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Post by Jason Whits Son »

What is something you collect and tell a little background info about it.

I collect keychains. I have been collected prob since I was three of four years old. I have a lot of them, maybe around one or two hundred. My parents got me started on my collection on one of our vacations

I also am collecting Odyssey albums, and almost have the entire set, I have only two or three left to ge, not including passages or album 51
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Post by Danielle Abigail Maxwell »

I collect vintage fisher price little people! lol... technically I don't because I'm not on ebay everyday looking at all the sales and finding stuff I don't have, but from my childhood, the ones I do have I'm never going to let go of because they are vintage. :)

I collect Starbucks free iTunes music cards. :) For bookmarks. The songs aren't really me... but the cards are good bookmarks!

I collect books. I love to read. My room is full of books. I think once I counted every book in my room and had over 400. One day I took every book from my room and wrote down every title I had at the time. :) Books are awesome. (Within my collection, I have one rare Odyssey book and 5 passages books... :( Sadly, someone stole my Darien's Rise and I haven't gotten the very last book)

I sorta collect Odyssey. I have a lot of albums, but because they are so much, I hardly buy one anymore. I want the Truth Chronicles and album 45 someday... it may take some time though.

I collected something else once... now I don't remember what it was. It was impressive though. :P
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Post by EMBEE »

When I was little, I used to collect DumDum Pop wrappers. I still have a little cup-like thing filled with them.

I guess I collect Odyssey albums, although right now my collection consists of only #4 and #11 (which is technically my sister's), plus some special episode collections and some books. Oh, and some Chick-f-la samplers.

I also unintentionally collect rare/no longer available VeggieTales and AIO products. Not that I go and buy them on ebay or anything, but several things have come my way.
Thanks to my Secret Santa for the set!
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I don't really actively collect anything anymore... but for about a 10 year span I was a pretty avid collector of Marvel comics, so I have thousands of those... and lots of little figurines and stuff. Plus while its hardly a "collection" I have all the Toho Kaiju films and a mild assortment of figures, and I have lots of weird random old WCW merchandise. It's the kind of stuff that I pick up if I happen to see it at a good price but I don't really go out of my way to look for things any more.

Oh, yeah, and I guess you could say I collect video games, but I don't get them to "collect" them I get them to play them. ;) Although old Super Mario Bros. type stuff I suppose I do have a fair amount of.
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Post by Anna><> »

I used to collect LipSmackers. I have around 100 right now, but I stopped collecting them now because I haven't used any up fully.
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Post by Marvin D. »

I used to collect soda bottle lids....we had about 200...I also collected coins.
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Post by Crazy 4 Pugs »

I used to collect postcards, but I haven't really been anywhere interesting recently :)

I'm (slowly) collecting Beatles CDs. I have Please Please Me, Hard Day's Night, Help, Rubber Soul, and Revolver. I'll have to hurry up and finish my collection before the old versions become unavailable- I'm not overly impressed with the 2009 remasters.
Um, I guess this is where I'm supposed to say something funny or interesting.
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Post by Dr Ninja »

I Collect Computer Processors, Pentium, AMD ant the I have about 10 or so just in a box somewhere.
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Post by LizzieG »

In the past, I've collected stickers, stationary, rocks, stamps, and coins. I still have my (full) sticker box around somewhere, but my collecting efforts have mostly taken different turns. At present, I collect copies of Pride & Prejudice (only cool-looking copies), I keep movie and other ticket stubs, and I'm always up for adding books to my little library. :yes:
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Post by Shennifer »

I collect cardboard! I love collecting it, even though I usually don't use much of it. I used to collect bottle caps, and soda can tabs as a kid, as well as movie and plane ticket stubs. Oh, and play progammes! I have one from when I went to see Phantom of the Opera :yes:

Till the end of the line.
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