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The Legend of snubs *WINNER*

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:29 pm
by snubs

ALL RIGHT, PEOPLES. \:D/ It is now time to decide on a winner! I have decided to have two winners; one will be decided upon member's choice and the other will be my choice. Each winner will receive $250! =D> Voting has begun now, and will last about a week. ***and contestants, you may vote for yourselves. Also be sure to tell other members to vote (but please allow them to make their own decision). Note, one or two of the entries go over the word limit...and I am aware of this.

Here are the entries in order of submission:

Entry #1.
Title: Super Snubs
Entry #1 wrote:Many people say there are no such things as superheroes. This is the tale of a girl who would prove them wrong.
It all began in the small village of Looserville, total population: 20. It was so named because the people there never wore belts. Therefore their clothes fit more loosely than the village down the road. However after awhile this became a problem. People tripping over their garments was an issue. Eventually a town meeting was called to order.
“What’s to be done?” Mayor Simpleton moaned in despair. “Everyone here is vegetarian, so leather is not an option.”
“And our seamstress just died of string poisoning,” his secretary observed.
The community janitor shook his head and sighed. “I wish I could turn soap into… what are they called? Balts?”
“Belts,” came a soft voice from the corner of the room. This was Snubs, a brave and clever young lady, but quiet in general. She had not uttered a word the whole evening until now. The village looked at her in surprise.
“Quite right,” said Mayor Simpleton, as if he had known the answer himself all along.
“My friends,” continued Snubs, “let me go and explore. I have seen one to many of you fall into their, uh, fertilizer.”
So after a unanimous assent from the red-faced villagers Snubs set out on her quest to find some sufficient material for making the mysterious tool which tightened your garment. Finally, after a grueling three hour walk, she came upon Tree Forest, a place known for its many dark legends and beasts. She took a deep breath and stepped into the trees.
Suddenly a rough, deep voice boomed out of the dimness. “Who dares to enter my forest?”
Snubs backed up against a nearby oak. “Uh, Snubs,” she answered, her voice quaking.
“Oh. Ok.” The voice was no longer sinister but almost careless. Seemingly out of nowhere appeared a huge grizzly bear. “What do you want?”
“Um… belts?” Snubs replied in shock.
“Really?” The bear seemed excited. “Do you want some of mine?”
The girl’s mouth dropped in surprise, already shocked that she was talking to a bear. “You? A bear has belts?”
“Sure,” the grizzly answered jovially. “I collect them you know. Then a few months ago, after waking up from hibernation, I realized that I would never wear them so what’s the point?” He shrugged. “I’ve been meaning to have a yard sale, but I don’t think the locals would care about it.”
“I guess I’ll have a look,” Snubs said hesitantly.
“Just follow me. I have a whole cave full of them.”
So when Snubs returned to Looserville her arms were full of belts, none of which were leather.
“This is just super, Snubs,” exclaimed a little boy when he saw her. That was how she got the nickname ‘Super Snubs’. And from that day on no one tripped again… for the most part.

Entry #2.
Title: The Story of snubs
Entry #2 wrote:One September day, a small girl sat in a window seat overlooking a garden, crying. Not just an ordinary cry either. Her shoulder heaved, and great sobs spilled from under her nut brown hair. Not even the beautiful view from the window had an effect on her. Finally, over the girl's crying, a soft step could be heard on the stairs leading up to the room. A older girl entered, who quickly crossed the room and put her hand on the shaking back. The child looked up, revealing a face that though stained with tears, was similar to the older girl.
“What is the matter, Sarah?” Those words were spoken with absolute gentleness, seemed to have a calming affect. Sarah pointed in mute distress to a backpack flung in a corner. A paper, apparently the cause of the problem, was spilling out of a pocket. The older girl walked over and picked it up, her eyes quickly scanning the pages.
“Why, this is just your homework, it doesn't look that bad.” Sarah started to cry again.
“But it usually takes at least two hours to do it,” she said between sobs, “and this afternoon my friends and I were going to the park, but if I go I won't be able to do my homework.” The elder sister-for so she was- hugged her.
“Then you can stop worrying, because I will help you with your homework.” Sarah flung her arms around her sister's neck.
“Oh, thank you!” She cried, “That means I can go after all, and I should go gather my things, because Mom said we could have a picnic.” She rushed off to gather her things, and the elder sister smiled and made her way down the stairs.
Late that night, when she went to her room, a note had been shoved under the door. She picked it up, and there, in her sister's scrawling hand was written;

"For she snubs temptation and despair,
Always giving hope."

