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Traffic Tickets!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:42 pm
by The Top Crusader
Thusly, here we discuss traffic tickets, getting pulled over, etc! \:D/

I have only been personally pulled over once... for going like... 70ish in a 45. O:) The officer said he wasn't really supposed to give out warnings for people going that fast, but he said something came in on the radio he had to deal with so he gave me a warning anyway. \:D/

Prior to that I would speed all the time, especially out in more open areas, like where the speed limit was 55 already, I'd go 65 or 70 or so at least. Now I am scared to death of getting a ticket, so I like never speed at all anymore, or at least not more than 5mph over in higher speed areas. :(

Oh yeah, and I was pulled over one other time when I was driving my wife's car, because she had some stupid placard over her back license plate that obstructed it. :noway: But they didn't issue a ticket for that, either, I just had to pull over and take it off. \:D/

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:52 pm
by EK
I got pulled over once...I didn't yield for a police car that was getting on the interstate at the same time he got on, and he had right-of-way... :P I got off with a warning

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:57 pm
by darcie
I've been pulled over, but not for speeding. Twice for having the same headlight out. The first time the female officer hounded me about why I was out late (it was before midnight, and I'd just gotten off work :roll: ), but then she got a more important call and took off without writing anything up. Another time at night after work I was pulled over on the freeway because the CHP guy said I was swerving. I was eating fries. :anxious: Another CHP officer that was a customer of mine later said they liked to say that they pulled you over for swerving when they're just looking to hopefully catch drunk drivers.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:07 pm
by Taq
I voted: "Never even pulled over, I'm a perfect driver!"

Of course I'm not perfect, but I've followed the rules pretty well through the almost 5 years I've had my license.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:14 pm
by The Top Crusader
Like I've said before, I did speed a LOT when I was a new driver. ;)

But now I am overly cautious and really follow the rules. :yes:

I have also wrecked (with only superficial damage) into at least three unmoving objects in my day! \:D/

Re: Traffic Tickets!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:20 pm
by Baragon
The Top Crusader wrote:Oh yeah, and I was pulled over one other time when I was driving my wife's car, because she had some stupid placard over her back license plate that obstructed it. :noway: But they didn't issue a ticket for that, either, I just had to pull over and take it off. \:D/
My plate cover was not stupid, it was (I think) legal in Indiana...just not in Ohio. :noway: Hah, both times you've been pulled over, have been my fault. O:)

I've never been pulled over... \:D/ I do speed, but at least I don't run red lights. :noway:

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:21 pm
by KODY 105
The Top Crusader wrote:I have also wrecked (with only superficial damage) into at least three unmoving objects in my day! \:D/
Wow! If that was your day, I can only imagine what a normal day of yours is! ;)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:05 pm
by Catspaw
I've never gotten any tickets or been pulled over, but I do speed a bit sometimes. Not usually within the ticketable zone, and on the highway more than in town, but speeding nonetheless. There have been a few times that I probably deserved a ticket :anxious: but fortunately I haven't gotten one...yet. ;)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:36 pm
by Danielle Abigail Maxwell
I got the speed limit! And, no, never been pulled over...

I was in the car when my sister got pulled over for speeding... we blame the van for it's abnoxious speedometer telling her she was going 30... I didn't believe my sister though... glad that van got killed by Manhole covers!

BUt, yeah.... NONE!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:48 pm
by GlennAdams
I used to never speed but now I do cus... its impossible not to. :)

I just outrun the fuzz. What can I say?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:22 pm
by Dr. Watson
Heh, one time I was moving from a 35 mph zone to 45 mph zone, so I was going about 39ish right before it switched to 45. A cop was coming from the opposite direction and as soon as it passed me it pulled over, turned around, and came at me with the lights on. I was, frankly, terrified. I decided just to pull over. With my heart pounding I watched as the car behind me passed and the cop kept on going after him, and pulled him over instead! \:D/ I was soo relieved and somehow made it to my destination in good health. :)

To this day, I wonder what that other car did. :-k

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:47 pm
by LizzieG
Left hand on the steering wheel, right hand on the cell phone, 3 o'clock in the morning, 16 years old. :-

I was pulled over once in high school for going 65ish in a 55 zone - incidentally while I was listening to Relient K's "I So Hate Consequences" \:D/ - but I was let off with a warning.

