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Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:14 pm
by LizzieG
I never thought I liked reading poetry, but I've enjoyed what little I've read of Edgar Allan Poe ("A Dream Within a Dream," "The Raven").

As far as writing poetry... I don't do it much, as I generally prefer prose, but there are times when my thoughts take the form of rhymed words and phrases. Unfortunately, they usually don't make much sense together. :anxious:

In Imaginative Writing class today, we were supposed to read our "rough draft" poems. I, not having anything I wanted to read in front of the class, considered going up and saying:

I have not a poem to read
No - no, indeed.


Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:15 pm
by Jaina Sal Solo
I don't liked structured poetry more free-verse.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:13 am
by J-man
Never have liked poetry, although there's some free verse type poetry that isn't too bad. I much prefer prose. :noway:

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:57 am
by InHisArms
I love poetry! I can write some, though usually I just write rhyming's one I wrote:

Land of Imagination
By Anna

Come and let us run away
To the land of our imagination.
Together we’ll go today,
And visit lands of our creation.

Through pixie isles of wonder
We will tiptoe softly and gaze in awe.
Past seas and waves of thunder,
Where we are guests and nature is law.

In bright fields so vast and wide
We will run together with cares no more.
Past a snow-capped mountainside,
Like birds of the air, so free we will soar.

In rainbow filled lands we’ve laid
We will dance and sing with joy so sublime.
But the colors start to fade,
And we know we cannot stay for all time.

From this world we will escape,
In the land of our imagination.
But before it’s taken shape,
We must leave the land of our creation.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:54 pm
by V-lady
Nice peom, Kit Kat!

I like some poetry, I guess it just depends.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:24 pm
by Trent DeWhite
I recall enjoying poetry during one of my high school English classes. It really depends on the type of poem, I suppose.

One of my all-time favorites is the haiku.

No matter what I do
I cannot write haiku
Boo hoo.


Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:52 pm
by KODY 105
Take 5 wrote:One of my all-time favorites is the haiku.

No matter what I do
I cannot write haiku
Boo hoo.

Your haiku is incorrect, Trent. A haiku is supposed to have five syllables, seven, and five.

Your poem does sound very much like a poem Ogden Nash would write, though!

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 12:57 pm
by Pseudonym
KODY 105 wrote:
Take 5 wrote:One of my all-time favorites is the haiku.

No matter what I do
I cannot write haiku
Boo hoo.

Your haiku is incorrect, Trent. A haiku is supposed to have five syllables, seven, and five.
Well, he did say he can't write it... ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:32 pm
by Follower of Christ
I like to read and write poetry. I'm not th best at writing it, but it's something I enjoy doing.
Poetry is lovely.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:13 pm
by Trent DeWhite
KODY 105 wrote:
Take 5 wrote:One of my all-time favorites is the haiku.

No matter what I do
I cannot write haiku
Boo hoo.

Your haiku is incorrect, Trent. A haiku is supposed to have five syllables, seven, and five!
That is precisely the point. ;)

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:14 pm
by LizzieG
One thing I found funny was that my teacher warned us to be on the look-out for (and avoid) Yoda-speak.

Hmmm, let's give that a try:

Fearful you are
Just like a star
Judge me do you?
That's nothing new.


Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:04 pm
by Lord Sesshoumaru
I dont mind reading poems. I've been told that I'm pretty good at writing them. I dont have any offhand that I could post cause a lot of my online poems were either on my site that got deleted and/or on CBH which I believe is gone (my poems I mean).

I got a few on paper and I might post one fo them later.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:24 pm
by King Butter Turtle
Trent DeWhite wrote:I recall enjoying poetry during one of my high school English classes. It really depends on the type of poem, I suppose.

One of my all-time favorites is the haiku.

No matter what I do
I cannot write haiku
Boo hoo.

Haha, very similar to some of my favorite limeriks;

There once was a man from Japan
whose limeriks never would scan.
When asked why this was
he responded, "because
I alway try to fit as many syliballs into the last line as ever possibly I can."

There once was a man from the sticks
who liked to compose limeriks.
But he failed at the sport
for he wrote 'em too short.

I love certain types of poetry and hate others. I LOVE Ogden Nash, but I hate Edgar Allen Poe. I also hate anything that claims to be a poem, yet doesn't rhyme. I'm not the greatest at writing them, but I have done a few and I'm one for one in publishing attempts, so I must be pretty decsent, right? \:D/ I'm writing one now about Whit's End. Perhaps I will post it here when I'm finished.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:25 pm
by KODY 105
We will we waiting for your Whit's End poetry, your majesty.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:42 pm
by King Butter Turtle
I said perhaps.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:23 pm
by Pseudonym
Poetry is okay; some is better than others. However, I absolutely detest the "poems" by E. E. Cummings.

E. E. Cummings wrote:i thank You God for most this amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday;this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings:and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any--lifted from the no
of allnothing--human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

What? Was that English?