The next morning, when the elder girl was going for a walk, she heard sobbing noises, and, turning a corner, beheld a girl in dirty shorts and tee-shirt sitting on the curb, crying.
“What's the matter?” asked our stranger, in the same tone as the day before when she was talking to her sister. The girl looked up wonderingly.
“Who are you?” she asked tremulously as the she sat on the curb beside her. Our stranger smiled.
“Call me snubs.”

Entry #3.
Title: Legend of snubs
Entry #3 wrote:In a in little forest west of the river was a shack. And in the shack there was a goat. And a possum. Plus a few sheep. There also was a young girl. Usually Mr. Goaty (The goat) complained about her cooking. But he was always too lazy to fix anything himself so he ate it. Mrs. Alexandria however said it was fabulous. The girl liked cooking. Plus it meant food so it was just filled with positives!

One night however it started raining. The rain soon became a downpour, that turned into hail. Usually people did not come to the forest. It wasn't big, and the tax rates were rather excessive on its "luxury" property. On this night with lots of hail and rain however there were a group of bandits. And bandits (As I'm sure you're well aware.) don't like getting rained on. It usually gives the leader a rather bad score on his monthly report card that his men filled out for the Big Bandit. (Who some say was more in charge than King Loyd as I'm sure you know.) The "Shelter and Provisions" section was a full third of the score. So, when the Bandit Leader, whose name was Mike, (A very wily character as you are certain to have heard.) saw smoke coming out of the chimney, in the previously stated shack, on this night filled with rain, hail, and a few poinsettias. He of course jumped at the opportunity to boost his scores on the above rather important form. The girl was huddling up in her blankets, (Polarfleece of course. Mr. Carl said they were the only ones worth the bother.) Mr. Goaty started complaining about the lack of popcorn in the vicinity of his stomach. So, the previously stated girl, who was somewhat young, and like to cook, though her skills were debatable, went to make some popcorn. They were however out of the buttered variety. (Mr. Carl was quite insistent about this being a higher quality.) So, she went back and asked what they would like instead. By that time however it had been at least 20 seconds so Mr. Goaty and co. were already asleep. At the same moment however Mike and his crew of 5 walked in. (A crew is 5, a squad is 15, and a Bungalow of Cucumber is 27 in the Northern Banditry of Skilled and Pleasant Sometimes Mean Bandits/Highwaymen/Your Friendly Salmon Club Members of course.) And on hearing of popcorn demanded some immediately. They too however thought Butter was better. And in the argument that ensued Mr. Carl and Mrs. Alsa woke up, promptly agreeing with them of course. It was then decided that the aforementioned girl should go to the store. (Which happened to be 12 miles away.) But then Mr. Goaty of course brought up that they didn't carry it there. So, it was re-decided that she should go to the one 19 miles away in the rain, hail, a few poinsettias, foxes, and a packs of wolves and hyenas to get the buttered popcorn. She thought it was quite ridiculous. No one agreed. She decided she had enough of this life in a shack in a woods near the river and embarked on a quest to rid the land of villainy, injustice, banditry, robbery, and other assorted crime. (See yet to be published Appendix A1A-BBWALES for the full list, as stated in her proclamation.) ***End Prologue***

For more great Legend of snubs merchandise get the first issue of the new series Legends of snubs Hero Unknown: The Legend of the Name

