Who Are You?

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Who Are You?

Post by Iron and Light »

Seriously. A three word sentence- 'Who are you?'. Online, it can be quite easy for people to make opinions of each other based on far too many unreliable 'sources'. Heck, people even gather ideas about who you are from what avatar and signature you use, not to mention what you post, where you post, how often you post, your grammar, your spelling, and the list just goes on and on. The thing is, even though some of you may use chat talk, and can't spell to save your life, you're all still human beings, with personalities, likes and dislikes, and our own character. Most of the time, or at least the times that I've noticed, most of us are ten times different in real life than we are online. So now's your chance. I want to know the real you, and odds are, other ToO members want to know what you're really like, too. I've also noticed that the ToO, while not near as cliquey as other sites like CBH, has it's own set of cliques. The older users are friends with older users, the newer users are friends with newer users, and us mid-time users.. well, we're friends with everyone.... kidding about that last statement :p.

Ok, so enough of my ramblings *steps off of soapbox and burns it*. Just post a little about yourself- what you're really like.
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Post by Candy »

Ok, I'm just a normal 13 year old girl. I can be very tomboy, I can also be very girly if I want to be. I work at my parent's store, getting paid absolutely zip for all of the hours I put in. I listen to Odyssey every night as I go to sleep. I Love to climb trees, Paint my nails, Go shopping, jump on the trampoline. I'm just as normal as an active 13 year old can be.
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Post by Angel »

I'm....not a normal 16 year-old. I am often known to be shorter, stranger, and much goofier than my peers. I can be very serious about certain matters, but most of the time I am laughing, smiling, and grinning. I'm homeschooled, and have been all my life. I have two older brothers. I love a lot of hobbies, but compared to others, I'm not very good at them....which is why I don't compare what I've done to that of others. I love to teach, but I can also be annoyed if plans don't go as they should.

I think that's good for now, I may add something later if someone's post makes me remember something. And if you want to know if I'm the same online as I am in real life, ask one of the VA conventioneers; especially JIA. I think I am, but they may have a different opinion.
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Post by Candy »

Believe me you are. And you're really easy to get along with at either place. lol
I'd rather live as if there were a God, and found out there isn't, then to live as if there weren't a God, and find out there is.
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Post by Angel »

Aw, thank you. I have to say, you were a little different than I thought you would be, but you're still fun to be with! And we are totally awesome at juggling! \:D/ :-
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Post by Jugglah »

Angel wrote:Aw, thank you. I have to say, you were a little different than I thought you would be, but you're still fun to be with! And we are totally awesome at juggling! \:D/ :-
You guys juggled? Man, I can't believe I missed that! (I mean, I only live one state away.)

I'll get back with who I am. I'm not much for talking about myself, so I'll have to give it some thought.
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Post by Angel »

Jugglah wrote:
Angel wrote:Aw, thank you. I have to say, you were a little different than I thought you would be, but you're still fun to be with! And we are totally awesome at juggling! \:D/ :-
You guys juggled? Man, I can't believe I missed that! (I mean, I only live one state away.)
*grins* Well.....Tim juggled. We just...stood there and attempted to throw balls in the air correctly. It was quite amusing. I was working on trying to juggle two balls with one hand. I can do it relatively well, but I could use more practice.
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Post by Pseudonym »

I am actually a 23-year-old Asian man who sits in a little hut all day eating cheese. I somehow found a used laptop and connected to the internet by the use of hundreds of monkeys with computers connected together.

I now get money by playing popular MMORPG's, getting virtual currency, and selling it on shady sites.
So you lost your trust,
And you never should have.
No, you never should have.
But don't break your back
If you ever see this,
But don't answer that.
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I'll be doing my best
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Post by JED »

I am fourteen year old black kid. I am a liberal which I get alot of fire for. I like reading, I am Seventh Day Adventist and I am in Pathfinders. I weigh 123 pounds and I am about five feet 4 inches. Which is really pathetic....

(am I the only one in this thread taking the question seriously?)
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Post by Pseudonym »

JED wrote:I am fourteen year old black kid. I am a liberal which I get alot of fire for. I like reading, I am Seventh Day Adventist and I am in Pathfinders. I weigh 123 pounds and I am about five feet 4 inches. Which is really pathetic....

