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Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:50 pm
by xiao
First off, let me preface this post with something I've really been meaning to get out there.


Alright, now that that's out of the way, hit me with your best questions, folks. Yes, indeed, I drink alcohol and enjoy getting buzzed on occasion. Indeed, I have had quite a few relations with those of the opposite sex. Indeed, I do partake in the "forbidden herb" every now and again, and indeed, I do not believe in the existence of a god, or of any of mankind's proposed religious solutions to the grandly complex question of life.

Now have at ye, and I will do my best to answer your questions in a timely and helpful manner.

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:10 pm
by Whitty Whit
So evidently you are proud of your lifestyle?

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:14 pm
by xiao
Whitty Whit wrote:So evidently you are proud of your lifestyle?
Yes, absolutely. However, I believe the way I do all of these things is totally responsible and reasonable - I moderate myself and adhere to my own strict personal moral code.

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:14 pm
by Tea Ess
Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:18 pm
by Arkán Dreamwalker
Why is an Atheist on an AIO site?

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:25 pm
by Whitty Whit
Do you believe that this lifestyle will help or hurt you physically/mentally/emotionally in the long run?
Arkán Dreamwalker wrote:Why is an Atheist on an AIO site?
I, myself, have often wondered that, and I still don't know why. But he is here, make the most of it.

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:36 pm
by Guess Who!
xiao wrote:First off, let me preface this post with something I've really been meaning to get out there.


Alright, now that that's out of the way, hit me with your best questions, folks. Yes, indeed, I drink alcohol and enjoy getting buzzed on occasion. Indeed, I have had quite a few relations with those of the opposite sex. Indeed, I do partake in the "forbidden herb" every now and again, and indeed, I do not believe in the existence of a god, or of any of mankind's proposed religious solutions to the grandly complex question of life.

Now have at ye, and I will do my best to answer your questions in a timely and helpful manner.
You sound incredibly narrow minded. Why haven't you ever considered drinking the opposite sex, smoking alcohol, and kissing weed?

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:44 pm
by xiao
Arkán Dreamwalker wrote:Why is an Atheist on an AIO site?
Check my join date, there, bud. I've been on this site (and its predecessor) for years and years now - when I joined, I was a Christian. Since then, things have changed.
T.S. (myself) wrote:Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
Well, I'm an active musician and filmmaker. Currently I have plans to record an album with Steve Albini (producer of Pixies and Nirvana) in Chicago and I'm currently in talks with a few record labels discussing signing a record deal. I'm also currently in the process of making a surrealist horror movie called "Pulko" about a boy lost in a forest with lots of strange creatures with tree bark for flesh. I'm trying to get that going on Kickstarter and I already have the backing of a few local video studios.

So to answer your question, I see myself successfully creating and publishing the music and films I put so much love into.

How about yourself?
Whitty Whit wrote:Do you believe that this lifestyle will help or hurt you physically/mentally/emotionally in the long run?
The first interesting question of this thread!

Well, that all depends. As of now, I've been doing all of these things for years and I haven't noticed a negative effect. If I'm likely to give up any of it, alcohol would come first. It can be fun when used in moderation with friends, but it's harmful stuff in general and not something I'd like to make a habit of. Luckily, I seem to have the least addictive personality of anyone I know - I've never really been addicted to anything. I used to smoke cigarettes and "quit" when I realized I had totally forgotten about them after running out. I had no urges, no cravings. The same goes for pot and alcohol - I enjoy them, but I don't rely on them, or ever feel like I "need" them for anything. If I did, I would realize this is a sign of an unhealthy dependency, and I would eliminate them from my life instantly.

I have no plans to attempt to stop my natural drive towards females and pursuing worthwhile relationships with them.

Marijuana has overall improved my quality of life, I'd say. It's just something calming and relaxing that can give me a new outlook on things. I do it with friends sometimes as something fun and harmless. I don't use it to ease stress, avoid real-life issues, or anything of a destructive nature. It's sort of like drinking a warm cup off coffee in the morning now for me, my body is so used to it.

