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Vice Verses

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:31 pm
by King Butter Turtle
If you haven't heard Switchfoot's new album, Vice Verses, yet, you should definitely check it out.

Review/Random Thoughts:

First of all, it's totally amazing - definitely Switchfoot's best album. It's full of amazing songs and has this really cool theme running throughout.

Track 2 - The Original - During the Wisconsin-Nebraska game, last night (Nebraska lost :( ), this was the song they used for the halftime-highlight-reel/promo-for-the-second-half thing. It always catches my attention when they use a Christian song for things like that but, this one especially did since it was from the new album. So, that's kind of a cool exposure thing. Anyway, this is a great song. It totally reminded me of the AIO episode Popsicle Kid.

Track 4 - Restless - This single's been on the radio for a while now - I love it!

Track 6 - Selling the News - A little different style for them but, they totally rocked it. It's got some sweet lyrics and a cool message.

Track 7 - Thrive - Wow! Switchfoot did a better 'I'm-depressed-song' than Tenth Avenue North - Very impressive. ;)

Track 9 - Souvenirs - So, John Foreman realized there are a lot of Christians who make slideshows. He decided to write a song written just for them. Genius! It's generic enough that it could work for mission trips, graduation open houses, funerals, weddings... anything. No matter the powerpoint theme, this song is sure to put your audience in tears. You know that's gonna get popular, right? ;)

Track 11 - Vice Verses - This one's got totally awesome lyrics (like Switchfoot always has) but, also pulls the whole album together with this theme of ebb and flow, positives coming with negatives - very cool idea!

Track 12 - Where I Belong - When I heard that 'Vice Verses', which seemed like a 'conclusion song' was the second to last song on the CD, I expected something very fun for the last track. And, that's totally what it its. Using the same lyrics as in the first song (Afterlife), was, first of all, just epic. But, also, it further accentuated the theme and made a really cool point about heaven. The first and last songs seemed to take opposite stances on what we should think about heaven. But, then the end of this song pulled them together, like 'these ideas can coexist'. It's kind of paradoxical - a totally awesome concept.

Overall, I don't know if a CD has made me think as much as this one did... like ever. The lyrics are totally creative and fun, the music is catchy and awesome and the idea running through the album is really cool. I'm like... not even that into music but, this is an amazing album! :D

Re: Vice Verses

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:36 pm
by ric
So, I bought this. Wow.

First listen, I was "oookay, nice." Second listen, I was "hey, this is great." Of course, I now think it's AMAZING.

Frankly, I'm not at all good at comparing albums by the same artists, especially when it's one like Switchfoot that I love. Basically, if I love it, I love it. There's no difference. However, this album did not beat Oh! Gravity yet (I'm on the sixth or seventh listen now) neither has it beaten Nothing Is Sound, although it might. The main reason is, there are a few weak tracks.

"The War Inside" is probably the weakest. I'm not into the pop monotone dance stuff. Whatever it's called. Also, "Dark Horses" was kinda weak too. It seems kinda like they sort of threw it in there for their big radio single. It's not a bad song, but it's just not that great. This of course, doesn't compare to Oh! Gravity (with no weak songs) and Nothing Is Sound (with maybe one weak song that I can't think of at the moment.) However, when the songs are good, they some of the best Switchfoot has ever done. So that's why it's very hard for me to compare the albums.

"Where I Belong," "Vice Verses," and "The Originals" are probably the best tracks. "Where I Belong" just solidifies Switchfoot as the top band for bittersweet rock anthems.

Re: Vice Verses

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:24 am
by J-man
I need to actually go listen to it more, I bought it thinking "hey, new Switchfoot album!". Then I listened to it and, well.. meh. I dunno, seems like their style has changed a lot since Oh! Gravity (which is still by far my favorite album, along with the previous 2) and I just don't really like their new style. :/