Ask the American Eagle!

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Ask the American Eagle!

Post by American Eagle »

I have two rules for this thread, and it is: IF YOU VIEW THIS THREAD, YOU MUST POST A QUESTION!

^ That's the law. \:D/

Last edited by American Eagle on Sun May 24, 2020 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
he/him | attorney | spartan | christian | bleeding heart type

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KODY 105
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Post by KODY 105 »

I see one sentence. Does that make it one rule? If not, please reiterate your two rules.

What is your favorite color and why? Favorite book of the Bible and why?

When was the last time you touched your Bible? Hm?
ToO siblings: Donna Blackbeard, Perron, Evil Chick, American Eagle, Stubborn, Shadowfax, and thelordismyshepherd (aka Anna), but StrongNChrist is my twin!
StrongNChrist, deceased 03-25-11, requiescat in pace :mecry: :mecry: :mecry:
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Post by American Eagle »

KODY 105 wrote:I see one sentence. Does that make it one rule? If not, please reiterate your two rules.
I have three words for you: IT WAS A JOKE.\:D/
KODY 105 wrote:What is your favorite color and why?
Blue/light blue would be my favorite color. It looks best on me, IMO.
KODY 105 wrote: Favorite book of the Bible and why?
Ooh... very tough question. Ephesians (especially chapter 6) has always been a favorite for me, but I also really love the places where Jesus speaks in the four Gospels.
KODY 105 wrote:When was the last time you touched your Bible? Hm?
Well, it is sitting on my nightstand, so I touched it several times today. But the last time I actually read it would be last night before I went to bed.
he/him | attorney | spartan | christian | bleeding heart type

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Post by KODY 105 »

What is in your current avatar?

What is your shoe size? What is your least-favorite month and why?
ToO siblings: Donna Blackbeard, Perron, Evil Chick, American Eagle, Stubborn, Shadowfax, and thelordismyshepherd (aka Anna), but StrongNChrist is my twin!
StrongNChrist, deceased 03-25-11, requiescat in pace :mecry: :mecry: :mecry:
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Post by American Eagle »

KODY 105 wrote:What is in your current avatar?
All I know is he's in this song: Ray Stevens- I'm my Own Grandpa (very funny). :D
KODY 105 wrote:What is your shoe size?
9 or 9 1/2 Mens.
KODY 105 wrote:What is your least-favorite month and why?
Ooh... February, probably. I hate the cold Winter months, but unlike December and January, February doesn't have Christmas or New Years to brighten my cheer! \:D/
he/him | attorney | spartan | christian | bleeding heart type

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Post by Ben Linus »

American Eagle wrote:
KODY 105 wrote:What is in your current avatar?
All I know is he's in this song: Ray Stevens- I'm my Own Grandpa (very funny). :D
LOL. That song brings back massive memories; me and my brother used to sing it all the time when we were toddlers. Ha! I madlibed most of it ;)

What appeals to you with that song? What's a good name for a white and gray bunny? Should I have a Snickers Ice Cream bar when I go to camp next week?
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Post by American Eagle »

Ben Linus wrote:
American Eagle wrote:
KODY 105 wrote:What is in your current avatar?
All I know is he's in this song: Ray Stevens- I'm my Own Grandpa (very funny). :D
LOL. That song brings back massive memories; me and my brother used to sing it all the time when we were toddlers. Ha! I madlibed most of it ;)

What appeals to you with that song? What's a good name for a white and gray bunny? Should I have a Snickers Ice Cream bar when I go to camp next week?
I like the song (a) because it is generally funny, what a great idea! But also (b) because of the pictures, and (c) because the first time I heard it was laughing with friends. :D

I'm not the best with bunny names, but I'll say... Bluefair is a good name for a gray bunny (and yes, I made that up on-the-spot. :P)

Well, if you like Snickers, then bring a Snickers bar! If you like ice cream, bring an ice cream bar! But if you like both, here's my advice: make sure the camp has a freezer to store it in, then BRING TWO SNICKERS ICE CREAM BARS! There we go!
he/him | attorney | spartan | christian | bleeding heart type

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Post by StrongNChrist »

what should I ask you?

what would you do if someone disobeyed?
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Post by American Eagle »

Shadow Ninja wrote:what should I ask you?
That in of itself is a worthy question to say.
Shadow Ninja wrote:what would you do if someone disobeyed?
I don't have to worry about that because, if someone does disobey, how in the world am I going to find out?!? \:D/
Last edited by American Eagle on Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
he/him | attorney | spartan | christian | bleeding heart type

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Post by StrongNChrist »

Did you know you put 'is' instead of 'in'?

what's your favorite number?

do you like to read?

what's your favorite movie?
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Post by American Eagle »

Shadow Ninja wrote:Did you know you put 'is' instead of 'in'?

