45 pm
by Lee
Hey everyone, Lee here again!
I know I hardly ever come around here but I wanted to ask you guys a favor. A friend of mine and I (she just joined by the way- cellogirl) are HUGE fans of the Piano Guys. A few months ago we got the idea to make our own youtube channel inspired by them. We still have a lot to learn about video editing and such, but I would love it if you guys could check out what we've done so far! Even constructive criticism would be great, on here or on youtube, either is fine. :)
Check out our channel!
And here are a couple of our videos:

Fixed ~KF

And for those of you who DON'T know who I am, I'm the pianist, Steph is the cellist. (and she played the piano for Chopsticks Upside-Down and Song from a Secret Garden)

Thanks guys,

Oh and as a random side note, I'm not back exactly... but I will quite possibly randomly post sometimes, probably never as actively as I did at one point. ;)* Fix