(am I the only one in this thread taking the question seriously?)
I'm taking it seriously. :noway:
So you lost your trust,
And you never should have.
No, you never should have.
But don't break your back
If you ever see this,
But don't answer that.
In a bullet proof vest
With the windows all closed,
I'll be doing my best
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Post by J-man »

Pseudonym wrote:I am actually a 23-year-old Asian man who sits in a little hut all day eating cheese. I somehow found a used laptop and connected to the internet by the use of hundreds of monkeys with computers connected together.

I now get money by playing popular MMORPG's, getting virtual currency, and selling it on shady sites.
You're a chinese gold farmer?! :mad:

I will have to post about myself sometime. :-
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Post by V-lady »

Who am I?

I am quiet. One of main reasons for this probably being that half the time I'm lost in my own thoughts. :) I am very girly, while still loving to do "guyish" things. I love being with other people, but also greatly enjoy solitude. I have quite an imagination. I am very organized. And I am quite persuasive.
Sometimes I wonder if people think of me as the more bubbly type. I am anything but bubbly. :p If you were to meet me in person, you might even think me to have a rather dual outlook on life. The truth is, I have lots of fun and enjoy life! ....That unfortunately just doesn't show much half the time.

And that's about all I can think of right now. ....Not that that wasn't long enough. :D
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Post by Pseudonym »

J-man wrote:
Pseudonym wrote:I am actually a 23-year-old Asian man who sits in a little hut all day eating cheese. I somehow found a used laptop and connected to the internet by the use of hundreds of monkeys with computers connected together.

I now get money by playing popular MMORPG's, getting virtual currency, and selling it on shady sites.
You're a chinese gold farmer?! :mad:
And a ninja looter. \:D/
So you lost your trust,
And you never should have.
No, you never should have.
But don't break your back
If you ever see this,
But don't answer that.
In a bullet proof vest
With the windows all closed,
I'll be doing my best
I'll see you soon.
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Post by Sonuna »

I'm an 18-year-old American female who is in denial about every factor of that in a number of different ways and who is often accused of being secretly British due to her extremely sardonic, deadpan snarker sense of humor.
I'm also a poster-child INTJ, albeit with a bit more 'traditional' creative interest than generally attributed, and often find myself having to manufacture emotional response in order to carry on a conversation about personal life. On the other hand, I rarely get stressed or angered by things--but when I do it's sort of impressively pyrotechnic, which isn't a terribly good tradeoff. Due to the combination of this with my type of creative interest, I sort of wind up being slightly detatched from reality often.

... it is also easy for me to be confused by live-action TV due to Hey It's That Guy moments, but that's beside the point.

Also, Psuedonym: You might want to be careful about saying that in mixed company. A number of people here used to play or are still playing Maplestory.
"Sonuna" Taranimak ("Sonuna" Sharkquill) has been content lately. She admired own very fine Bed recently. She talked with a parent recently. She talked with a friend recently. She had a good meal recently. She admired a fine tastefully-arranged Desk recently.
She is a citizen of The United States of America. She is a member of The State of Minnesota. She is a member of The Town of Odyssey.
"Sonuna" Taranimak likes Bauxite, Copper, Green jade, the color navy, cloaks, ballistas, cats for their aloofness and hydras for their seven heads. When possible, she prefers to consume Dr Pepper and ramen.
She lives at a relaxed pace. She tends to avoid crowds. She has a fertile imagination. She is completely disorganized. She is very distant and reserved. She tends not to openly express emotions. She needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Post by Over the Rainbow »

I am a dreamer. Ideas, plots, stories, ideas and fantasies rush through my mind constantly. I'm always believing and imagining I'm in another time and another place, espically over the rainbow.

I'm always very blissful, because there is so much in life to love. I love everything, people, animals, the earth. There is just so much goodness and wonder. I see things through rose colored glasses.

I'm rather childish I suppose. I have childish thoughts and feelings. People say I have this childlike innocence that makes me stand out from the rest of the crowd and brightens their day. I wish I were a child forever because I hate bleak reality and living in a society where I feel like I'm being forced to grow up too fast.
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Post by Sweetie »

Who am I?

I am a 16 year old girl who is extremely girly and I'm a quiet,shy person at first but once you get to know me I will talk your ears off:) I love people,having fun,chic flicks,shopping..I'm adverage teenage girl!
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Post by Stubborn »

I'm stubborn. \:D/


Anyway. I loved reading the few (serious) posts in this thread. It's a whole lot of fun seeing what people think of themselves as apposed to what one has gathered from posts and stuff. O:)
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Post by InHisArms »

To fully explain myself would take a couple pages of writing, and a couple hours to write it, so I shall just give you the basics.

