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Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:21 pm
by EK
How do you guys pick out what you're going to wear? Do you guys usually go for the most fashionable clothes or do you stick with comfortable stuff, now I don't mean comfortable like khakis and loafers, I mean more like sweatpants with socks and slides.

I usually go for the comfort aspect, I feel fashionable if I'm wearing a cool t-shirt or a cool hat with one of my teams on it...but I'm not going to go out of my way to wear stuff that say I have to lace up, button, or wear a belt with, unless I have to. (church, job, etc.) but just going to class or hanging out I'm usually going with gym shorts and a t-shirt. Sweatpants if it's ideal to wear them. I found an awesome pair of shorts that are made out of sweatpant material, and I was in comfort heaven. Some people view it as dressing like you don't care, I see it as dressing like you care...about feeling awesome.

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:33 am
by orangie
I would definitely dress to feel comfortable, not fashionable. My favorite things to wear in the summer are shorts and a t-shirt because it gets really hot where I live. In the winter, I wear sweats a lot because they are warm and comfy.

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:54 am
by Kairi
I go with comfortable. My idea of comfort would be jeans and a nice sweater. Looks good in winter, confuses people in summer.

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:01 am
by DanP740
I've never cared about fashion. :P The only times I may wear something uncomfortable is my church clothes, because for some reason they make me really hot compared to normal clothes.

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:35 am
by Termite
My fashion is comfort... I wear what I want when I want, as long as it isn't improper to do so. ;) So I go back and forth between jeans and t-shirts to fancy skirts with heels. It all depends.

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:40 am
by Shennifer
I agree with Termite; it depends on what I'm doing that day. On weekends, I usually wear knee length sweats and a t-shirt. during the week (at school) I wear jeans or capris with a fairly nice shirt. Right now, in the summer, I wear shorts (or capris) and a tank top or nicer shirt if I'm going somewhere.

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:49 am
by Laurie
Comfort is my goal. I have no interest in fashion.

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:55 am
by darcie
Can I pick both? :anxious: But your level of "comfort" being sweats and tees is a bit more comfy than I'd do in public. I'm very happy in denim or linen or maybe the occasional yoga pant. But then my level of "fashion" is not what others would consider fashionable either. I am no Carrie Bradshaw. And I definitely do NOT do heels.

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:00 pm
by Shennifer
I like denim too; but I love dressing up when the occasion permits \:D/

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:04 pm
by Blitz
comfort or I just grab what is first and occasionally I do fashion

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:11 pm
by Charis
Fashion, guys. :x What exactly defines comfort? Heels can be comfortable, if broken in. Lace and accessories are also comfortable. :noway:

Though, If I'm at home it's a different matter. Hair up, sweats on, contacts out. \:D/

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:30 pm
by ric cost.

But clothes aren't really comfortable or uncomfortable to me in general. :p I'd go for cheap and fashionable over cheap and comfortable.

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:12 pm
by Jesus' Princess
Perfect balance? :p

I usually dress nice-ish, as in like a jean shirt, tank top with a sweater over the top and flats or something. I usually don't wear heels, or designer brands or anything. If we're working out in the field or whatever thigh, or just at home on a saturday, just jeans and a thirty or something like that.

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:24 pm
by Petrichor
Am I to understand that jeans and t-shirts are not the height of fashion? All this time I thought I was so stylish, and yet now I discover that I've merely been dressing for comfort. :(

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:34 pm
by TigerintheShadows
Mmm...I've thought about maybe going a bit dressier to school (getting some gladiator sandals or flats instead of my old Rainbows, for example), but I've decided that I like the Unkempt Beauty look I think I've got going. All I ever need to plan for is jeans with frayed hems, church shirts and Converse or Rainbows. (Aside from that, I wouldn't know fashion if it came up to me and explained in detail about all the latest trends.)

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:10 pm
by ~JCGJ~
EK wrote:How do you guys pick out what you're going to wear? Do you guys usually go for the most fashionable clothes or do you stick with comfortable stuff, now I don't mean comfortable like khakis and loafers, I mean more like sweatpants with socks and slides.

I usually go for the comfort aspect, I feel fashionable if I'm wearing a cool t-shirt or a cool hat with one of my teams on it...but I'm not going to go out of my way to wear stuff that say I have to lace up, button, or wear a belt with, unless I have to. (church, job, etc.) but just going to class or hanging out I'm usually going with gym shorts and a t-shirt. Sweatpants if it's ideal to wear them. I found an awesome pair of shorts that are made out of sweatpant material, and I was in comfort heaven. Some people view it as dressing like you don't care, I see it as dressing like you care...about feeling awesome.
I feel most comfortable when I'm in Jeans, Flannel, and a small white Formosan.
Jeans are comfy, Flannel is comfy, and I feel naked without a hat on.
Oh, and I always have a toothpick as well.

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:49 pm
by Stop Wooton' Around
I just grab what's ever in the closet. (Jeans and a regular shirt) Then for work (at the public library) and church I dress in a docker's dress pants and a nice button up shirt. I do not however own a suit or a tie that would now fit me. I don't do ties or suits.

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:50 pm
by Sherlock
My mission is to singlehandedly drag Casual Friday down to my standards, thereby reducing the need to change clothes before work on Friday. \:D/

I feel awkward wearing whatever is currently fashionable, so I usually wear whatever I want. I can't stand "flashy" looking clothes, i.e. sequins, metallics, etc. The only time I really obviously stand out in a crowd is if I go to a club or something, which is so rare as to be hardly worth mention here. ;)

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:08 pm
by ~JCGJ~
Stop Wooton' Around wrote:I just grab what's ever in the closet. (Jeans and a regular shirt) Then for work (at the public library) and church I dress in a docker's dress pants and a nice button up shirt. I do not however own a suit or a tie that would now fit me. I don't do ties or suits.
I found a nice tweed jacket at Goodwill, for only about $12.00.

I wear it whenever I need to be a little more formal...

People tell me I dress like an old man, and it's kind of true...

:D \:D/ :lol:

Re: Comfort or Fashion?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:18 pm
by Vic
Fashion. Though my lack of money greatly limits my wardrobe.