Lifting (weights)?

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Lifting (weights)?

Post by Taq »

I've never been into weight training, but thanks to the advice of my brother I've been doing deadlifts once a week since late January. I signed up for a 5K race at the end of the month (March 27). Lifting for running? you ask. When I get tired, my stride length decreases (I take smaller steps). If I am stronger, I can keep my stride length where it is. If I cover more distance with my strides, I will reach the finish line faster. :)

Anyone here take part in weight training of any sort? Tell us about it!
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Post by DanP740 »

One of my friends lifts weights every day, to my knowledge. He's also the strongest person I know.
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Post by EK »

Weight training is very hazardous and gives you very low returns, instead of weights i'd recommend you do calisthenics such as push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups.

If you're looking for endurance try wind sprints, they helped me immensely by bringing down my 1.5 mile time from 12 minutes down to 10.

Weight training is very repetitive and boring, I don't mind doing repetitive things such as pull-ups because i'm always trying to do more....but as far as weight training goes, every time I try it I get bored so easy.
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Post by Taq »

I haven't got a chance to get bored, as I'm adding weight each time and I'm not doing that many reps. ;)

Yeah, I've been doing sprints (e.g. 0.25 mi 4x or 0.5 mi 3x with minutes of rest in between) and have gotten noticeably faster. I'm glad to see sprints have yielded great returns for you Tyler. :)

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to add that it's only hazardous if you don't know what you're doing. When first learning, I made sure to have an expert watch and coach me the first 5 or so times before I ventured it on my own and started adding weight. :)
Last edited by Taq on Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by J-man »

Does lifting and carrying boxes around at work count? I do that every day.. :P
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Post by LizzieG »

I've been doing some calisthenics (push-ups, sit-ups) and stretches lately to supplement my half-marathon training. I've done some speed training too (mostly 400 meters), but I haven't been going completely all out. I should try that sometime.
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Post by CookieMonster »

I have been doing a lot of running. What i like to do is pray while I run it helps keep me both physically and spiritually strong at the same time. I'm a long distance runner doing at least 7 miles a day.

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Post by EK »

NightRanger wrote:I have been doing a lot of running. What i like to do is pray while I run it helps keep me both physically and spiritually strong at the same time. I'm a long distance runner doing at least 7 miles a day.
I like to sing cadences about killing babies when I run. \:D/
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Post by SoccerLOTR »

I've been working on building up both strength and endurance specifically for the last half-year and feel like I'm making very slow progress...any suggestions on how to make my workouts more effective? I only have time about 3-4 days a week to do anything intensive.
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Post by EK »

Calisthenics with continuous reps, don't take breaks.
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I used to work out regularly, kinda slacked off lately due to being busy. I did it purely to raise my strength and to look more macho. ;)

I was able to gain 1 inch in my biceps size (from 13.5 to 14.5) in one month of regular workouts, prior to that it was more irregular, and much less remarkable gain. I was lifting a 45 pound bar (two handed), doing up to 40 reps, for 10 rounds, switching to 55 lbs 20 reps. 125 pounds on the bench, 15 reps or so.

Max I've done is a power curl of 110 pounds, benched 150. Keep in mind I'm a small guy, weighing about 135 pounds, 5 feet 10 inches tall.

At the moment for maintenance I'm doing a one handed 25lbs curl, for 15 reps. I typically do about 5 rounds.
JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:27 AM): That long?!
JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:31 AM): IT WAS EONS AGO!
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