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Bipolar disorder..

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:40 pm
by ObiWan Kenobi Girl
I haven't been officially diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, but I have a form of hypomanic-depression and it's been getting a lot worse recently.
I've stopping cutting but I keep feeling worthless and like I want to die. My boyfriend is very concerned for my safety and is supportive but my FAMILY is the ones who think it's all just in my head and I "can be happy if I really want to." It's so frustrating when I express interest in seeing a Psychiatrist and my parents totally dismiss it like I'm fine when they really have no idea what I feel like. I'm in college, too, so being all up-and-down all the time makes for about zero good friends. :/

Please pray for me and anyone who can relate to me, I'd appreciate any advice or just anything at all.
Thanks, I love you all. :)

Re: Bipolar disorder..

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:41 am
Can you at least see a doctor who can see if some meds could help? If you're in college and if you're 19 like your profile says you really are old enough to take the initiative and make the appt to see a doctor. I don't know what your insurance is like but honestly anything is cheaper than being hospitalized from depression or suicide attempt. Your parents obviously don't understand or aren't willing to acknowledge that this is a real, medical issue that needs to be addressed.

If your parents have no idea what you feel like, what are you telling them? Are you telling them that you feel worthless and want to die? If they found out you had cancer and could die from that, would they think that's worth seeing a doctor for?

I mean this in a totally loving and compassionate way, but I don't like it when people aren't serious about serious problems. Your parents aren't taking it seriously and I do believe in God and I pray often but I also believe God's given us medicine and professionals to help us with certain problems. If you're having a problem with brain chemistry imbalance or anything like that, it really needs to be addressed by a skilled professional.

I have seen a Christian PhD psychologist before, too, and that was very helpful, for therapy/counseling (and I don't have bipolar but have had very severe depression many times).

So who diagnosed you and are they able to help?

Re: Bipolar disorder..

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:04 pm
by The Kings Daughter
I've been in a bit of a depression 'rut' recently, too. I know most of the feelings you mentioned as well, and am praying for you! :hug: One of life's beautiful 'keys' is that when I don't feel like my life is worth it, my heavenly Love sees so much in it. Depression seems like it will never end, it's really hard to wait out month after month, years sometimes. But God is faithful every step of the way and He WILL lead you out of it. :) He loves you too much to leave you there! As far as talking to someone, it's a really good idea. Actually, I was the other way. My parents wanted me to see someone, but I was firmly against it. :- Is there an older women in your church who you'd be comfortable talking to? I go to a Doctor who really did wonders for me as far as the health side of my depression. I mean, I still get it, but not nearly to the same extent. I wish we lived closer. :( Hold on to Him, He's worth it. :hug:

Re: Bipolar disorder..

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:30 pm
by ~JCGJ~
ObiWan Kenobi Girl wrote:I haven't been officially diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, but I have a form of hypomanic-depression and it's been getting a lot worse recently.
I've stopping cutting but I keep feeling worthless and like I want to die. My boyfriend is very concerned for my safety and is supportive but my FAMILY is the ones who think it's all just in my head and I "can be happy if I really want to." It's so frustrating when I express interest in seeing a Psychiatrist and my parents totally dismiss it like I'm fine when they really have no idea what I feel like. I'm in college, too, so being all up-and-down all the time makes for about zero good friends. :/

Please pray for me and anyone who can relate to me, I'd appreciate any advice or just anything at all.
Thanks, I love you all. :)
I'm not going to attempt to tell you how you should feel, or how I can help, because I cannot directly relate to your situation. But I will say that I will be praying for you, and that I will keep you in my thoughts.
I'm sorry I can't give you any profoundly comforting words of wisdom, but I do ask that the Lord will help you in your time of trouble.

Re: Bipolar disorder..

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:58 pm
I don't really have much that I can say, except that I'll definitely pray for you.

Re: Bipolar disorder..

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:26 pm
by Sherlock
Does your college have a clinic? That might be the first step to try, if you can. At 19 you'll be able to sign all the medical forms yourself and don't need parental consent, so if you are feeling those things you describe it is probably a really good idea to try and find a good Doctor who can help from the medical end of things and maybe a counselor as well who can just at least be there for some consistency amidst all the craziness of the college environment. My college roommate went through a pretty bad instance of depression in our first year, and the campus counseling/support staff and doctors were a Godsend at that time, so I would highly encourage you to reach out to them if you can!

You and your intentions are in my prayers as well.

Re: Bipolar disorder..

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:13 pm
by ObiWan Kenobi Girl
Yeah, I go to counseling every week at the clinic at my college.
I've had appointments with the nurse here, too, to maybe prescribe anti-depressants meds, but we decided not to so I haven't seen her lately.
But, I'm now planning on getting an appointment with the nurse this week to figure this stuff out!
Another thing.. I have epilepsy and take a mood stabilizer to control my seizures so that's another mess in my brain. :( and probably another reason why I'm so depressed. :(
So, thanks everyone for your prayers!

Re: Bipolar disorder..

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:32 am
by Sapphire
I am praying for you, Morgan. I am glad you're getting help. Realizing that you need help and getting it are the very first steps to recovery. Remember to always believe and trust in God because in the end, he is the only one who can deliver you.

Re: Bipolar disorder..

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:42 am
by The Kings Daughter
Glad you're trying some new stuff :hug: I despise frequent doctor visits, but if it wasn't for my medication I'd be a complete wreck. ;) Please keep us updated on how you are :hug: