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672: Opposite Day

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:19 am
by Laura Ingalls
Sorry, I don't know how to find the mP3 to link to it here, but I thought I'd least get the thread up. \:D/

Thoughts? Ratings?

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:29 am
by Irwin
Here you go! \:D/

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:23 am
by Lee
I'm hoping this is the right thread to post my review in.. so here it is!

It wasn't that bad... but it wasn't that good either. I don't know if I'm the only one with this issue... but it seems like Amber, Olivia, and Priscilla's voice types are very similar, making it hard to distinguish between the two. I did appreciate the message of Barrett spending too much time on a social networking site, although the issue of spending too much time on the computer has already been addressed in "Gloobers!" The whole thing with Wooton doing his own Spirit week seemed to just detract from the main point of the story... It didn't really seem necessary but I'm sure it made all the Wooton fans happy. It wasn't really clear to me what message was trying to be brought across with Olivia and Amber but maybe I just missed something there. On the positive side, I liked that they used music scores from previous albums. (somewhere in the 40s I think) It made this episode fit in better with the older albums, for those of us who are fans of the older albums. Andra Stojka just does not seem to fit the bill for the "Whit who gives sage advice." Maybe it will take more time for him to feel like Whit to me. I give this episode a 3 out of 5.

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:44 am
by The Top Crusader
I liked it pretty well... the Facebook spoof was amusing and while Barrett took it farther than I think anyone really would, it is a good message since all these dumb kids these days are on there all the time! :x I thought it was a little odd when he brought it up around Whit that Whit seemed to "smile and nod" instead of saying "Eh, wellll Barrett, maybe you're spending a little too much time on there." kind of thing.

The other main story of the episode--Olivia and Amber was pretty good... I think a lot of us have been in the position where we decide "Well that person is weird and has no friends--they aren't terrible, so I'll hang out with them a bit" and then they end up clinging on and wanting to do dumb things all the time. \:D/ That wasn't totally the point, but it resounded regardless! :x

And Wooton is dumb.

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:32 pm
by odysseyfan1
I hated this episode. @ the Top Crusader: Facebook is NOT dumb! :)

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:12 pm
by DanP740
As someone else said, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. About halfway through I had decided my rating would be 3 stars, but I decided afterwards it deserved four. The three girls' voices are way to similar, too... And yeah, Wooton's things were rather pointless, like he was just stuck in there so someone could be funny.
And about the having too many "friends" you don't actually know, while I know someone who has 2,100 Facebook friends and counting, another person I know has 900 friends and I'm pretty sure he knows them all. And I know 45 of my 70 Facebook friends in real life.... :P


Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:38 pm
by Steve
Opposite Day was a mostly decent show. Mostly. :- The premise of the episode was fairly decent; that is not changing yourself to fit in with other people. More people need to take this to heart.

Okay first thing's first. The voices and actors.

I agree with everyone who says that the girl's voices are way too similar. I had an extremely difficult time figuring them out. It was obvious to me that Amber was an adult. There were a couple of lines and when she laughed once or twice that I could totally hear the real voice of the actor. It kind of threw me off for a second or two, like who is this? :shock: I thought that Olivia sounde decent in the vocal aspect of her character. Definitely less squeaky.

And now the characters.

Olivia, Prissilla, and Amber were very well portrayed. Though when Olivia started freaking out in drama class, I kind of was like, "Woah, why isn't her teacher coming over and putting a stop to this?" And AUGH! Horrors! AIO pulled the evil "kids are smarter than teacher" trick! Augh! 'Cmon Odyssey! I thought you were above this! When the teacher made the comment about waiting until called on to start, that was essentially saying that she was too dumb to know that it was actually a little girl going beserk. Okay...done with my rant. :oops: On a lighter note, Barret was awesome. His whole storyline was great because it really happens. I have heard of several people going nuts over how many friends that they have on social networks. That's why I'm not on FaceBook. Just the ToO. Well and YouTube. And Blogspot. :-# Wooten was okay, but not fully necessary. He did provide good comic relief though. My other character problem was with John Avery himslef. Uhh. He told Olivia that yelling and screaming at poor Amber was pretty much okay! Gah! Granted, he did say it wasn't the best way to deliver her point, but still. Ohh. I think Whit's been around Richard Maxwell's cologn again. Ugh. That did make me cringe. A lot.

