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Ask Sam.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:53 pm
by Samantha14
Title says it all, ask away! =D

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:27 am
by Christian A.
I've been curious ever since the Trinity discussion on the Soda Shop, what denomination are you affiliated with, if any?

Oh, and by the way, I appreciate your correct grammar and spelling; it stands out quite a bit there! ;)

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:45 am
by Samantha14
I'm Pentecostal. We're not a oneness church, and we're not affiliated with UPC. I suppose you could say we're free standing?
I'm not completely positive, seeing as I haven't started my new church yet. However, as far as I have learned from others, including my parents, that this is it's beliefs and such. (=

Haha, thank you very much! I know I have a hard time reading others comments and posts when their grammar and spelling is so....
Well, poor. So, if I dislike it when others do something like that to me, why would I want to have others go through the same thing?

Well, that and I suppose you could call me one of those "Grammar Nazis" ;) Haha.

Thank you for asking. (=

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:35 am
by Joy
Favorite movie?

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:48 am
by Samantha14
Favorite movie: Oh, goodness. This is a hard one... Personally, I LOVE The Secrets of Johnathan Sperry, Seven Days in Utopia, Christmas with a Capital C, Christmas Angel, any of the classics (Wizard of Oz!! \:D/ ), and a BUNCH more!

Color: I like most any color, really. I'm not a huge fan of certain colors, such as yellow or bage, but other than that I like most colors.
If I had to pick a favorite, though, I would say that Hot/Electric pink, purple, turquoise, and anything in the black and white department are my favorites.
*Eye twitch* Does that count?

Country: U.S.A., and Israel.

Singer: I have a ton, but I like Toby Mac a lot. If you ever want me to give you a full list, just let me know. ;) Haha.

Song: Too many to name... Aha. I really like songs that have a good meaning to them. If you ever look into Casting Crowns or Jason Crabb, you'll know what I mean. ;)

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:48 pm
by Christian A.
What's your favorite type of music?

What's your favorite Bible translation?

What are some of your hobbies?

Does your avatar look at all like you, because right now, that's how I picture you. :D

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:12 pm
by Samantha14
Hmm... That's a tough one. Really, I'm pretty open to music, as long as it's clean/appropriate, and doesn't go against my beliefs.
But, I really like certain kinds most. It varies depending on my mood. Sometimes I'll like Southern Gospel or just some praise and worship music most. Or sometimes I'll act like an average Christian teen and turn on some form of Christian rock/rap/pop. I'm really active in music, so I tend to be open in a TON of different styles. I would have to say that Christian rock/pop/rap is my favorite if I'm in a totally upbeat sort of mood, and then if I'm in a deep thought and/or slow and/or spiritual pondering sort of mood, I love to turn on some Christian contemporary, praise and worship, or gospel. I also LOVE choir music.

Um, you know, it really depends on what's available at the time. I mostly use KJV, or NIV. But, sometimes I also use NLT, or American Standard, or others. I really don't mind what version I use, as long as I have one. ;)

Oh, goodness, I have a lot of hobbies. Well, for one, I LOVE to write. In fact, I'm writing a book right now! But, my favorite things to write are poetry, stories, and my thoughts. I tend to write a lot of those. Haha. I also draw A LOT. And, as I said, I'm really active in music. I play piano, harmonica, and I've just started to get into drums and guitar more. I also sing. ...I didn't say well. ;)
Some of my others include reading, photography, dance, AIO (Of course. ;) ), volleyball, track, games (Video and board), sewing, crafting, cooking, collecting, planning, organizing. ...I make no promises that I do not have OCD... ANYwho, these are some of them. I'm pretty adventurous, as you might can tell. Haha.

And, ahaha, yes. It's rather scary, actually. Anemone found it, and sent it to me. She's never seen what I look like, and I've never described myself to her. So, when I open this PM, and see this character that looks so much like me, it was like... "Wow..." Haha!

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:42 pm
by Woody
What is your book about?

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:54 pm
by Samantha14
Well, it's rather hard to explain. Here's a brief description of it... If you can follow it... Haha.

Basically somewhat similar to passages, only really different too. These two slaves, a boy and a girl, come from two different kinds of work. Completely differet "worlds" I guess you could say. One is a house keeper sort of slave for a wealthy family, the other a slave boy who takes care of horses and things for a general. They live in a different world called Araisia, and their land Saratia. Anyways these two young teens are twins. Not just twins, but chosen twins. Yet, they've never met until somethng strange, an unusual mark below their eye, ends up bringing them together. They are suppose to be the ones who lead in years to come. But, there is a tyrant who rules currently. It doesn't really parallel any specific Bible story exactly, but, the stories that guide them along the way, and the (Haven't chosen a name for God yet) are all Biblical stories with different names. Anyways, through a ton of lessons and training, and putting their faith into action, they end up as they were chosen.