And lastly, since I gave up my belief in God / the supernatural, I've found that my quality of life has increased tenfold. I've learned more than I could have ever stomached about a personal passion of mine, science, and I've more healthily learned to deal with concepts such as grief, mortality, loss, and the temporary (but beautiful) nature of existence. No longer do I live in fear of heck or any demon. No longer do I make grand, hurtful mistakes and think "it's okay, god will forgive me." I believe this life is my only shot, so I've got to get it as right as I possibly can, and make as large of an impact as possible.

For future questions, guys, please don't refer to everything as "your lifestyle" - this limits and complicates your questions in a restrictive way. Please ask me separate questions about alcohol, girls, marijuana, and atheism, according to what you'd like to know.
Guess Who! wrote:You sound incredibly narrow minded. Why haven't you ever considered drinking the opposite sex, smoking alcohol, and kissing weed?
You bring up a valid point. I will get on this and post back with the results ASAP.

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:49 pm
by jelly
I'm pretty sure that drinking the opposite sex is paramount to satan worship. :noway:

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:59 pm
by ric
What kind of music do you make?

What record labels are you in talks with (if you don't mind saying)?

If your life is merely a page in history that will be gone forever, why do you "have to get it as right as you possibly can?" I'm sure it's a question you've heard a lot, but I'd like to hear your personal answer.

What do you think of The King of Limbs? Sufjan? Post-rock?

Does marijuana have a stronger effect than alcohol?

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:03 pm
by Jesus' Princess
Okay, do you have medical marijuana license, or do you take it illegally?

Since you don't believe in a god, or anything supernatural or anything, why do you think we're here? What's the purpose of life? or are we simply evolved beings who happened to randomly evolve just right?

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:07 pm
by Guess Who!
oh man, I totally forgot that you used to smoke, pretty great quitting story though :)

I similarly have a very low addictive personality. I like drinking but usually can't be bothered to go to the store to buy any more alcohol, so I'll go weeks without any. As for weed... well. Awhile back I got about a 10$ bunch and the person who gave it to me said, with your habits, this will last about 6 months! 10 months later.... 90% of it is still here :P

Anyway. Pretty much all your personal descriptors in the opening post also apply for me, so I could steal some of the more interesting questions you get and answer them myself, I suppose :P If you don't mind me hijacking your thread \:D/

I'm really pretty *boring* though. I've been too busy working to date anyone since I broke up with my long term boyfriend about a year and a half ago... and as specified above, my adventures with substances are few and far between.

(FWIW, kissing weed is about as disappointing as can be imagined. Narrowmindedness wins!)

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:12 pm
by jasonjannajerryjohn
Arkán Dreamwalker wrote:Why is an Atheist on an AIO site?
Oh hey.

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:14 pm
by Guess Who!
jasonjannajerryjohn wrote:
Arkán Dreamwalker wrote:Why is an Atheist on an AIO site?
Oh hey.
I know, right? And we've all been here much longer than this particular questioner :)

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:17 pm
by EK
Who dem boys that be having it crunk every occasion?

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:17 pm
by jasonjannajerryjohn
EK wrote:Who dem boys that be having it crunk every occasion?
I literally have no idea what you just said.

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:19 pm
by Whitty Whit
xiao wrote: It's sort of like drinking a warm cup off coffee in the morning now for me, my body is so used to it.
I perceive that to mean that you have a more or less dependence on it then... Are you dependent on marijuana? Or do you mean that it's so normal, you don't see or have any problems you could experience with it?

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:26 pm
by jasonjannajerryjohn
Whitty Whit wrote:
xiao wrote: It's sort of like drinking a warm cup off coffee in the morning now for me, my body is so used to it.
I perceive that to mean that you have a more or less dependence on it then... Are you dependent on marijuana? Or do you mean that it's so normal, you don't see or have any problems you could experience with it?
I've never smoked anything in my life, but from what I've heard, you can't actually get dependent on marijuana. It's one of the few drugs you can't. Well apart from caffeine.

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:32 pm
by Guess Who!
oh, people can *certainly* get dependent on caffeine. It's actually one of the *more* addictive drugs, it's just, the *consequences* of addiction are really very low.

Re: Ask an alcohol-drinking, girl-kissing, pot-smoking Atheist!

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:51 pm
by The Top Crusader
When I get into middle school I'm gonna be as cool as xiao!!!! \:D/