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The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:54 pm
by Peachey Keen
I saw that on the post for the latest OAIOP, there are videos of AIO actors giving acting tips...and one of those is of Janet Waldo! Does this mean we'll hear from Joanne and maybe Jack very soon?

What do you think?

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:57 pm
by Bren
That's what I was wondering.

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:11 pm
by Laurie
I hope so. Hopefully if they are bringing Joanne back perhaps Jack will follow? I have always liked Jack and Joanne. :D

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:33 pm
by Joanne
Haha I saw this thread and thought... umm I've been back for awhile, and then realized you were talking about Joanne Allen. ;)

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:19 am
by Sapphire
Laurie wrote:I hope so. Hopefully if they are bringing Joanne back perhaps Jack will follow? I have always liked Jack and Joanne. :D
I hope so too! I really like them.

Um...Shouldn't this be in the Whit's End section? :anxious:

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:50 am
by Blitz
Great I would love to have them back

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:28 am
by Dallas R.
I would love to see the return of Jack and Joanne. Any time they can bring old characters back, I am a happy camper, (assuming the actor/actress is the same). I think the fear with bringing them back is the age of Allen Young and Janet Waldo, but hey, if they're willing to do it, I'm all for it. Plus, Jack and Joanne are really easy to reintroduce, and then unintroduce when the time comes. They don't really need explanation any more than say, Mrs. Kramer got this season, or Coach Chang Fang. Just let Jack show up behind the counter at Whit's End with as easy a line as, "I'm Mr. Allen, an old friend of Mr. Whittaker's."
I still would have loved to hear a scene with Jack in "Mistaken for Good" when Emily goes to J & J antiques.
If rumors be true, I will be a happy man.

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:26 am
by Christian A.
Could it be possible that Janet Waldo was just in the studio playing a different character?

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:30 am
by Laurie
Christian A. wrote:Could it be possible that Janet Waldo was just in the studio playing a different character?
With AIO that and everything else is entirely possible. :D

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:34 am
by Gandalf
Ehhh. I don't like the sound of this, actually. Taken in combination with the news that Jack and Joanne were replaced by Dale and Anne in a previous episode this season at the last minute, it seems likely that Allen Young is unable to record anymore. Considering he is 93, it's not exactly surprising. Very sad though, if it's true. Jack has been probably my favorite character for years.


Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:54 pm
I sure hope so, I really miss hearing Jack and Joanne.

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:52 pm
by Jason Whits Son
Well in theory couldn't they bring in people who sound close to the original Jack and Joanne since the show "rebooted". And couldn't they also do that with Bart and Tom if they wanted to?

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:16 pm
by Laurie
Jason Whits Son wrote:Well in theory couldn't they bring in people who sound close to the original Jack and Joanne since the show "rebooted". And couldn't they also do that with Bart and Tom if they wanted to?
If I remember correctly they brought in someone to fill Walker's shoes and nobody liked him and what happened? No more Bart or Tom. Remember all of the debate when Andre was brought in to fill Paul Herlinger's shoes? Let's not forget Bernard either. Red Hollard has his share of people who don't like him as well.

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:13 pm
by Dallas R.
I think replacing old characters with new actors is a very bad idea, especially because of the reboot. Why replace old voices when they can just create new characters, you know what I mean. It works for minor characters like Anne Jacobs, but replacing Bart didn't go well, and neither would replacing Jack and Joanne, Tom, Bernard, Richard Maxwell, and other much loved old characters.

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:26 pm
Joanne is coming back. The video confirmed that, since this contest wasn't started long ago. And these videos seem to be from the album 56 recording session. I would venture to guess that since Joanne is there, Jack will be there too. And I know for a fact that since the hiatus, they have tried to get both characters back on the show, but it didn't suit for one or the other, so they were both written out or replaced.

Joanne has been on episodes without Jack though, so she could be alone. Though I hope Jack is along too, he is such a great character.

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:43 pm
by CreativeThinker101
Yes, Joanne is coming back in an episode called Home Again, which is also where Jason returns to Odyssey. Unfortunately, I don't believe Jack will be returning with her.

Re: The Return of Joanne?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:24 pm
by Vic
I think Allen Young is retired. (He's kind of earned it, being 93 and all) I'll love hearing from Joanne again but a little part of myself will die when we only hear her and not Jack.