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New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:49 am
by AIO Psyche
I just downloaded her new song this morning, and it's easily the best song I've heard in a very long time. It's incredible. I'm serious, it's stunning. It's gonna be the biggest hit of her career.

So, have you guys head it yet? If not, go listen to it ASAP.

What do you guys think of her new song? \:D/ \:D/

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:50 am
by The Top Crusader
The ToO loves Lady Gaga, this is going to be awesome! \:D/

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:51 am
by AIO Psyche
The Top Crusader wrote:The ToO loves Lady Gaga, this is going to be awesome! \:D/



Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:56 am
by The Top Crusader
Anyway, to at least somewhat add to the topic--I haven't heard the new single. I don't think Lady Gaga is satanic or anything but she does not represent my musical interests. I assume if this is a big hit I will end up hearing it eventually, though. \:D/

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:00 am
by AIO Psyche
The Top Crusader wrote:Anyway, to at least somewhat add to the topic--I haven't heard the new single. I don't think Lady Gaga is satanic or anything but she does not represent my musical interests. I assume if this is a big hit I will end up hearing it eventually, though. \:D/
Trust me, you'll hear it at some point. It's gonna blow the charts up. It's already the number 1 downloaded song on iTunes, and will prolly stay that way for weeks.

She wasn't kidding when she said that this will be the biggest album of the decade......It's honestly THAT good.

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:10 am
by EK
Eh, I highly doubt it'll be the best album of the decade, with Outkast putting out a new album next year. \:D/

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:11 am
by ric
Just listened to the preview. Sounds fine. I wouldn't say the best song ever though....

Just because it's the number one downloaded single doesn't mean it's the number 1 single. Most people probably are just like "Hey, Lady Gaga" and then they download it without hearing the preview.

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:24 am
by Taps
wow I didn't know you all liked Lady Gaga. I very much dislike her. she doesn't stand for Christian principles.

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:26 am
by ric
*braces himself for upcoming harsh words/arguments* \:D/

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:27 am
by Sapphire
I listened to the preview on iTunes. Not that bad of a song. Though it's not my style of music, and I'm not a fan of Lady Gaga.

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:28 am
by AIO Psyche
ric wrote:Just listened to the preview. Sounds fine. I wouldn't say the best song ever though....

Just because it's the number one downloaded single doesn't mean it's the number 1 single. Most people probably are just like "Hey, Lady Gaga" and then they download it without hearing the preview.
True, but it's already climbing the charts. The say it'll be a number one single sometime today and will dominate the charts for weeks. It's already on it way to being her biggest hit.

This year is her year.

You know last year her 'Fame Monster' album was the biggest selling album that whole year? She will have 20 million or more sales on her new album when it comes out.

"God makes no mistakes, I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way!!!!" \:D/ \:D/

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:52 am
by The Top Crusader
She fails to take into account science of genetic defects. :noway:

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:00 pm
by AIO Psyche
The Top Crusader wrote:She fails to take into account science of genetic defects. :noway:
LOL :lol: :lol:



Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:42 pm
by Steve
I don't care for her, just because I don't like her musical style. I can't get into the techno-pop stuff at all. I need something with driving guitars and lots of big acoustic drums to keep me interested. I also don't really care for what she stands for.

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:34 pm
by Aaron Wiley
I simply don't listen to Lady Gaga because of the way she flaunts her body around like a.. whore? Not sure description quite "captures" who she is, but you know. I don't really think it's the greatest thing for Christians to be listening to.

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:38 pm
by Steve
Yeah, she's a really crummy role model.

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:44 pm
by AIO Psyche
This is gonna be the anthem of a generation. This album, and this song, reflects the feeling and struggles of millions of people the world over. She is the voice of the feeling and emotions of this generation. Feeling like an outcast, like a freak, like an abnormality, all these feelings and restlessness of this generation. She is the voice of that.

People don't understand the real motives and emotion of Lady Gaga. She isn't just doing all these things to get attention or cause a spectacle. She isn't doing any of this to get publicity.

Her fans are outcasts and anyone who feels different or weird. And her style reflects that. Cause Gaga is one of them.

She was made fun of and teased in school. And thus, Gaga was born. She created the character of Lady Gaga to be a symbol of the rebellion that she stands for. A celebration of weird, of odd, of crazy clothes and expressing yourself in insanely addicting pop songs.

If you have ever heard Gaga in concert, you will see that she refers to her fans as 'Little Monsters'. The term is yet another means to emphasize the idea of embracing your oddities and flaws and what makes you different.

'I'm beautiful in my way, cause God makes no mistakes. I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way. Don't hide yourself in regret, just love yourself and your set. Rejoice and love yourself today, cause baby you were born this way."

What a message of love. What an ideal to live by. What a motivation!

She is blazing a trail that few artists have. She is not catering to her record label, she doesn't care about sales, she doesn't care about recognition. She doesn't care about anything but supporting, celebrating, encouraging, and most importantly, loving her fans. It is all about her fans with whom she so strongly identifies with.

That is why Lady Gaga is my favorite artist.

And that is why this album is going to be the greatest album of the decade.

My goodness, this is the anthem of our time. It's seriously that good. It's gonna influence music in the future. It's that original.

The raw expression of exactly who Gaga is, as a person, as a human being. It's more than music. It's more than sales. It's more than even fame now. It's about making her statement. It's about helping change the world for the better.

The song, once and forever more, plants Gaga's flag into the ground saying loudly and proudly, "It doesn't matter who you are or what you are. Everything. It's all accepted. It's ok. There's nothing wrong with loving who you are, cause God made you perfect babe. Be proud of yourself, and don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise. Love yourself. You're beautiful in your own way. Cause God makes no mistakes. You're on the right track baby. You were born this way."

That is what this song and this album represents.

That is why this will be the best album of the decade.

Just saying. ;-)

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:08 pm
by Taps
Hmm never thought about it that way before. but still her dresses and stuff still show she isn't appropriate.

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:53 pm
by AIO Psyche
takeitfromthetop wrote:Hmm never thought about it that way before. but still her dresses and stuff still show she isn't appropriate.
Exactly in what way is she not appropriate? The messages of her music are wonderful themes to be conveying. It's about self love.

And her fashion is very conservative, if you look at her as a whole. Take a look at her new picture on the cover of Vogue. Very classic and elegant.

Re: New Lady Gaga single 'Born This Way'!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:00 pm
by bookworm
AIO Psyche wrote:The messages of her music are wonderful themes to be conveying.
Are you being serious?