Chapter 1

Setting out on this quest was easy. Doing anything, was a different matter. So she decided to go to a tavern and get some 7-UP. Because it is clearly different and superior to those other lemon, lime pops. Upon arriving and recieve her superior drink she noticed a rather... mature looking chap. Upon hearing one of his jokes she determined that it was definitely an aura of physical maturity. Deciding she needed some people for her group she approached him and asked, "Want to be cool like a ninja and help me defend people and promote stuff (Like 7-UP!)?" To which he immediately replied. "Okay..." And thus the team began to form. Next up was a mysterious person in the corner... "Hey man." Was the start of her pitch, however she was cut off by his, "No." She was going to reply when he pulled out his hammer and broke the wall. "Yeah, that Kayeff on the chat that night was trying to recruit me but I said no. So I guess I'm stuck. He did however mention a quest. You should talk to the barkeep." She and the mature guy stared at him blankly for a moment. Then a guy came screeching in on rocket skates. He got down and begged the girl and mature guy. "I'll turn myself in! I'll go to jail! Just don't let him hug me again! Please! Auuuugh! Nooooooo!" Staring at him blankly, mature guy turned to the girl and asked. "Um, what should I call you?" Right after that she glanced at the counter and saw her favorite candy bars, so she yelled, "snubs!" And that is how she got her name.

To be continued on audience's desire and stuffs. With actual plot!

Entry #4.
Title: Special Agent Snubs
Entry #4 wrote:“This is Agent Wilyn calling Agent Snubs. Agent Snubs? Come in, Agent Snubs!”
“This is Agent Snubs.”
“We have a situation in Alpha Sector 5-89! We have to get over there immediately!”
“Agent Snubs? Are you there?”
The girl smiled, and laughed. Out on the front lawn of that two story house. Her white cat lay on the grass next to her. It was springtime, and all the trees were in blossom.
“You hungry, snubs?” the girl said, smiling. She began to walk towards the house. The cat got up, and followed. But suddenly, with a barrage of barking, and the sound of cracking wood, a pit bull broke through the neighbor’s back fence. The cat hollered a “MEOWR!” and then streaked towards the road. Wilyn heard this and turned, and saw a white Toyota coming down the road, and her white cat streaking straight towards it. “NO! SNUBS!” she yelled. But it was too late. She heard a ‘thump’ and a “MEOWR!” She closed her eyes and screamed. “SNUBS!!!”

It all came rushing back to her as she said the name. “Snubs. They call me… snubs.” “I see. Well, snubs, perhaps we’ll have to use our other methods to get some real information out of you. Now, then. Tell us what you know.”
“Now why would I do something like that?” she asked “You’re the enemy. And I’ve been trained to never give in to the enemy.”
“You will give in. Whether you want to or not. I would rather you just tell us now, though.”
“Fine.” She said, sighing. “I’m a freelance agent. A friend of mine in the FBI called me a few months ago and asked me to take this case.”
“That would be the lie detector, Miss ‘snubs’. That’s not going to work.”
“It’s not a lie.”
“You can’t fool us, snubs. Tell us the truth, or we’ll get the truth by… other methods.”
“I’ll never tell you.”
“Oh, are you so sure? Raymond, get the poor girl a glass of water, will you? She must be awfully exhausted; all that double-crossing can be very tiring.”
“Yes, boss”
“I’m not drinking anything you give me.” Snubs said
“Oh, snubs, you offend me! Now please, have some nice, refreshing water.” The man said, taking the glass from Raymond, who had returned.
“You intend to die of dehydration, then?”
“Before I tell you anything.”
“Fine then. We’ll just have to do this by force. Raymond!” He snapped his fingers, and Raymond pounced. He grabbed snubs, and held her mouth open. The leader stepped forward, and began to pour the water into snubs’ mouth. “Now, snubs. Be a good girl. Swallow.” She didn’t. Instead, she spat the water all over the leader. “It’s okay.” The leader said. “The truth serum will still do its job.”
“Truth serum. I shoulda known.” Snubs said.
“Just a half hour or so should do it.” The leader said, grinning. “We have only to wait.”