I usually don't go (much) more than 5 miles above the speed limit, though I'll admit to being more liberal on interstates, when I want to get places fast. Most dangerous of all my driving vices would have to be the texting while driving and the taking-pictures-of-pretty-sunsets-with-cell-phone while driving. :hithead:

And then there are those two semi-mild snow-induced collisions with immovable objects (on the same day), and a pseudo parking ticket from campus safety.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:05 pm
by Chandler
*writes tickets for all the careless lawbreakers in this thread* :cop:

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:46 pm
by Danielle Abigail Maxwell
In Oregon and Washington, there is a "hands-free" rule. You get caught talking on a cell phone, or even texting, you get a fine... (but, I think in Washington you have to have something else... like a taillight out, or not wearing your seatbelt... secondary offense thing). I don't ever talk on my cell while driving. I've had it vibrate three times while I've driven alone, but never answered. I won't. Pulled over twice to make a phone call....

Teenagers aren't allowed to have cell phones.. be on them, I should say, when driving... I believe in both Oregon and Washington. I cna't remember if it is only one though... hmm....

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:58 pm
by J-man
Never been pulled over. I usually don't go higher than 5 mph over the speed limit, and that's mostly when it's out on the highway where it's 55 mph. I usually am going pretty fast around the curves though.. The honda I drive has great steering. \:D/

The closest I've had to a wreck is when a deer decided to jump in front of me and I couldn't stop fast enough. Wasn't my fault. :x

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:39 am
by EK
The Top Crusader wrote: I have also wrecked (with only superficial damage) into at least three unmoving objects in my day! \:D/
I ran into a CVS once! \:D/

I also usually go like....30 above the speed limit. :anxious:

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:23 am
by Baragon
Tyler wrote:I also usually go like....30 above the speed limit. :anxious:
Wow... :anxious:

I ran into a parked car, once... It was in my old car and it was about 4 in the morning... there was a bunch of fog. It doesn't compare to when Top left a dent in my dad's beloved truck, though. :noway:

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:22 am
by The Top Crusader
Captain Barbossa wrote:In Oregon and Washington, there is a "hands-free" rule. You get caught talking on a cell phone, or even texting, you get a fine... (but, I think in Washington you have to have something else... like a taillight out, or not wearing your seatbelt... secondary offense thing). I don't ever talk on my cell while driving. I've had it vibrate three times while I've driven alone, but never answered. I won't. Pulled over twice to make a phone call....

Teenagers aren't allowed to have cell phones.. be on them, I should say, when driving... I believe in both Oregon and Washington. I cna't remember if it is only one though... hmm....
I really like those kinds of laws... I hope they make similar laws over here. I don't know, some people CAN talk and drive at the same time, but texting while driving just seems like a bad idea. :noway: But as for the talking, basically every time I get in a near collision with another driver, its because they are on the cell phone and not paying attention.

Or very elderly.

Or high.

But mostly cell phone induced.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:36 am
by Iron and Light
Nope, never been pulled over.

Yep, broken a few driving rules.

Meh.. I'm just not that great of a driver yet, but my dad should read this thread when he's upset with me for breaking some driving rule or another. And he always says guys are the better drivers :noway:.

The only thing I've even nudged is a part of a chain-link fence, so no damage done by my hands \:D/.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:35 pm
by KODY 105
Iron and Light wrote:Meh.. I'm just not that great of a driver yet, but my dad should read this thread when he's upset with me for breaking some driving rule or another. And he always says guys are the better drivers :noway:.
With all due respect to your father, insurance actuaries know otherwise.