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Les Misérables

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:42 pm
by LizzieG
Les Misérables, written by Victor Hugo, is a classic, a redemption story of truly epic proportions... and the book that I finished reading two days ago! It's been a journey more than a year in the making (or I should say "in the reading"), but it was well worth it. 1463 pages is a rather intimidating length, particularly for someone without much extensive knowledge of French history, but it gave me such a breadth of understanding of the characters and the time, and was gripping and powerful. It isn't a quick and easy read, but I highly recommend it.

On a similar note, I've had the radio theatre version of Les Mis for a few years now, but decided not to listen to it until after I had read the book (even though at the time I didn't have any immediate plans to read it). I've finally listened to it, and it definitely doesn't do the book justice. It's well-made, of course, like any radio theatre production, but there's too much story to be told well in a mere 2.5 hours, and I felt that (at least) some of the changes that were made lessened the power of the story. Though admittedly, book purist as I am, I probably shouldn't have listened to the day after finishing the book. :anxious:

Has anyone else read the book, heard the drama, and/or seen the musical or any of the film adaptations?

Re: Les Misérables

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:45 pm
by Shennifer
I've only read part of the abridged version for school. I was supposed to have finished it...but I didn't :anxious:

Re: Les Misérables

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:54 pm
by 31899
I liked the musical.


Re: Les Misérables

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:44 pm
by Peachey Keen
I heard the radio Theatre version and LOVED it!It is an excellent story that everyone should at least read.

Re: Les Misérables

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:56 pm
by Anna><>
My school did that play and it was nice.

Re: Les Misérables

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:23 pm
by Shennifer
i want to see the play/musical now! ...after I read the book, that is!

Re: Les Misérables

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:45 am
by Sherlock
I'm glad you liked the book, Lizzie! I've been meaning to re-read it. I had to read it in college, meaning I did so grudgingly as all assigned reading tends to be, but I really loved the film adaptation with Liam Neeson and Claire Danes. I've also seen a musical version but the themes in the story seem way more poignant to me without the musical element. Anyway, it definitely makes my top 10 favorite movies. :)

Re: Les Misérables

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:41 am
by Laura Ingalls
I've listened to the Radio Theatre version and also seen several film adaptions - but I've never read the book. The RT version was well done, and I enjoyed it. Of course, never having read the book, I can't speak to whether it does it justice or not. ;)