And now to the sotry and message.
THe story was essentially, for the most part, good. THe parts I didn't like were addressed above. I don't remember who wrote the epidode, but it was pretty good. The message was good too. How many times do you hear about kids going goth or doing drugs to fit in with other people? Just sad. Just sad. This addresses the situation in a lighter, potato-ier way. (Refrence to Wooten) Good message for tody's kids.

All in all: 3 stars. Decent episode. Completely forgettable though.

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:16 pm
by Moontide
I found this somewhat funny episode. I thought the drama club scene was very funny and well done. I think the part when Amber says about Danyelle the thing about Macs and PCs (even though Macs are PCs). I like Amber but I don't think her's laugh matches her.

I don't see why people seem to thing that the three girls sounded to much the same. I find them easy to find apart.

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:22 pm
by The Top Crusader
odysseyfan1 wrote:I hated this episode. @ the Top Crusader: Facebook is NOT dumb! :)
Thank you for pointing out specifically to me something I did not address anywhere in my post. :-s

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:43 pm
by American Eagle
@ the Top Crusader: Prince Caspian was NOT the worst movie ever!

This episode... meh. It just is so unmemorable. Barrett was actually good in this. Why? Matthew wasn't there to sound just like him. (Barrett actually sounded like a 15-year-old in this.) Plus, the whole Facebook thing was very realistic; counting your friends, having friends from far away, getting "unfriended" - I've seen it all happen.

The girls' side of this story wasn't interesting to me.


Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:32 am
by The Top Crusader
Yeah... I think the Facebook story was supposed to be the B story but I think I liked it better than the A story. ;)

And... and... I enjoyed Prince Caspian. :( I hope VotDT has kisses that weren't in the book, too, like Reepicheep and Eustace! \:D/

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:11 am
by Bennett
I thought it was a little odd when he brought it up around Whit that Whit seemed to "smile and nod" instead of saying "Eh, wellll Barrett, maybe you're spending a little too much time on there." kind of thing.
Yeah. I thought about that too:

Barrett: "Hey Mr. Whittaker. Man, I'm so annoyed, today. I just robbed a bank and I only got away with half the money I wanted to. Anyway, I should get going..."

Whit: "Alright. See you later Barrett!"

Anyway, You can read my newest review here: ... e-day.html

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:20 pm
by Peachey Keen
Barrett is Trent DeWhite's twin brother!! Ahhh!! :shock:
Barrett needs to keep his voice to the level it was in "Stage Fright."

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:29 pm
by odysseyfan1
HATE this episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:06 pm
by Parker Family
Great message just a little average :)

Re: 672: Opposite Day

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 5:23 am
by Christian A.
Here's my review:

I really, really liked this episode!

Almost everything about this episode was great! I can barely control my excitement over how good it was!

It was great to hear Priscilla Peterson again! I had been hoping that we'd hear from her again, and it wasn't weird at all that she hung around with Olivia rather than Barrett.

It also wasn't weird that Barrett's voice suddenly got deeper and more distinguished. I didn't like it though; it didn't make him sound any more older than Emily.

I liked that we didn't get to hear from any of the other Parkers, just Olivia, it made the episode so much more diverse and interesting. I don't think this episode did anything to help develop her character, which was disappointing. Olivia still sounds to me like a forty-year-old trapped in a fifteen-year-old's body.

I appreciated that there was a great moral behind the whole episode, and all the references to God, and what the Bible says were great.

Having so many new girl characters introduced in one episode was really nice. It gave the show a Christian feel. And Amber's laugh made me feel so good. It sounded so genuine, and made me feel like laughing too. :)

It was so normal and not at all awkward that Barrett was on the Internet unsupervised so much. It seemed completely reasonable that his parents allowed him to interact with so many people (522, I think), even his dentist's daughter's neighbor's cousin. It made me feel so disappointed that I'm not allowed to go on social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter.

Okay, if any of you haven't caught on yet, it's opposite day here at my house, so everything I've said in my review so far has pretty much been the exact opposite of my actual opinion. I actually didn't like this episode much at all, and was very surprised to hear that it was written by Kathy Weringa. I don't think she's directed anything involving the new characters yet though, so I guess it was an okay first episode.

I hope that the next episode gets a little better than this one was.

I give it a 3.5/10.