A half hour later…

“Now then, “snubs”. Tell us the truth.”
“My name’s not snubs”
“We knew this. What is your name?”
“It’s Wilyn. Rose Wilyn”
“Alright, Miss Wilyn. Tell us. What are you doing here?”
“I’m an agent with the NSA. I was sent here on a mission.”
“What kind of mission?”
“It’s rather a long story.”
“We have time, Miss Wilyn.”
“Alright. It started yesterday. My superiors asked me to look into some strange occurrences in Cairo. I got on a plane and landed in Cairo later that day. I met my contact at the airport...”

“Agent Wilyn, I presume?” the man said. He was older than Wilyn had expected. He wore a black suit, and carried a briefcase. He didn’t look like a spy, but rather a businessman waiting for his plane.
“Your shoe is untied.” She said.
“Well I suppose I ought to buy new shoelaces.” He replied.
“Rather a strange codeword, don’t you think?” Wilyn asked
“Indeed. But if it identifies the other agent, it works.”
“I suppose. Now, where are we going?”
“The nearest place where we can talk without the enemy’s spies eavesdropping.”
“And that is?”
“That hotel across the street. It has a soundproof room. We’ve already checked it for bugs.”
They walked across the street and towards the front door of the hotel. As they were walking in, Wilyn saw a homeless man just outside the front door. She dug into her pocket and pulled out some change, and gave it to the man. He smiled and thanked her. Then they walked into the building. The other agent led her to a locked door made of thick metal. He pulled out a key, and unlocked the door. He opened it, and led Wilyn into a small room with plain white walls, a long table with fifteen chairs around it. The man gestured towards the table and chairs. “Have a seat” he said pleasantly.
“I’d rather stand, if you don’t mind.” Wilyn replied.
“Ah. You’re one of those agents.” He said knowingly.
“So. I was called here because of some strange occurrences?” Wilyn asked
“I wouldn’t call them strange, more like unnerving.” The man said
“Alright. Tell me about these unnerving occurrences” Wilyn said
“Certainly.” He said “We’ve been having some problems with a sort of terrorist group. They call themselves the-“
“I hope you have some backup agents.” Snubs interjected.
“I do.” The man replied “Why?”
“We’ve got a spy out front.” Wilyn replied. She pulled out her smartphone, and showed it to the other agent. On it was the homeless man. He had his own smartphone held to his ear. Wilyn pushed a button, and they could hear the sound of the homeless man’s voice. “They’re here. And they didn’t suspect a thing. The lady actually gave me some change.” He said with a laugh. The agent looked up from the screen. “The change. It was a camera. You suspected him the whole time!” “Quiet!” Wilyn hissed. The man complied. They could now hear the voice on the other end of the homeless man’s call. “Alright. Call your people, and tell them to close in.” Wilyn looked up. “Get your agents. We have to move.” “Got it.” The man pulled out a cell phone with one hand, and a gun with the other. He made a call, a said simply: “We’ve got a spy outside the front door, and more coming. Move in.”, then hung up. He then handed the phone to Wilyn. “This has all the information on it. I don’t think we’ll be able to meet for a while, and one of us may get captured. Guard this phone with your life. It has information about more than just the enemy.” He cocked his gun and ran off. “Real nice of him to leave me here all alone without a weapon.” Wilyn muttered. She walked over to the door and locked it. She hoped she would be safe in here. If not, there wasn’t much she could do. She was unarmed, and thus had to stay on the defensive.

“Sir?” the goon said, tapping his leader on the shoulder. “What is it, Mister..., what was your name again?” the man said, rather annoyed.
“It’s Bates, sir. Mr. Bates.” The goon replied.
“Yes, well, Mr. Bates, what is it?” he said, still annoyed.
“It’s our spy. He found something.” The goon said
“Go on, and be quick about it.”
“Well, the change the lady gave him… one of the coins had a camera hidden inside.” “WHAT!?” the leader said, screaming now, and no longer annoyed, rather, he was furious.
“I said-” the goon began.
“I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID!!!” he yelled. He pulled a gun from his coat, and leveled it at the goon’s head. “Is there anything else, Mr. Bates?”
“No, sir.” The goon said, turning as if to leave.
“Good.” The leader said, and then he pulled the trigger. He stepped over the goon, and over to a small microphone. “Change of plans.” He said. “Don’t try to wipe them out. Just get the girl, and get out.” He sighed and turned off the microphone. “Fools!” he cried.

