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You're Alive aren't You? Then Live!

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:35 am
by AOWarrior
We were meant for so much more then just meandering through the day to day. The "American Dream" so called is not what God has in store for you. His plans, his ways, his, times ,and his paths are so much bigger then all of us. He stepped out of heaven down into time, became a man, lived a perfect sinless life, was betrayed by a close friend, all his friend, forsook him as they were scattered. He endured the scourging that should be mine, he endured the pain that should be mine, he took the punishment that should be mine. He died in the most painful way in front of his mother and most beloved friend here on earth. In all things he did not sin. He lived with a passion and they killed him. But the story doesn't end there.No! The temple curtain was torn in two- Do you have any idea the significance of that? It means that the very moment in history that he breathed his last we all were granted access straight into the Holy of Holies right up to the very altar of God! It means that the separating chains have been broken!
But the story still isn't over yet. Three days later even though those pharisees the fools who thought a mere rock with some ink from a man could stop the plans of God almighty. An angel came down out of heaven moved that stone out of the way and Jesus came out of that tomb alive! He appeared to 500 people for 40 days. And then he ascended back to heaven where he is seated at the right hand of the father. But wait the stories still not over yet. The bible says in 1 Thessalonians that one day the archangel himself is gonna blow that trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise up. We that are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air to be with the Lord forever.
The story still isn't over because then 7 human years after that point Jesus Christ will return to reign on the throne of David. 1000 human years after that Satan will be finally and literally defeated for eternity. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. For behold the old ones had passed way.
The story doesn't ever end. It goes on for eternity and right now in this moment if you have chosen Christ as your savior then you are living in eternity. So stop living like you've only got 80 years. Because you don't even know if you've got that long here. Live as Christ did, full of passion and love, loving all people, yet hating evil, The battle of the flesh was overcome when His body was broken. You don't have to fight it. You just have to rise every morning and resolve to follow Christ even into the very end of time its self. he will never lead you astray, he will never leave you. He will always love you.

Re: You're Alive aren't You? Then Live!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:43 pm
by SoccerLOTR
True story. I think it's sad that so many Christians get caught up in "the American dream" that they forget who they are living for. A good job and house are useful, yes, but that's not we should ultimately be the end, it doesn't matter how big of a house you had or how many game systems you owned. Those are nice, but sometimes they serve merely as status symbols. I've known people who have more TVs than they know what to do with, more room in their house than they know what to do with, and it is just for show--to prove that they are successful and proper members of society. People tell me "no, don't do that, go after this type of job, it makes better money". But I'm like, "but should I let money overrule my desire to go where I believe God is leading me?" {sighs} Anyway, good post! :)

Re: You're Alive aren't You? Then Live!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:31 am
by AOWarrior
Thank You...and I also believe that God does bless people materially so that they can bless others as a witness so that God can be glorified. I think thats really what He's been showing me the past few weeks. That no matter what we're doing as long as he is Glorified and he has our heart he's gonna use us anywhere. But our deepest passions are so primal and so almost like a part of our nature that if we get caught up in trying to live the American dream God still will use us where we are. But I'd much rather have a rich relationship with Him and others doing what I really love to do.

Re: You're Alive aren't You? Then Live!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:04 pm
by SoccerLOTR
Agreed. According to the Bible, some have the gift of giving, so if they have the material possessions, they should be using it not for social status, but in a way honoring to God. I've known some people like that, and it's really cool to see how they're used. And yeah...relationships are much more important than money.

Re: You're Alive aren't You? Then Live!

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:07 am
by LJ Gibbs
Wow what a great topic...Relationships are way more important then money. Especially since we have a God who's all about restoring broken relationships, hearts, and souls. He really is the God who heals, rescues, and restores.