WELL! Strike me dead for making a typo! \:D/
Shadow Ninja wrote:what's your favorite number?
7. I've always loved that number. My favorite college QB growing up wore the #7, and I was always told 7 is God's favorite number (seven days in a week, seven times seventy forgiveness, etc.), so it grew on me. :D
Shadow Ninja wrote:do you like to read?
Somewhat. I'm reading One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven, and it's awesome. I love great books, especially the Bible, but I don't read much novels anymore.
Shadow Ninja wrote:what's your favorite movie?
Ooh... that's a super tough question. Here are some of my favorites, in no special order (but note: I don't necessarily recommend all of them. I have watched edited/TV versions of some movies [which clean them up], but I hate it when movies have bad things in them. It ruins it):
  • Anne of Green Gables series (classic)
    Fiddler on the Roof (funny, sad, classic, everything)
    Remember the Titans (amazing story and characters)
    The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (great characters, very cool)
    The Dark Knight (incredible action, but Rachel will never die :P)
    Amazing Grace (touching, great truths)
    Iron Man (two scenes to skip, great movie otherwise)
    It's a Wonderful Life (classic)
How's that for an answer? \:D/
he/him | attorney | spartan | christian | bleeding heart type

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Post by StrongNChrist »

how do you want me to strike you dead?

I love the number seven \:D/

a very good answer :yes:

why'd you ask a question when you're supposed to answer them?

why'd they try to kill off Rachel?

who's your favorite superhero?
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Post by American Eagle »

Shadow Ninja wrote:how do you want me to strike you dead?
I DON'T WANT YOU TO STRIKE ME DEAD! I was being sarcastic. :P
Shadow Ninja wrote:I love the number seven \:D/

a very good answer :yes:

why'd you ask a question when you're supposed to answer them?
Ever heard of a rhetorical question? \:D/
Shadow Ninja wrote:why'd they try to kill off Rachel?
It's all a conspiracy! :anxious: In the next movie, they're going to show the truth: she's alive! They just wanted to make a few people cry. :boohoo:
Shadow Ninja wrote:who's your favorite superhero?
Well, no doubt in reality it's Jesus. But I'll go along with the question and say... Iron Man, or Spider-Man, or Batman!
he/him | attorney | spartan | christian | bleeding heart type

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Post by KODY 105 »

May I call you "Charlie"?

What is your favorite store and why? Restaurant and why? Home-cooked meal and why?
ToO siblings: Donna Blackbeard, Perron, Evil Chick, American Eagle, Stubborn, Shadowfax, and thelordismyshepherd (aka Anna), but StrongNChrist is my twin!
StrongNChrist, deceased 03-25-11, requiescat in pace :mecry: :mecry: :mecry:
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Post by StrongNChrist »

why can't I strike you dead? :mecry:

why must you be sarcastic? :mecry:

Go Batman! \:D/
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Post by American Eagle »

KODY 105 wrote:May I call you "Charlie"?
Yes, Joe, you're free to call me Charlie.\:D/
KODY 105 wrote:What is your favorite store and why? Restaurant and why? Home-cooked meal and why?
My favorite store is the dollar store, because everything's cheap and I can't help but buying candy. :D

I love Old Country Buffet because I can have as much food as I want, and I can choose what to eat! Imagine that! ;)

I like a lot of meals... Potato Cheese Soup has always been a favorite, and I love rice (as long as there's soy sauce), and some pizzas (homemade, and storebought) are very good, and lots more.
Shadow Ninja wrote:why can't I strike you dead? :mecry:
If I let you, then who would answer your questions? #-o
Shadow Ninja wrote:why must you be sarcastic? :mecry:
Well, somebodies gotta do it! \:D/
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Post by KODY 105 »

Have you ever forgotten to brush your teeth before leaving for some social function?

When was the last time you whistled?
ToO siblings: Donna Blackbeard, Perron, Evil Chick, American Eagle, Stubborn, Shadowfax, and thelordismyshepherd (aka Anna), but StrongNChrist is my twin!
StrongNChrist, deceased 03-25-11, requiescat in pace :mecry: :mecry: :mecry:
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Post by American Eagle »

KODY 105 wrote:Have you ever forgotten to brush your teeth before leaving for some social function?
LOL! I can't remember the last time I brushed my teeth before any event! \:D/
KODY 105 wrote:When was the last time you whistled?
Ooh... I can't remember. But it would be very recent, like today or maybe yesterday. :-
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Post by Jugglah »

Have you ever bought anything at American Eagle?
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Post by American Eagle »

Jugglah wrote:Have you ever bought anything at American Eagle?
Nope! I've never even been to that store, or Abercrombie & Fitch, or really any clothing store (except like Kohls or that sort, either with parents or witnessing).
he/him | attorney | spartan | christian | bleeding heart type

Note: My past posts do not necessarily reflect my values. Many of them were made when I was young and (in retrospect) misguided. If you identify a post that expresses misinformation, prejudice, or anything harmful, please let me know.
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