They were at the door. Wilyn found a small closet and slipped inside. She turned on a light, and began to search for a weapon. She found nothing except a vacuum cleaner. Better than nothing. She heard a banging on the door. They were trying to break it down. After they had tried a few minutes with no success, they left. A few minutes later, they came back with a battering ram. The door finally gave after a few whacks. Wilyn turned off the light in the closet and poised to strike if they came too close. She wielded the vacuum cleaner like a club. When she heard someone say: “There’s a closet over here. Maybe she’s in there.”, she burst out, brandishing the vacuum cleaner. She conked one of the men with it, and hit another’s legs out from under him with it. But there were too many. Three jumped her from behind. She struggled, but went down. She noticed all the men were wearing gas masks. Then she noticed one of them taking out a small bottle. She gasped. “That’s right. Breathe deep.” The man said. He released the gas. Wilyn struggled to stay awake, but the gas was too strong. Her eyes closed, and sleep overcame her.

“And then I woke up here.” Wilyn finished.
“And what of the phone?” the man asked
“I read all the information while I was in the cell. I know everything, Elton Carmen.”
“Ah, well then, Rose Wilyn, I suppose I’ll just have to kill you then.” Mr. Carmen replied
“If you want to.” Wilyn replied. “Personally, though, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“And why not?” he asked, somewhat sarcastically.
“Because I know not just about you, but about your enemies. You weren’t paying too much attention, were you?”
“Of course I was. The agent said there was more information than just about us.” Elton said matter-of-factly “But I know you won’t tell me, so I might as well just kill you now.”
“Better do it quick.” Wilyn said
“And why is that, Ms. Wilyn?” Carmen asked mockingly.
“That’s snubs to you.” She said, standing up from her chair.
“You’ve been untying yourself the whole time. How very clever. But with simply a snap of my fingers, you’ll be right back in your chair tied up again.”
“Well, see, this wasn’t all just to get myself untied.” Snubs replied “I’ve been stalling. Look behind you.”
“You expect me to fall for that, Ms. Wil- er- snubs?”
And then he fell. Snubs walked over to him, and saw a small dart in his back. It was just a tranquilizer dart, though. He’d wake up in a few hours in an interrogation room. She walked to the window, and saw him outside. It was the same agent she had met in Cairo. He held a small dart gun in his right hand, and a glass cutter in the other. There was a small round hole in the window. This was what she had been waiting for. She had discovered the tracking device on the phone when she was attempting to destroy it after she had read the information. After that, it was just a matter of stalling until the cavalry came. She could now hear the sound of the building being invaded, ransacked, and searched. She reached through the hole and grabbed the glass cutter, pulled it through the hole, then cut a hole large enough for her to crawl through. “That was remarkable, Agent Wilyn.” The other agent said, smiling. “You realize you just effectively shut down the entire terrorist operation, right?”
“I suppose I did.” She replied “Though it really wasn’t me. It was you with your tracking device.”
“It would have been worthless if you hadn’t stalled them. They would have found it and destroyed it otherwise.” The agent said “I’m quite impressed. In fact, I’ve been authorized to ask you to take on another case.”
“And what is this case?” Wilyn asked
“It’s a case that has been being worked on for nearly three years. It’s never been solved. It has to do with a gang in some town called Odyssey. They call themselves The Bones of Rath. We need you to go in and pose as the leader of a gang that counters these “Bones”, called the Israelites. We need you to go in, and solve the case.”
“Okay.” Snubs said. “When do I leave?”
“As soon as you’re ready.”
“I’m ready now”
“There’s a Jeep right over there, that’ll take you to the nearest airport and a private jet.”
“Thanks.” She said, turning towards the Jeep. Then she turned around again. “Oh! Here’s your phone back.” She held it out.
“Keep it.” He replied. “There’s information on there you might need. And this way, we’ll know where you are at all times.”
“Okay.” She turned, and walked towards the Jeep. She got inside, and the Jeep drove off.

