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And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:35 pm
by Marvin D.
We received a surprising amount of entries (most in the 2nd week, oddly enough ;)), but now it's time for YOU to decide who you think has talent! But first, a couple of notes.

--I'll be creating a discussion thread for only the judges (IDJ, bookworm, and AE) to do what else? Discuss the entries. (I'll put the thread here when it's done, and you can read there for further information).
--Please don't vote for yourself, but since I'm not all powerful, I'll just have to trust you did it \:D/
--If you think a talent entry isn't as good as yours, please don't say that out loud. That way, we'll have no hurt feelings.

And now, without further ado, here are the entries!

Entry 1: Graphic Design
Entry 2: Video
Entry 3: Story
Robot 312 from Factory 12
Watching, an extremely annoying robot drifted though space. It crash landed on an asteroid with a small research station on it. "A bomb is flying to destroy y--", It yelled with it's last bit of power. Rosaleen, the bothersome engineer, quickly decided to fling a stone at the bomb. Scanning for it, she rotated the cargo catapult to shoot. She put on her space suit, grabbed a rock and put it in the catapult. The projectile was closing in. She frantically yelled for one of the other crew to shoot it, but they didn't not respond. She then remembered to use her radio, and the crew shot the rock at the bomb. An explosion went off. The crew cheered because they were safe, but I know that they will not be safe for long. Heh Heh.
Entry 4: Music Video
Entry 5: Photography (titled Sprinkles)



© Rosiebud Pictures 2011
Entry 6: Music Video
Entry 7: Music Video
Entry 8: Poetry
If you are a Poet
Rules of a poet or The Poet Code of Conduct

If you can write poetry, and speak it well
And make people smile as you tell.
If you can speak in frightening tones
Or make people stop talking on their cell phones.

If you can smile and you can speak,
Poetry is not something you want to eat.
If you can write so rather fast,
Do not try to write about an arctic blast

If you can sing a balled or two
Poetry is obviously not for you
If you can write with both of your hands,
You must be the best poet in all of the lands.

If you can tragedy, sadness, allo
Poetry is obviously the best thing to do.
If you are handy with paper and pen,
Well then your poetry must be on much demand

If you can Rhyme a letter of two,
Do not worry, you have little to do.
If you can speak in very hushed tones,
You must be a poet my friend for you are not alone.

If you can write with meter and rhyme,
You should be a poet, for you would be fine.
If you like to make people smile,
A poet is your job it does not take a while.

If happiness is your expertise,
You should get a salary increase.
If you are kind, gentle, and wild,
Don’t worry we will tame you to be like a child.

If you can perfect and imperfect world,
I know it’s a job that so awfully absurd
If you like words, this is your job

Follow these rules unless your name is Bob.
These are our rules, so sad, but true.
If you were a poet, would you follow these too?
Entry 9: Creative Photography
Entry 10: Music Video
Entry 11: Video/Photoshopping
All right, time to choose who YOU think can haz TALENT! \:D/

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:53 pm
by Jason Whits Son
I can't see number 9. I think maybe you linked to an attachment? You may have to save it and then upload to photobucket (or another host site) and link that way.

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:58 pm
by The Kings Daughter

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:09 pm
by Marvin D.
Sorry, there were some problems with number 9, but it's all ready been fixed \:D/

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:23 pm
by Steve
Entry 9 is pretty stinkin' cool.

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:22 pm
by Catspaw
After much deliberation, I made my choice and voted. There is definitely a lot of talent here on the ToO, and part of what made it so hard was the variety of things people submitted! Very cool. :D

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:00 am
by Sapphire
Wow. The ToO has such great talent. It was so hard to choose just one, but I finally decided and voted. :D

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:24 am
by bookworm
Fixed #10 :)

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:43 pm
by snubs
Wow, a lot of entries! 8-) =D>

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:47 pm
by Shennifer
Pretty awesome entries! :D It'll be tough to choose :-k

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:14 pm
by Graces4you
Very awsome entries, Everyone did such a great job :)

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:32 am
by Marvin D.
Voting closes in about 7 hours--if you haven't voted yet, now's the time :x

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:39 am
by bookworm
One hour left!

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:58 am
by Shennifer
half an hour now!

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:19 pm
by Marvin D.
. . .is the poll ending time different for y'all? :-k Because it ends in about an hour for me.

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:26 pm
by bookworm
It ends in 10 minutes! :x

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:27 pm
by Marvin D.
The poll ends in 1 hour 10 minutes :anxious:

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:34 pm
by bookworm
The poll ends in 1 minute! :x


The poll ended 1 minute ago but the results aren’t revealed! :x

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:43 pm
by Bren
Well, bookwork, it ends at 2:35 PM for me and it is currently 1:43.

-- Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:48 pm --

Well, here is a good question, do the time of the post you just made line up with your time? Your timezone setting could be off.

Re: And You Think You've Got Talent-Entries

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:49 pm
by bookworm
Maybe it didn’t sync for DST. Let me check.


That was it. Well phooey, I won’t be on for the results then.