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:03 pm
by Christian A.
I'm going to guess you must be homeschooled, since you are on at the times of the day that you're on. Am I right?

Elaborate on "ONE EXCEPTION: No metal...EVER." What kind of music are you not okay with? Like, would you listen to Skillet? Red? Where do you draw the line?

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:30 pm
by Samantha14
Yes, I am homeschooled. And I love it. By age, I suppose you would say that I would be in 8th-9th. But, in work, I'm 8th-9th and even a bit of 10th. So, that has been a good challenge. I use SOS, or Switched on Schoolhouse for it. And also a few other things that we find.

Well, you see, I'm "okay" with most... It's rather hard to explain. Personally, I do not like really any kind of metal/screaming music. I'm not a fan. It's not that I find some of those group to be "wrong", exactly. That's just a personal preference. Some things, such as Red and others, I find wrong for me. But, as we all know, that sort of thing is a personal preference/conviction. We all have our own beliefs and way of doing things, as well as tastes, of course. Do I find people who listen and enjoy that sort of thing wrong? No, no i do not. Because that is a personal belief that it is wrong for me, not others. Some of that music has even brought people to Christ! And that's wonderful. I think it's really the intention behind the music that defines what makes it "wrong" or not. This music may be hard and such, but it has a Christian base for the most part, even if the music started out as secular. I don't see it as the music/music style itself. Music is music, really. It's a gift God gave us. But, as man's downfall struck again, they took something meant for beauty and turned it into darkness. However, as believers, we can change that. Or, at least, what we make of it. God showed us the right way, and warned us of the wrong. But, as a just God, he gave us the choice on what we were going to do with it. He warned us that if we go down the wrong path, there will be consequences. That's really how I see it. :)

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:35 am
by Christian A.
If I came up to you and told you I have a knife in my back, have only minutes to live, and don't want to go to heck when I die, what would you tell me?

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:58 am
by Samantha14
(Interesting question... Something to really ponder...)

I suppose I would explain what Christianity is. Not every event from back to front, but what it really is. The true feelings, the reality... What Jesus really is, and His story. It honestly is something that I've thought about, but haven't thought a lot about, sadly. Really, I would just tell them how much God loved them. How He made a way for you to get to heaven, if we believe. How He came down, in one of the most fragile forms known to man, and then continued His earthly ministry, reaching not just the high and mighty, but walking with the lowest of the low, in order to show them the way. And, whether you were considered one, or the other, God loves both equally. How no man is better than the other, and we're all sinners. And, even though we don't deserve it, God sent His Son, His one and only, to die for us. To cleanse us of our sins, and set us free. And then, through what looked like a loss to us who were blind, God had already made a victory. Jesus overcame death and destruction, and rose from the grave on the third day. If we believe, ask and accept Jesus into our heart, tell Him we're sorry ask him of forgiveness of our sins, and ask Him to take over our lives, then we will get to heaven. I would then say a prayer of that one life changing step... And, if death were the case, I would continue talking about His amazing love and grace and the stories, and what it means to truly believe and such, until that happened.

That is, unless I could save your life. Haha. ;)

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:56 pm
by Knight Fisher
Your sig says
If fitting in and being popular means compromising my faith, I think I'd rather stay an outcast forever.
In your own definition, what is an outcast?

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:21 am
by Arkán Dreamwalker
It depends. It can just mean not socially popular, or discriminated against, or just not conforming etc. Sammy may mean multiple, or a specific.

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:18 pm
by Knight Fisher
Which is why I was asking her. ;) It's a lead-in to a question that is yet to be determined.

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:14 pm
by Samantha14
No, A said it fairly well. I mean I in the general form. Basically, I was taking the idea that, we are in this world but not of this world. There will always be a boundary between us, because there will always be things that the world does and says that go against our faith. The world says do such and such to fit in and be popular, but those such things are things we don't believe in or agree with. However, the only way to 'fit in' is to do those things. So, in that sense we will always be said 'out casts. Not to mention the dicrimination against us as believers, being threatened and ignored, whilst other religions are free to do as they please. Either way we aren't to conform, so simply saying, I say yet again that I mean it general. :)

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:39 pm
by Arkán Dreamwalker

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:15 pm
by Knight Fisher
What then is the purpose of cheese in our existence?

Re: Ask Sam.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:28 pm
by Samantha14
...The purpose of cheese in oug world is quite simple to explain, really.

...It's to completely gross me out to utterly no extent and give reason for totally random conversation on all AIO message boards. It must be the cause of board peace. :P ;)

Then again, it also causes great battles of cheddar or swiss, so... :-k