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The ENLIVEN Platform!

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:33 pm
by American Eagle
Welcome to the 17th Town of Odyssey Election! \:D/ American Eagle and I, Laura Ingalls, have decided to band together and run for office as Team Enliven. We want to focus on bringing back more discussion, more interaction, and more fun for all the members! :D First, let us introduce ourselves to you...

American Eagle: Hey, everyone! I’m American Eagle (or AE), and have experienced some incredible memories during the past few years. There have been moments as a ToOer that I will never forget. I am running for Mayor, and Laura Ingalls for Chief of Police, because we want to make sure these wonderful times do not end. We have some AWESOME events and games planned that undoubtedly will ENLIVEN the ToO.

I’ve been a member of this great place for over two years, and was selected as a moderator during the King Regis 2.0 term. In real life, I have two handsome brothers (three, if you include me ;)) and six gorgeous sisters. I am entering my junior year of high school, and am looking forward to what God has planned for my life.

I'm super-excited about running with Laura Ingalls! We will strive, if elected, to make this a term to remember. \:D/

Laura Ingalls: I joined the ToO on April 2, 2005, the day after it opened. I was loyal to the Town Hall, the ToO’s predecessor, and held out for one entire day before succumbing! \:D/ Over the past 5 years, I have really enjoyed posting, reading, and getting to know other Odyssey fans. The opportunities that were given to me to help out as a member of the moderator team have been wonderful as well!
More about myself personally - I am the youngest of 4, and one of my brothers is a member here as well - Dr. Watson. :hug: I am a homeschool graduate, and I live with my parents and 2 of my siblings in the beautiful state of Virginia. :)
I hope to work together with American Eagle this term and make it one that you will all enjoy! :yes:
Okay, on to our platform! \:D/


Best Episode Reviews will be a weekly contest to decide who writes the best review of each Album 52 episode! Each review will be accessed for creativity and detail, and the winner will receive a Review of the Week medal.

Do you remember iTaliq’s Spirit Week? We will be running a similar week-long contest that will involve the entire ToO: Odyssey Week! The festivities will begin on the Monday after The Mystery of the Clock Tower concludes. Odyssey Week will split The ToO into four teams, and these teams will compete against each other daily for special prizes! We will also be doing a live Q&A session with Nathan Hoobler, an Odyssey writer!
The Fall Festival will include seasonal mod/admin names changes, a thankfulness thread, Apples to Apples game (see below), and more! We're also hoping to introduce a new fall style by darcie!

Apples to Apples is the fun group game that we have played before here on the ToO! This time, to switch things up, we will be following one of the variations - Apple Turnovers. Everyone is dealt green cards and each round will start with one red card.

As part of our plan to enliven the ToO, we want to reward members who are valuable assets to the board. Quality posts, friendliness and helpfulness to others, and following the rules will all come into consideration. You, the members of the ToO, can nominate fellow posters and tell us just WHY they should win Member of the Month! A trophy will be awarded and a honorary post written. #1, #2, #3, #4

Christmas is coming up in just a few months! Of course, we will be opening the traditional board just for all the seasonal topics and celebration. Also, we will be holding a Christmas Pageant! Everyone can bring their own talents to the show and submit all manner of Christmas related entries. The winner just might receive a tangible prize!

As part of Team ENLIVEN, The Top Crusader will be running a second version of Risks and Rewards! The game is simple: you complete his missions (such as challenges, trivia questions or scavenger hunts), and you'll receive either a good reward, or a bad one. You will love the rewards, but the risks... well, they won't always end well. (1st version)

Note: This event is not related to the “Risks & Rewards” game Irwin is currently running.

As the entry fee is $______, we will need your help and donations to get on the ballot. :yes: We currently have $_______.

Vote American Eagle for Mayor and Laura Ingalls for Chief of Police! \:D/