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Let Me Stretch Your Mind

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:47 am
by American Eagle
Hey all! It's time to get all spiritual again. \:D/

A few weeks ago my youth pastor talked about something that really challenged me. I've heard every Bible story. I've been taught all the morals. I know the prophecies and how they are being fulfilled, and I have all the usual verses memorized. Therefore, it's rare that I ever learn something totally new at church.

Have you ever asked something like How can God be forever? When was He born? Who created Him? Well, I sure have asked myself—and others—that question. Up until recently, the answer has been God is forever, and there's no way to really understand that. In general, I agree, because we cannot ever understand the power of God.

However, my youth pastor said some things that got me thinking: God doesn't live in our time zone. He doesn't get up when the sun rises or go to bed at dusk. He doesn't have tomorrow, and there wasn't a yesterday. There's no tonight, and there isn't an hour from now. There are no minutes. There are no seconds.

The past? God is there right now. The future? God already has been there. God is experiencing every moment—past or present—right now. He doesn't have time. He doesn't feel fatigue, and He doesn't have memories, per se. Everything in happening right at this very moment, and that is how it will be for eternity past, present and future. When we as Christians die and get to be with our Savior in Heaven, we'll probably be like that too. There won't be time. There will only be Jesus.

Where are the Bible verses to back all this up? I don't really have any. I cannot prove any of the above, but I find it interesting. It stretched my thinking. \:D/

Do you agree with my post, or should I be cast out as a heretic?

Re: Let Me Stretch Your Mind

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:05 am
by ric
Hmm....That's very interesting.

I guess that would make sense. :yes:

Re: Let Me Stretch Your Mind

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:34 am
by Mark Prescott
Hmmm... It IS Interesting... But I'm not sure I sgree with you... I'd have to think about it.

Re: Let Me Stretch Your Mind

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:35 am
by Termite

*cough* Naw, just kidding. Right what I needed to hear. :D

Re: Let Me Stretch Your Mind

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:42 pm
by Lee
Wow. That DOES boggle the mind. I think it DOEs make sense so I'd have to agree with you. Regardless of whether its true or not, God is awesome!

Re: Let Me Stretch Your Mind

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:52 pm
by Shad Lexer
I have thought about this quite a bit, actually. It makes sense in regards to salvation too. Because God is outside of time, our salvation is outside of time. That's why Paul says we were saved before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4). It is also how he refers to the unbreakable chain of foreknowledge, predestination, justification, sanctification, and glorification in Romans 8:28 and 29 in the past tense. It's how Abraham was credited with Christ's righteousness before Christ ever lived -- He is outside of time, because He created it. He holds time in the palm of His hand.

Re: Let Me Stretch Your Mind

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:00 pm
by SoccerLOTR
Completely agree...that's the conclusion that I've come to as well. It's said in the Bible that God is, was, and always will be. Jesus said "before Abraham was, I AM". Jesus existed before Abraham, and exists the same today and forever. If God created the world, if He created the universe, how could He not have created time as well? And if there is no time, He doesn't have to have a beginning or end. We will live with him FOREVER. Forever is an impossible amount in human terms, because we only see things with a beginning and an end. But with God...forever is merely taking out the time in the equation. Boggles the mind, but that's the only way to explain how time itself began. It was created. By someone outside of time. Amazing.

Re: Let Me Stretch Your Mind

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:32 pm
by Parker Family
Yeah, its strange yet AWESOME!
God Bless \:D/

Re: Let Me Stretch Your Mind

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:37 pm
by Jesus' Princess
Wow, Thats impossible to wrap your mind around! Isn't it awesome that we have a God who will exist forever!