They arrived ten hours later. They had landed in a large field just outside of town. The pilot said it was called “Gower’s Field”. Wilyn began to walk towards town. When she had entered town, a young man walked up to her. “Hello there.” He said, smiling “Are you new in town?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” Wilyn said
“I’m Corey. Though most folks around here call me Shadowpaw. What’s your name?”
“They call me- snubs.”

Entry #5.
Title: The Legend of Snubs
Entry #5 wrote:The legend of Snubs is one of adventure in the wonderful world wide webs. Please enjoy the tale.

Once upon a time a young woman was looking for a place to call her home. You see the world wide webs were made of tons of different countries. Christian countries, Animal countries, Food countries filled the world. The only issue people have is creating what they will be called before they enter the countries. The countries had a list of names that couldn’t be used at their gate.
When she reached the gate of the Town of Odyssey she knew it would be right for her. It was just a matter of what they would call her! She didn’t want anyone anywhere to know her real name so she had a habit of brushing people off. She didn’t want to, but she had to keep herself safe. She decided to use a synonym of brush-offs and call herself Snubs for the time.
Eventually Snubs becomes a beloved member and settles down in her house on the corner of Graphic Design and Christianity.

Thanks to all who entered!! \:D/ Now, EVERYONE VOTE. :x

EDIT: March 18, 2013

Alright peoples, time to award some prizes.

The winner of the popular vote goes to...
Woody! (Entry #4) =D>
\:D/ Congratulations, Woodstock! Your prize is $250.00!! \:D/
Let me tell you, this was no easy decision. My personal choice winner goes to...
Tikvah! (Entry #2) =D>
\:D/ Congrats, Tikvah! Your prize is $250.00!! \:D/
And since it was very difficult deciding between each legend I'm going to throw in a second personal choice winner. =]
A close second to my first choice goes to...
OnceBittenRose! (Entry #5) =D>
\:D/ Congrats, OBR! Your prize is $100.00!! \:D/

And $10 goes to...
Entry #1 (by Humby) and #3 (by Knight Fisher) for taking the time to submit an entry in this contest. =D>



This was posted at for the start of the contest:
I got the idea for this contest from a chatroom conversation last night where Humby asked me where the name 'snubs' came from. If you just click the spoiler you can see where that went.
February 7, 2013 wrote:(8:32:54 PM) Humby: Where did the name 'snubs' come from?
(8:33:05 PM) Pretzel: ...
(8:33:32 PM) snubs: Well....
(8:33:38 PM) snubs: long long ago...
(8:33:57 PM) ***KF gets ready for story time
(8:34:35 PM) Humby: Humby snuggles under covers
(8:36:03 PM) snubs: snubs is a legend...
(8:36:04 PM) Humby: snubs?
(8:36:22 PM) snubs: and there are many versions.
(8:37:50 PM) Humby: So you don't have a story?
(8:37:53 PM) Skid: Is this the version with bears?
(8:38:16 PM) snubs: there is one with bears, yes.
(8:38:27 PM) KF: And John Wayne?
(8:38:41 PM) ***Whitty entered the room.
(8:38:48 PM) Humby: hi whitty
(8:39:19 PM) KF: Hey, we're listening to the Legend of the Great Hero snubs
(8:39:24 PM) KF: Or whatever the title is
(8:40:13 PM) Whitty: Hello
(8:40:29 PM) Pretzel: I think snubs has a different title for each version.
(8:41:11 PM) Humby: snubs isn't telling...
(8:41:15 PM) snubs: I really don't have time for you children and your stories.
(8:41:35 PM) KF: :(
(8:41:53 PM) Pretzel: Bummer..
(8:43:12 PM) Whitty: awww c'mon snubs.
(8:43:20 PM) Whitty: ur so mean. :'(
(8:44:19 PM) Whitty: (for people who don't know me, i never act like this. i was being humorous.)
(8:46:22 PM) KF: I'll just post a different version of the story in my sig until you tell us snubs
(8:46:48 PM) KF: Changing it everyday(ish) Until the legend is so great
(8:46:53 PM) KF: You'll hear about it on twitter
(8:46:54 PM) snubs: that would be nice a tribute to me, KF. =p
(8:47:08 PM) KF: Hrm
(8:47:22 PM) Whitty: Would somebody please explain what you two are talking about?
As you can see, there are many versions of the legend of snubs and I want YOU to write the best one.

