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End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:34 pm
by snubs

Yep, our term is almost out, and now it is finally time to give out some awards! Yay! \:D/ I will be giving out a few awards everyday until our term's end. 8-)

Oh, and I see you over there, American Eagle, sneakin' around... just know, that I know, where you are. *narrows eyes*

And to start us off I would like give out the "Participation Award!"

Which goes to...
Anyone and everyone who participated in Shark Bait's events. :yes:

Such as:
My AIO Short Story
Who Wants to be Rich?!
Five Days of Odyssey
Easter Egg Hunt

And to make it easier on us, if you have participated in any of the following activities please PM me or The Kings Daughter to receive your award. I ask that you do it right away (or at least before our term is out) otherwise you will miss out... and that rhymed. #-o
The next award we would like to give out is the "He Thinks He's Too Great To Use A Signature Award!" \:D/
Yep, the fine young man winning this award does NOT attach his signature by default. He thinks he is too good for a signature all the time, or something. ;) And if you haven't guessed already who winner of this award is..
It is Moontide! =D>
Congragulations Moontide. You just won an award for something you probably didn't think you could win an award for!!

This next award goes to all our Moderators. 8-)

Yep, the entire Shark Bait Police Force will receive this badge. :yes: Thank you moderators for working on the Shark Bait team!

That's all for now, people. More surprises are on the way though!

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 5:03 am
by Marvin D.
Yay, guys \:D/ Awesome job, Sharkbait!

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:24 am
by Sapphire
Thank you so much, Shark Bait! :D You both did an awesome job during this term.

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:33 am
by Joanne
yay Sharkbait! Thanks for all your hard work. This was an awesome term! \:D/

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 11:41 am
by American Eagle
*is ready to sabotage the ceremony* :evillaugh:

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 6:12 pm
by Peachey Keen
Hooray for Sharkbait...and Finding Nemo!

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:13 pm
by snubs

Time for some more awards!! \:D/

They sure had a lot of questions...or maybe they just wanted to correct and re-correct?? :- At any rate, this award goes to,
bookworm and iluvsns! =D>
bookworm posted in our Questions for Shark Bait thread a total of 35 times! That is more than anyone one else. However, most of his inquiries were not inquiries at all, but more like corrections and suggestions. ;) So, just for his enthusiasm, he wins the Inquire Award.

iluvsns wins this award as well, for actually asking the most questions. O:)

Moving on we have the Bryan Dern Award:

This guy likes to voice his opinions in stunning detail! :shock: And his disclaimer is
Forsooth. ;) He is..
DanP740! \:D/
He wins this award for his faithful election commentaries! The elections just wouldn't be the same without them. =D> And though he is certainly not as merciless as Bryan Dern, some people may think so. ;)

Please give them a big hand, people for winning these awards! =D>

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:47 pm
by American Eagle
Congrats to Moontide, bookworm, DanP740 and iluvsns! \:D/

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:26 am
by bookworm
Wow, didn’t expect that. Guess it pays to be a perfectionist. :P

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:43 am
by Moontide
Thank you for the "He Thinks He's Too Great To Use A Signature Award!". I have updated my sig accordingly.

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 1:46 pm
by snubs
:hilarious: Oh, Moontide! That's hilarious. \:D/

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 2:12 pm
by Marvin D.
Just like Moontide :-

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:36 pm
by Taps
I should have won all the rewards :( Oh well I guess people just knew I was going to win all of them so they decided to give everybody else a chance and just not give me any rewards :D

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 10:36 am
by Lee
Thanks! :bounce: That's a suprise. :) It's been a great term Sharkbait! :highfive:

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 8:22 pm
by snubs

And now moving on to the "She Thinks She's Too Great To Post Award! \:D/
She is a new member to the town... but doesn't like posting all that much. She thinks she is too great to post, or something...just like Moontide. *Narrows eyes* She is..
Karen Krosby!
It seems she much rather comment on people's profiles instead of actually posting. She actually said, "I don't really like posting" -'because I am just too good for that kind of stuff.' :noway: Okay, okay, the last part was added by me, but same thing. :x Anywaaaays, The way I see it, she holds the record for most profile comments!! \:D/

Now for Best Rank Title!
I don't really have much to say about these two people... but their rank titles are great! \:D/ They are...
Over the Rainbow and Jelly!
Over the Rainbow's rank title is "Blissfully Oblivious" and Jelly's is "A Truly Great Noob" \:D/ You gotta love 'em! In my opinion, these two ranks are awesome, and deserve to be noticed. :yes: Therefore they win the Best Rank Title Award. =D>

Two honorary mentions are, Galaxy X for his rank, "The Legend" And Amethystic for her rank, "Random Rebel" =D>

Moving on, we have the Future Top Award! =D>
Could you be the next Top Crusader? Never! \:D/ There is only one Top. However there is someone in mind that I feel has some Top potential. :yes: So, the Future Top Award goes to..
Marvin D!
In my opinion, he has some Top Crusader fire in him! Top can post the silliest things, yet everyone loves it.. don't ask me why. :roll: And Marvin seems to have the exact same effect on people. So, congratulations Marvin. =D>

And now ladies and gentlemen, it's time to hand out the Christian Spirit Award. O:)
The two ladies that win this award have been really sweet and caring to others. :inlove: They are...
IDANCE4JESUS and Sapphire!
These two lovable girls have not only been sweet and caring, but have shown a godly testimony throughout the Shark Bait term. :yes:

=D> Congratulations everyone on winning your awards! =D>

More to come soon. ;)

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 9:13 pm
by jelly
I believe a modeled mine after EB's 'A Truly Great Man' years ago when I was.. well, a 'Noob'. \:D/

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 10:18 pm
by American Eagle
I would venture to say Taps is more like Top than Marvin... Marv is more like Dr. Watson (Top's Baptist account ;)).

Woohoo, congrats to all the winners! \:D/

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 10:25 pm
by snubs
American Eagle wrote:I would venture to say Taps is more like Top than Marvin... Marv is more like Dr. Watson (Top's Baptist account ;)).

Woohoo, congrats to all the winners! \:D/
I would have to agree that Taps is like Top too. :yes: I should give him one too! \:D/ I think I will. But I still think Marvin is like Top considering his popularity. 8-)

Okay it is official. Taps (along with Marvin) win the Future Top Award! =D>

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 9:42 am
by Marvin D.
I won an award? *looks to see what he won* CONSPIRACY, PEOPLES, CONSPIRACY. *looks around the room, particularly at Anne and Rad* And what do you mean I post silly things? ;_; Everything I post makes perfect sense. *long pause*

That said, thank you snubs and TKD \:D/ And congratulations all the others too! :D

Re: End-of-Term Awards Ceremony

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 5:41 pm
by Taps
Congratz my other Top twin *eats* Oh wait... Was that not for eating? Oh well. Congratz my other Top! And congratulations to everybody else!

(BTW I feel so much better that my award is "Official" \:D/ )