I'm a 13 (and a half) year old girl, I grew up in a homeschooling family of 7 kids and a abusive dad which I never minded much...until recently I thought that all men sat around at their computer looking at porn and playing games, refusing to get a job and blowing up every couple days at his wife and kids for no good reason. Two years ago May he moved to an apartment near our house, I was a little sad because I didn't fully understand what all he did to me and my Mom and siblings. He filed for divorce last week and now I'm not sad at all, I haven't talked with him in over a year and I'd like to think he's out of my life. My sister is another matter, dad had taught her in rebellion and everything he was in to, she moved out a year ago and is living with friends or with her dad, we don't know where she is. She seems to enjoy hurting and stalking me, and she's making my life pretty miserable. She randomly drives by our house and yells stuff at the kids in the yard, she shows up at our church claiming that she wants to see me (good thing I wasn't there that week) she reads what I post on CBH and I don't know if she's found the ToO yet, and if she reads this I don't really care.

On June 18th we got information that my best friend Rachael had been hit by a car and airlifted to the hospital, a couple days later we got more more information...she had severe brain injuries and was in a coma in the ICU, after 2 agonizing weeks an MRI showed that she was brain-dead and she was taken off of life support. My sister showed up to hurt me again at the hospital and the funeral, chumming with Rachael's family and not letting me get near. I could have beaten her up right there in the church.

That may be more background than you really wanted to hear, back to myself.

Ever since Rachael died I've been more of a dreamer, I have photographic memory and can pretty much play movies in my head...very cool! I picture Rachael and I together in heaven, and all sorts of other things. I've discovered that I can write decent poetry and songs, though my attempt at a short story failed.
I'm pretty shy and it's hard for me to make friends, I've had two really, really good friends in my life...Rachael, and someone I met recently at church...I met her only because she wasn't as shy as me and walked right up and said hi...something I could never do. Rachael was pretty shy too, my Mom introduced us or we might never have known each other, we grew closer as the main clique at our church excluded both of us, and we had no one else to be with.
My friend says I'm awesome at directing, and that may be true...when I come out of my shell enough I can become a bold *slap-em-around* director type person, usually with people I'm comfortable with (namely my siblings and my friends siblings =P)
I've always loved to dance, something in me just has to be expressed in dance, I can't do without it. Recently I haven't been able to dance because of medical problems, then I just listen to music and choreograph dances in my head. I still wish I could dance though.

But most of the time I just live in a world of myself and my imaginings, I create imaginary people and picture their lives...they're not like 'pretend friends' as they never interact with me, but it's like writing a story...you think out all the characters habits and ways and life, I just find it hard to put my thoughts down on paper (or the computer screen)
I spend a good deal of time online, I've described in other places what the CBH message board has meant to me, and I don't want to make this a ton longer by saying it all here...But without support from people there I might have committed suicide, that's how badly I felt after Rachael died, I am better now, though I'll never forget her. The ToO has now become my substitute for CBH, but I don't feel like I fit in, I usually can't find anything to post and I feel uncomfortable talking with people...I guess I'm shy with people online as well as in real life.
I love to read, books create characters that I can imagine about, I can read the whole book in my mind over and over again and write new endings and imagine what came before, I never write things down but I have stacks of fan-fiction written in my mind.
I have recently developed a mania for photography and scrapbooking, I found a place online where you can create scrapbooks, and I spend hours making beautiful pages. I love to imagine where to take a picture, of whom and how, and finally how to make it into a scrapbook page, what words to include and everything...last night I stayed awake for hours picturing out a memory scrapbook of Rachael. Rachael loved scrapbooking, though she would do it in real books and not just online...but I don't have money to buy fancy papers and ribbons and everything I want, so it's easier to do it online.

This is a glimpse into my life, but no one can ever fully understand me.
Last edited by InHisArms on Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stubborn »

thelordismyshepherd wrote: This is a glimpse into my life, but no one can ever fully understand me.
Wow. Thanks for sharing, Anna. :hug:

Though, you're right. As hard as we try, I don't think any one is capable of really fully understanding a person. But we can at least try. ;)
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I'm a sentient computer virus.
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