I will be giving $250 in ToO monies to the person who can write the best version of the legend. \:D/ There might be a second and third prize as well.

The rules are simple.
1. Your story must be AT LEAST 50 words, and NO MORE than 1500.
2. In your story, you must tell either how snubs (the person) came to be, or how the name 'snubs' came about (you may tell both if you like).
Your entry MUST be submitted (to me through PM) by 9:00PM (EST) MARCH 7TH.
4. Your theme can be anything you want. You can also use any information from my profile, quotes, posts, etc. to help tell your version of the legend.

When I say theme, I mean you can make it funny, exciting, boring...whatever. You can also make it sci fi, ToO based, or even outdoors woodsy based. Just whatever you can imagine goes. \:D/

If you have any other questions, just post them below.

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:33 pm
by bookworm
Very interesting concept. Don’t know if I’ll participate, but I’ll certainly read the entries.

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:49 pm
by Arkán Dreamwalker
I plan to enter. Don't trust my plans.

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:17 pm
by snubs
bookworm wrote:Very interesting concept. Don’t know if I’ll participate, but I’ll certainly read the entries.
It will certainly be interesting to see the entries. =p

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:27 pm
by Humby
Cool Snubs. I might write something. We'll see.

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:56 pm
by Tikvah
I will try, but I might not make it. Are we allowed to start writing now?

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:00 pm
by snubs
Tikvah wrote:I will try, but I might not make it. Are we allowed to start writing now?
Yes, of course. :yes: You may send your entry in today even...just as long as it's to me on or by the 28th of this month 7th of March.

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:40 pm
by Whitty Whit
Oh thanks snubs for making me look like a dork. :roll:

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:59 pm
by snubs
Whitty Whit wrote:Oh thanks snubs for making me look like a dork. :roll:
I do what I can. =D

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:29 pm
by Knight Fisher
Hmm, I will begin the Epic then.

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:57 pm
by snubs
If anyone is having trouble with the word limit, let me know, and we might be able to work up something different. I just figured no one would want to write anything too long.

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:43 pm
by Tikvah
When you say
In your story, you must tell either how snubs (the person) came to be, or how the name 'snubs' came about
Do you mean how snubs came to be a name, or haw some random person came to be named snubs, or how you got the name snubs?

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:53 pm
by snubs
Tikvah wrote:When you say
In your story, you must tell either how snubs (the person) came to be, or how the name 'snubs' came about
Do you mean how snubs came to be a name, or haw some random person came to be named snubs, or how you got the name snubs?
Either one of those works, yes. :yes: You may also tell how the person snubs became popular/known/discovered etc.

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:21 pm
by The Israelites.
*posts for snubs*


Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:24 pm
by snubs

Just as a reminder, you all have 9 days to get your submission in.
As of now, I only have one entry... So please send them in soon.


Entries are due March 7th.

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:12 am
by Tikvah
I entirely forgot about this. :anxious: I'll go start right away.

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:29 pm
by Knight Fisher
I'm about halfway done with mine. And I might make it longer depending.Though this has been my first real writing project that's gone anywhere so we'll see if it's any good. (And if I survive the grammar people on here. :P )

Enter people! \:D/

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:12 pm
by Woody
Would it be possible to extend the deadline? I completely forgot about this. #-o

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:39 pm
by snubs
Woodstock wrote:Would it be possible to extend the deadline? I completely forgot about this. #-o
How much time to do you think you'll need? I might be able to extend it a bit considering I only have one entry.

Re: The Legend of snubs *Writing Contest*

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:33 pm
by Woody
How about another week?