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Young Life Camp

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:09 am
by Jennifer Doyle
Granted, maybe because the majority of us are Christians we haven't heard of or do not participate in Young Life? I myself hadn't even HEARD of it until I moved in with two gals that led YL. I started leading the YL Capernaum division which is for teens/young adults with special needs. Anyway, if you haven't been to Young Life camp...your world has not been fully rocked. I'm leaving tomorrow at 9am for 23 days at the camp in Oregon on Summer Staff. I'll be buddied up with a gal who has down syndrome and we'll be working in the bakery!

Anyway, anyone else here do or lead Young Life? Oh, duh haha I'll explain it, it's a Christian outreach program to highschool students IN the public schools (primarily. Though now they do "Young Lives" for young pregnant women/teenage moms, College YL, and "wyldlife" which is middle school)