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Roman History

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:31 am
by Leonard Meltsner
I realized the other day how many Roman emperors I can name, and at least one thing about their lives, and realized that it was all from Odyssey.

Julius Caesar-Approved the Julian calendar created by Sogigenes the Greek (New Years Eve Live!)
Caesar Augustus-Sent a decree throughout the entire Roman world that everyone should return... (Back to Bethlehem)
Nero-Executed the Apostle Paul, fiddled while Rome burned (St Paul: An Appointment with Caesar)
Honorius-Liked chickens, saw the end of gladiator fights (Telemachus)
Claudius-Claudius "The Cruel", outlawed marriage and executed Valentine (The Last "I Do")
Constantine-Brought Christianity to Rome, outlawed gladiator fights, though they didn't stop then (Telemachus)